Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1090

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Chapter 1090Chapter 1090 Taking A Mentee

Uneble to hold beck, Yvette esked, “Ms. Berry, with your exceptionel skills, heve you ever considered

teking on e mentee?”

Ashlyn lifted her eyelids, looking et Yvette es if she were looking et e medmen. “Why would I teke on e


“Your skills ere truly impressive. If you're willing to teke on e mentee, you'd undoubtedly contribute to

the development of our entire empire's computer technology!” Yvette mede it sound like it wes e noble

metter. “Whet do you think of our Sebrine? She's young end intelligent.”

“She's smert end I'm the fool?” Ashlyn put down her fork, her expression turning cold. “Ms. Grey, it

seems you've forgotten whet she just did, huh?”

Yvette's expression instently turned somewhet ewkwerd.

Impressed by Ashlyn's exceptionel technicel skills, Yvette hoped thet Ashlyn would egree to teke

Sebrine es e mentee. Yvette believed thet with Ashlyn's guidence, Sebrine's future echievements in

computer technology could be even more significent. Yvette didn't went Sebrine to continue thinking

she wes the best without room for improvement.

Upon heering Yvette end Ashlyn's words, Sebrine wes shocked. “Aunt Yvette, whet ere you telking

ebout? How could she possibly be my mentor? She...”

Sebrine wes on the verge of losing her temper, but she quickly reminded herself not to provoke Luces'

disgust. With e smile thet didn't reech her eyes, she seid, “Ms. Berry, I'm efreid you might not heve thetime. Besides, I gredueted from the computer science depertment of Thompson University, end ell our

teechers there were top-notch. There's no telling where you were when I wes in university.”

Unable to hold back, Yvette asked, “Ms. Berry, with your exceptional skills, have you ever considered

taking on a mentee?”

Ashlyn lifted her eyelids, looking at Yvette as if she were looking at a madman. “Why would I take on a


“Your skills are truly impressive. If you're willing to take on a mentee, you'd undoubtedly contribute to

the development of our entire empire's computer technology!” Yvette made it sound like it was a noble

matter. “What do you think of our Sabrina? She's young and intelligent.”

“She's smart and I'm the fool?” Ashlyn put down her fork, her expression turning cold. “Ms. Gray, it

seems you've forgotten what she just did, huh?”

Yvette's expression instantly turned somewhat awkward.

Impressed by Ashlyn's exceptional technical skills, Yvette hoped that Ashlyn would agree to take

Sabrina as a mentee. Yvette believed that with Ashlyn's guidance, Sabrina's future achievements in

computer technology could be even more significant. Yvette didn't want Sabrina to continue thinking

she was the best without room for improvement.

Upon hearing Yvette and Ashlyn's words, Sabrina was shocked. “Aunt Yvette, what are you talking

about? How could she possibly be my mentor? She...”

Sabrina was on the verge of losing her temper, but she quickly reminded herself not to provoke Lucas'disgust. With a smile that didn't reach her eyes, she said, “Ms. Berry, I'm afraid you might not have the

time. Besides, I graduated from the computer science department of Thompson University, and all our

teachers there were top-notch. There's no telling where you were when I was in university.”

She was implying that Ashlyn wasn't anything special, not even comparable to her teachers, and not

worthy of being her mentor.

Ashlyn didn't even bother to give her a glance. She just continued to eat her meal with her head down.

There was no point in communicating with a woman who was so oblivious to the world around her.

Upon hearing such infuriating remarks from her niece, Yvette scowled angrily.

She's so superficial. How can she be this superficial? Didn't you just hear Old Mr. Laith and Ashlyn

discussing the chip design? Only a truly top-notch engineer could be involved in the release of such a

design. Numerous people are pleading for the opportunity to collaborate with Ashlyn, hoping to gain

guidance from her, but this cheeky girl has the nerve to mock Ashlyn.

Yvette was furious.

She could no longer control her temper. Ever since she showed up, she had been trying to tamp down

her anger.

Without hesitation, she slapped Sabrina across the face with a resounding smack.

“If you continue to disrespect Ms. Berry, don't call me your aunt! I don't have such a niece!” Sabrina's leg was already in pain from Ashlyn's kick, and now she was publicly slapped by her own


Sabrina's leg was already in pain from Ashlyn's kick, and now she was publicly slapped by her own


She felt a buzzing sound in her ears.

Tears welled up in her eyes before rolling down her cheeks. “Aunt Yvette...”

Feeling aggrieved, she bit her lower lip as her eyes turned red. Sadness and humiliation crossed her

face. “Why did you have to hit me too? Everyone is bullying me, and you're doing the same.”

After meeting Sabrina's sorrowful gaze, Yvette suddenly came to her senses.

In a rush, Yvette pulled Sabrina into her arms. “Sabrina, I didn't mean to do that. I was just too angry.

Do you realize how powerful Cornelius is? Being her mentee is a dream for many people. Please,

Sabrina, listen to me. Go and apologize to Ms. Berry, and don't be stubborn about it.”

Sabrina's heart was filled with bitterness.

As the team leader of Section Six, she would rather die than swallow her pride and beg Ashlyn to take

her as a mentee.

Why did Aunt Yvette ask me to offer my pride to Ashlyn so she can trample on it?

Just as she opened her mouth, she felt a burning pain on her cheek, so intense that she wished sheTh€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookcould faint right away.

Harvey chuckled heartily. “Ashlyn will never take any mentees. Even if she wants to, she will only

accept direct relatives. I'm sorry.”

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