Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1127

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Chapter 1127Chapter 1127 Gym Class

You guys are so lucky to have encountered such a beautiful and incredibly professional lady!

Can any of you convince her? If not, we'll all go and plead with her to come!

The cost of her lecture comes out of our class fund! We still have five thousand in our class fund!

Ashlyn was rendered speechless when she saw that. This enthusiasm is a bit over the top, isn't it?

Lucas wrapped his arm around her waist and leaned in to lightly brush his thin lips against her ear. In a

magnetic voice, he whispered, “The children are so enthusiastic. Why don't you give them a lecture?”

Ashlyn gave him a helpless look. “I can go, but you can't escape either. Will you go and teach them a

gym class?”

Lucas gave her an ambiguous glance. “I get it. You want us to act as a team, don't you?”

Ashlyn was speechless. “Behave yourself.”

Upon hearing her agreement and the bonus of the handsome guy attending gym class, several girls'

eyes lit up with excitement.

Larissa couldn't help but laugh. “Thank you both. Feel free to name your price.”

“Talking about money hurts feelings, even though we don't really have any feelings.” Ashlyn'sindifferent voice rang out. “This isn't the first time I've lectured medical students.”

Upon hearing this, Larissa was slightly taken aback. “Uh... May I know your name?”

“You'll find out tomorrow.” Ashlyn's lips curled into a smile. “I'll be at the medical school promptly at nine

in the morning.”

“Professor Scott, I feel she has such a strong aura! She's so young, yet her professional knowledge is

so extensive,” a female student said as she leaned toward Larissa and admired Ashlyn's retreating


“While watching the movie, the knowledge she displayed was impressive. You could tell she was an

expert just by listening to her. There were some points that were so complex that I didn't even

understand.” Larissa became increasingly curious about Ashlyn. When did such a promising young

woman emerge in the medical field in Jadeborough? Why haven't I heard about her? Also, why do I

find that handsome man so familiar?

After leaving the cinema, it was already past nine at night.

“What would you like to eat?” The deep voice of Lucas, carried by the night breeze, was particularly

pleasing to the ear.

Ashlyn felt a slight flutter in her heart. “Let's just grab a bite and head back.”

“Oh. Fancy some beer or barbeque?” No sooner had Lucas's words fallen than a gust of cold wind

swept in, carrying a faint flurry of snowflakes descending from the sky. Snowflakes fell like grains of sand, one by one, caught in the open palm of Ashlyn.

A few snowflakes fell into her palm, instantly melting into water.

“Let's go. It's cold out here. A bit of berry sounds nice.” Ashlyn nodded, climbing into the car.

“The northern region really gets cold in winter, and there's a lot of snow.” Spencer started the car.

“When I was a kid, I used to love snuggling into my dad's arms as soon as winter came. I would also

run out to play snowball fights and build snowmen with the other kids in the courtyard. But after moving

to Lake City, I rarely saw snow.”

“While watching the movie, the knowledge she displayed was impressive. You could tell she was an

expert just by listening to her. There were some points that were so complex that I didn't even

understand.” Larissa became increasingly curious about Ashlyn. When did such a promising young

woman emerge in the medical field in Jadeborough? Why haven't I heard about her? Also, why do I

find that handsome man so familiar?

“Have you not gone back to the White residence after you came to Jadeborough?” Ashlyn sat behind,

lazily propping up her chin, her almond eyes coolly watching the snowflakes drifting outside the


The man driving in front was momentarily taken aback, and after a while, he finally said, “I'm not going


“Christmas is almost here, and New Year's Day follows right after. The New Year is just around the

corner.” Ashlyn curved her lips to smile. “Your mom must miss you a lot.” Spencer remained silent, for some reason thinking of Christmas made him recall Cassandra.

Upon hearing Ashlyn's words, Lucas realized that, indeed, Christmas was just around the corner.

A glint of sharpness flashed through the man's eyes.

At this very moment, Cassandra, who was sitting on the airplane, sneezed.

She touched her nose, wondering what was going on. Who had scolded me? I haven't even arrived in

Jadeborough yet. Have I already caught a cold from the chill?

After disembarking from the plane, Cassandra pulled her suitcase along, following the crowd out of the

terminal, and then made her way to the airport entrance.

She hailed a cab, gave the driver the address that Ashlyn had given her, and as she watched the

scenery whizzing by outside the window, she felt a slight sense of drowsiness.Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebook

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