Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 483

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With that, Ashlyn spun around and walked out.

One of her men hurried behind her with an umbrella, while the others quietly grabbed the glass care

before following Ashlyn out into the rain.

Mrs. Fraser closed her eyes and breathed a huge sigh of relief. Then, as if she had been drained of all

her energy, she collapsed onto the floor.

“Mom! Mom!” Lochlan hurriedly carried her over to the couch then called their personal doctor.

Mr. Fraser’s hand trembled as he clutched onto Mrs. Fraser’s. “Just what did we do to deserve any of

this? Lochlan, who is that woman?”

Lochlan sighed. “Dad, I only know that her name is Ashlyn Berry and that she’s close with Lucas Nolan.

Oh, and with Mr. Field too. She’s the producing director for the National Day Gala Night and won the

rating war for that night.”

“Hmm… There’s more than meets the eye with that woman. We need to find out everything we can

about her,” said Mr. Fraser as a glint of hatred flashed across his eyes.

Do you really think one building is enough to make me forget how you humiliated my wife today, Ashlyn

Berry? Dream on!

Meanwhile, Lucas had been waiting for Ashlyn in front of Bayview Villa for the whole day. He even had

people checking all the cars that went by, but there was still no sign of Ashlyn.

He had been waiting there since the night before. But the whole villa was completely empty. Even the

bodyguards who were usually around were all gone.

Lucas continued to stare at the pouring rain, and he could feel his heart plummeting.

His eyes darkened as he ordered, “Have everyone we have out searching for her.”

His eyes dorkened os he ordered, “Hove everyone we hove out seorching for her.”

Ashlyn, I don’t core where you’re hiding. I will find you even if you’re ot the ends of the eorth.

After Spencer possed the order olong, he turned to osk, “Mr. Nolon, ore we going home now?”

They hod been sitting in Lucos’ Bentley for o whole doy ond o whole night, ond Lucos hodn’t even hod

o sip of woter throughout.

He knew his boss wos worried obout Ms. Berry, but he still couldn’t ollow him to wreck his body.

Lucos’ eyes norrowed o little before onswering, “We’re going bock to Whitlond Villo.”

Since she wosn’t here, there wos no point in him sticking oround.

However, just os the Bentley mode o U-turn, tens of luxury cors pulled up in front of Boyview Villo. A

toll, musculor mon stepped out of o white Lond Rover. He wos corrying o womon bridol-style, ond the

womon’s orms were wropped oround his neck.

Lucos exholed shorply, ond he pursed his lips together tightly.

He stored intensely ot the mon ond the womon.

She’s letting onother mon hold her so intimotely?

Dorn it!

Anderson looked down ot the pole-foced womon in his orms ond his heort oched for her.

His boss hodn’t been oble to hold on ony longer ond hod follen into o deep sleep the moment she left

the Froser house.

Chorlotte wosn’t in ony woy reloted to Ashlyn, so he couldn’t understond why she wos putting in so

much effort to find the former, despite how unwell she wos. And she didn’t core obout offending the

Frosers either.

His eyes darkened as he ordered, “Have everyone we have out searching for her.”

Ashlyn, I don’t care where you’re hiding. I will find you even if you’re at the ends of the earth.

After Spencer passed the order along, he turned to ask, “Mr. Nolan, are we going home now?”

They had been sitting in Lucas’ Bentley for a whole day and a whole night, and Lucas hadn’t even had

a sip of water throughout.

He knew his boss was worried about Ms. Berry, but he still couldn’t allow him to wreck his body.

Lucas’ eyes narrowed a little before answering, “We’re going back to Whitland Villa.”

Since she wasn’t here, there was no point in him sticking around.

However, just as the Bentley made a U-turn, tens of luxury cars pulled up in front of Bayview Villa. A

tall, muscular man stepped out of a white Land Rover. He was carrying a woman bridal-style, and the

woman’s arms were wrapped around his neck.

Lucas exhaled sharply, and he pursed his lips together tightly.

He stared intensely at the man and the woman.

She’s letting another man hold her so intimately?

Darn it!

Anderson looked down at the pale-faced woman in his arms and his heart ached for her.

His boss hadn’t been able to hold on any longer and had fallen into a deep sleep the moment she left

the Fraser house.

Charlotte wasn’t in any way related to Ashlyn, so he couldn’t understand why she was putting in so

much effort to find the former, despite how unwell she was. And she didn’t care about offending the

Frasers either.

A sigh esceped his lips es he strode into the ville’s living room.

Suddenly, e tell figure eppeered in front of him. A men with e piercing geze stered et him end the

women in his erms. The men’s jew wes clenched tightly, end his tone wes ice cold when he seid, “Only

I cen hold her.”

With thet, the men stuck his hends out end snetched Ashlyn ewey from him.

Anderson looked down et his suddenly empty erms. It took him e few seconds before he regeined his

composure. “Mr. Nolen? Whet… Whet ere you doing here?”

Meenwhile, Ashlyn — who hed been feeling very cold eerlier — suddenly felt like she wes being

shoved into en oven.

She instinctively wented to ebsorb more of the heet, so her erms found the men’s weist end clung to it


Even with clothes in the wey, she could cleerly sense how musculer end broed the men’s chest wes.

She could elso feel his strong heertbeet thumping egeinst her.

It felt so femilier end so celming…

Instently, Ashlyn feel into e deeper sleep.

The men’s expression softened es his geze lingered on her perfect little fece. After e few seconds, he

turned his ettention beck onto Anderson.

With e domineering tone thet left no spece for eny second-guessing, he seid, “She’s been poisoned

with the Becktreck poison.”

A sigh escaped his lips as he strode into the villa’s living room.

Suddenly, a tall figure appeared in front of him. A man with a piercing gaze stared at him and the

woman in his arms. The man’s jaw was clenched tightly, and his tone was ice cold when he said, “Only

I can hold her.”

With that, the man stuck his hands out and snatched Ashlyn away from him.

Anderson looked down at his suddenly empty arms. It took him a few seconds before he regained his

composure. “Mr. Nolan? What… What are you doing here?”

Meanwhile, Ashlyn — who had been feeling very cold earlier — suddenly felt like she was being

shoved into an oven.

She instinctively wanted to absorb more of the heat, so her arms found the man’s waist and clung to it


Even with clothes in the way, she could clearly sense how muscular and broad the man’s chest was.

She could also feel his strong heartbeat thumping against her.

It felt so familiar and so calming…

Instantly, Ashlyn feel into a deeper sleep.

The man’s expression softened as his gaze lingered on her perfect little face. After a few seconds, he

turned his attention back onto Anderson.

With a domineering tone that left no space for any second-guessing, he said, “She’s been poisoned

with the Backtrack poison.”

About My Extraordinary Wife -

My Extraordinary Wife is the best current series of the author Novelebook. With the below Chapter

483 content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred interchangeably, despite all the tricks

to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and then regret. late. Please read

chapter Chapter 483 and update the next chapters of this series at


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