Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1109

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Chapter 1109Chapter 1109 James Awakens

“I am James' sister-in-law and also a doctor,” Ashlyn said as she stared at him indifferently. “If you don't

want to file the report, I don't mind doing it myself.”

“You!” The sergeant gritted his teeth, glaring at her. “Don't push your luck.”

“You're welcome to arrest me!” Ashlyn glanced at him lazily. She was now filled with disgust for

everyone there.

Not wanting to bother with them, she stood up and took James' temperature again.

After feeding him more medicine, she administered another IV drip.

His temperature began to drop. Although he still had a low-grade fever of thirty-eight degrees, it was

much better than the frighteningly high temperature earlier.

“Wayne, Logan, stay here and watch her! If she dares to make any rash moves, arrest her

immediately!” Cowing to Ashlyn, the sergeant finally ordered two prison guards to stay behind before

leaving with the others.

As the security there was stringent, he believed that Ashlyn wouldn't dare to do anything out of line.

Ashlyn subsequently took out her phone and dialed Lucas' number, briefing him on the situation.

In the end, she said, “You guys should go home first. I'll be staying back here.”

Lucas hesitated for a moment. “Alright.”After hanging up the phone, he relayed the message to Joseph and added, “Joe, you take Lottie home.

I'll keep watch here.”

He wanted to be there the moment Ashlyn came out.

There was no way he could bear to leave her alone there.

“How could we possibly leave?” Charlotte's eyes sparkled with determination. “Joseph, I don't want to

leave. I want to stay.”

Joseph nodded in agreement. “We won't leave. Although it's cold here at night, there's still heating in

the lobby.”

“Alright then.” Lucas's gaze pierced through the glass once more, but he couldn't see anything.

As time passed slowly, the waiting process was tormenting to everyone, regardless of whether they

were outside or inside.

Ashlyn kept James company, along with the two prison guards.

Those two prison guards were so exhausted they could barely keep their eyes open, yet they still tried

their best to stay awake.

When Wayne glanced at Ashlyn, he couldn't help but admire how alert she still looked. “How does she

have so much energy? Do all beautiful women have such good stamina?”

“I'm so sleepy. Come, let me lean on you for a bit.” Logan quickly moved closer to Wayne.

The two of them leaned on each other, both on the verge of sleep.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookAs the sky began to brighten, James slowly opened his eyes from his sickbed.My head hurts. It feels like it's about to explode.

He stared at the ceiling for a while, remembering that the bed in his cell looked different. There's

supposed to be another bunk above me. Why am I looking at the ceiling now?

He was stunned when he heard a familiar female voice. “You're finally awake, James.”

He whipped his head around abruptly, only to find a beautiful woman sitting by the bed. When her

stunning face entered his view, he looked at Ashlyn in shock. “Ashlyn? What are you doing here?”

“You're sick, and it's serious,” Ashlyn replied, glancing up at the IV drip. It was the fourth bag and once

it was finished, his body would recover quickly, while his suffering would also be somewhat alleviated.

“How did you get them to let you in?” James was still quite shocked.

“I'll leave as soon as dawn breaks.” Ashlyn glanced again at the two prison guards nearby who were

sound asleep. They had finally given in to their drowsiness.

“James, listen to me. We will find a way to save you and clear your name. We've found out that the

Fraser and Haddock families have set you up. We will find the evidence to help you.”

“Ashlyn...” James was deeply shocked. “The Fraser family? The Haddock family?” He had long

suspected that Dixon would seek revenge, for he had been investigating the Haddock family all this


I just didn't expect Dixon to act so swiftly and ruthlessly!

“Yes. This is a bottle of Rulent 133. Keep it properly. If you're not feeling well, just take one.” Ashlyn

handed the medicine bottle she carried with her to James.“Rulent 133? Sounds somewhat familiar...” However, James couldn't recall where he had heard of it

before. Thereafter, he furrowed his brows as his head was still aching a little.

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