Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 858

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Blair seethed with anger as he listened to Mary’s unreasonable words. “The Peacock is owned by my

family. We can come and eat whenever we please! Who are you to tell us otherwise?”

Her unreasonableness never ceases to amaze me.

Mary scrutinized Blair and saw a handsome young man. What a shame he’s Ashlyn’s lap dog. Trash.

“Who do you think you are? How dare you talk to me like that? I’m the daughter of the Count. Stop

bragging. The Peacock belongs to your family? Do you really think you’re one of the Nolans?” Mary

spat out, directing her words at Blair.

Blair fumed with rage. “If I’m not a Nolan, then who is? You? You’re certainly not a Nolan. What’s so

impressive about being the Count’s daughter? Does he even have jurisdiction here in Lake City?”

Ashley tugged on Blair’s sleeve and turned to Mary with annoyance in her eyes. “Ms. Canter, please

stop insulting my brother. It’s pointless. You should just enjoy your meal.”

“Mom, let’s go. I don’t want to embarrass myself any further by being associated with her. Besides,

we’re better than this. Just look at her. She’s acting like a shrew right now,” Penelope said, placing a

hand on Mary’s arm and looking down at everyone else with disdain.

Hmph! Ashlyn and I are from two different worlds.

Meanwhile, Naomi was fuming and had an intense urge to give Penelope a tight slap on the face.

Does she even know what she’s saying? How dare those shrews accuse Ashlyn of being one? Don’t

they realize they’re acting exactly like a shrew right now? This is sickening. How can one be so

disgusting? Does she eat right out of the toilet bowl every day?

“Forget it! Let’s go! We don’t want to keep our guests waiting,” Mary snapped irritably.

Penelope, on the other hand, tried to maintain a façade of grace and sophistication. “Mom, Mr.

Haddock even invited some paparazzi. It’s important that we maintain our image, even if others choose

not to.”

Ashlyn’s captivating beauty always drew attention wherever she went, making her the center of


No matter how much effort others put into dressing up, they could never ignore Ashlyn’s presence.

Penelope’s jealousy towards Ashlyn intensified when she noticed the paparazzi snapping photos of the

latter, as it made her upset to see the attention Ashlyn was getting.

Mary’s face twisted with disgust as she glared at Ashlyn. “Forget it. Let’s go!”

She despised Ashlyn for making a fool of her and her daughter at the Count’s Mansion and for the

subsequent snubbing by Bianca.

Ashlyn looked at them nonchalantly. “Take care. Bye.”

Mary was so angry that she almost stumbled, but Penelope steadied her.

Blair and Tinsor were impressed by Ashlyn’s confidence and bravery.

“Ashlyn, you’re such a badass!”

“You’re amazing, Ashlyn!”

However, Winsor noticed something odd. “There’s something strange going on here. Dixon would

never have gotten involved with those two in the past, but this time he’s making a huge show of it and

even invited paparazzi over…”

“Let’s wait and see. I’m curious to see what Dixon is up to,” Ashlyn said coldly.

“Ms. Berry, rest assured I won’t let him have his way.” Winsor expressed his stance firmly.

Suddenly, Ashley’s phone chimed, interrupting the conversation.

She pulled it out and saw a text message from Harvey.

Harvey texted: Lynnie, your Uncle Harvey is here.

Ashlyn replied: I’m at the entrance of The Peacock.

Harvey: All right. Wait for me there.

Their conversation ended there.

Ashlyn put her phone away and turned to look at the doorway.

She saw that Mary and Penelope had already arrived at the spot where she typically welcomed her


Mary’s face was still red with anger. It was clear that she was still fuming about the confrontation with


Mary was so angry that sha almost stumblad, but Panalopa staadiad har.

Blair and Tinsor wara imprassad by Ashlyn’s confidanca and bravary.

“Ashlyn, you’ra such a badass!”

“You’ra amazing, Ashlyn!”

Howavar, Winsor noticad somathing odd. “Thara’s somathing stranga going on hara. Dixon would

navar hava gottan involvad with thosa two in tha past, but this tima ha’s making a huga show of it and

avan invitad paparazzi ovar…”

“Lat’s wait and saa. I’m curious to saa what Dixon is up to,” Ashlyn said coldly.

“Ms. Barry, rast assurad I won’t lat him hava his way.” Winsor axprassad his stanca firmly.

Suddanly, Ashlay’s phona chimad, intarrupting tha convarsation.

Sha pullad it out and saw a taxt massaga from Harvay.

Harvay taxtad: Lynnia, your Uncla Harvay is hara.

Ashlyn rapliad: I’m at tha antranca of Tha Paacock.

Harvay: All right. Wait for ma thara.

Thair convarsation andad thara.

Ashlyn put har phona away and turnad to look at tha doorway.

Sha saw that Mary and Panalopa had alraady arrivad at tha spot whara sha typically walcomad har


Mary’s faca was still rad with angar. It was claar that sha was still fuming about tha confrontation with


Read My Extraordinary Wife - the best manga of


Of the Novelebook stories I have ever read, perhaps the most impressive thing is My Extraordinary

Wife. The story is too good, leaving me with many doubts. Currently the manga has been translated

to Chapter 858. Let's read now the author's My Extraordinary Wife Novelebook story right here


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