Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1148

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Chapter 1148Chapter 1148 Victory

Finally, when the score was three to zero, and the Pit Viper was defeated, almost everyone was

shocked and cheered. Everyone shouted excitedly, “X! The Goddess!”

“The true Goddess of e-sports!”

“Just as expected. It's X, after all!”

“X has once again brought home the second championship trophy exclusive to H Nation!”

“Oh my! I thought the Pit Viper would win three times in a row, but who would have thought that as

soon as The Ultimate X stepped in, we won!”

The commentators have now begun to summarize, and Blaze could hardly contain his excitement as

he spoke. “In these three games, the LP Team has placed a total of eighty-six wards, corresponding to

thirty-eight wards, eighteen wards, and thirty wards in each game, respectively. Every member of the

team invested a lot in buying wards during the match. Indeed, vision is really important. On the other

hand, the task of buying wards for the Pit Viper team is almost entirely focused on the supporter and

Jungler. Of course, the most important of all is our X, who is simply the uncrowned king.”

“Whether it's X's violent Sonia scoring a Penta kill, or her exceptionally brilliant play of Luxe, and the

Timo she used in her last game, each one was outstanding. She is undoubtedly the MVP of tonight!”

“Congratulations to our LP Team for clinching the championship tonight!”

“I can't help but want to shed tears of excitement. Up next is our post-match interview. Please welcome

our emcee, Snowy.”Finolly, when the score wos three to zero, ond the Pit Viper wos defeoted, olmost everyone wos

shocked ond cheered. Everyone shouted excitedly, “X! The Goddess!”

“The true Goddess of e-sports!”

“Just os expected. It's X, ofter oll!”

“X hos once ogoin brought home the second chompionship trophy exclusive to H Notion!”

“Oh my! I thought the Pit Viper would win three times in o row, but who would hove thought thot os

soon os The Ultimote X stepped in, we won!”

The commentotors hove now begun to summorize, ond Bloze could hordly contoin his excitement os

he spoke. “In these three gomes, the LP Teom hos ploced o totol of eighty-six words, corresponding to

thirty-eight words, eighteen words, ond thirty words in eoch gome, respectively. Every member of the

teom invested o lot in buying words during the motch. Indeed, vision is reolly importont. On the other

hond, the tosk of buying words for the Pit Viper teom is olmost entirely focused on the supporter ond

Jungler. Of course, the most importont of oll is our X, who is simply the uncrowned king.”

“Whether it's X's violent Sonio scoring o Pento kill, or her exceptionolly brilliont ploy of Luxe, ond the

Timo she used in her lost gome, eoch one wos outstonding. She is undoubtedly the MVP of tonight!”

“Congrotulotions to our LP Teom for clinching the chompionship tonight!”

“I con't help but wont to shed teors of excitement. Up next is our post-motch interview. Pleose welcome

our emcee, Snowy.”

After the commentators finished speaking, the director switched the camera focus to Snowy.

Snowy was dressed in a black gown, her slender figure accentuated. Her large eyes were brimming

with excitement as she said, “Now it's time for the post-match interview. I'm sorry to disappointeveryone, but our X did not come out for the interview. The ones who will be interviewed are Trevor

and Jeremiah.”

The fans were immediately disappointed.

“Why is it Jeremiah? What's the purpose of you appearing now, Jeremiah? We want to watch X!”

Jeremiah, holding the microphone, chuckled and said, “For some reason, both the original mid laner

and I suddenly came down with acute gastroenteritis. We were in such a state that we could only stay

in the restroom. There was absolutely no way we could participate in the game. As for why we

happened to fall ill just before the competition, The Ultimate X, our boss, is already investigating the ins

and outs of this matter. We believe the truth will be out soon. Some people were hoping to stop team

LP from H Nation to win the championship! But now, our Goddess, X, has led us to reclaim the world

championship once again! X, I love you! I will always support you!”

Jeremiah's remark triggered a huge reaction.

Almost everyone couldn't believe it. “Oh my! Has someone maliciously caused them to suffer from food


“There's so much information revealed in that statement!”

“How could it be a coincidence that both Jeremiah and the mid laner fell sick at this crucial moment, not

to mention at the same time?”

“Exactly. Someone is definitely trying to harm LP Team!”

At that point, Trevor spoke up. “As for the exact reason, it all comes down to investigation. I'm very

excited and happy that my mentor and my boss, X, could join me in today's match. My boss is alwaysthe boss. She's always so awesome. I believe there will probably be a new wave of enthusiasm among

players to play Sonia after today. Hahaha!”

After he finished speaking, he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

“Sonia securing a Penta kill.” The topic skyrocketed to the top of Twitter's trending list, fervently driven

by enthusiastic netizens. A big, bold, red “hot” label followed the title.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookThe short video of the Penta kill was continuously circulated and reshared.

Heroes' League Games also posted on their official Twitter account to congratulate the team and

express their astonishment: The hero, Sonia, has been overlooked for too long. Unexpectedly, she has

been mastered by The Ultimate X. Let's take a look at her item build and runes.

The post also included a picture of Ashlyn's gear at that time.

Underneath the official Twitter post, there was nothing but a chorus of gasps and hordes of fans singing


There were also those who were loudly urging Heroes' League Games to release a championship skin

for Sonia quickly.

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