Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1084

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Chapter 1084Chapter 1084 Ashlyn Is Cornelius

The woman's cool voice echoed lightly, “It's nothing much. I just need to reinforce the firewall.”

She spoke lightly, but her fingers never ceased their motion.

All eyes fell back on her, revealing the woman's strikingly beautiful porcelain skin, which subtly glowed

with a faint halo under the light.

Her serious and focused expression was also incredibly captivating.

Lucas silently watched her every move.

His heart began to pound wildly again.

She always had a way of drawing him in, making it impossible for him to look away.

She made him yearn for her, in both body and soul, forever wanting nothing more than to be by her

side, watching over her.

“Ms. Gray, didn't you say this firewall was the most robust and impenetrable?” Silas chuckled, his

expression devoid of any disdain or contempt as if he was just making casual conversation.

Sabrina's face, which was as white as snow, suddenly turned a dark red. It was so dark and so red that

it was extremely ugly.

How long has Silas known Ashlyn? He's already become her lapdog. How dare he question me in front

of everyone?

She was so angry she was gritting her teeth, yet she had no words to retort.I was the one who made grandiose statements at first, and now, I'm the one getting a taste of my own

medicine. What else can I do? Can I only watch as Ashlyn completely humiliates me?

Sabrina felt a chill run through her entire body as if someone had just dumped a bucket of ice water

over her head.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookIt was devastating and chilling to the bone.

But Silas wasn't ready to let her off the hook. He turned to Yvette again, “Ms. Gray, didn't you say that

Cornelius would be coming? Why has it been so long, and he still hasn't arrived?”

“Um...” Yvette's face suddenly turned quite unsightly.

The call was made by Lucas, and it was Lucas who agreed to invite him.

How did it suddenly turn into her asking Cornelius to come?

Upon hearing Silas's voice, Ashlyn tilted her head and glanced at him. “Do you want to see Cornelius?”

“Who wouldn't want to meet the great master? As technicians, of course, we all want to meet Zero and

Cornelius! They are the top technical talents in H Nation.”

Silas would get excited whenever he talked about Cornelius. “I even bought the latest computer model

from Magnecal Tech!” he exclaimed.

Even though his skills were the least advanced among this group of technicians, he still really liked


“Hahaha!” Just then, a hearty laugh echoed from the doorway. “Isn't Cornelius right in front of you?”

Everyone couldn't help but look toward the door, only to see that Harvey had arrived at some point

without them noticing.He was dressed in a grey suit, looking vibrant and full of energy. He strolled over to Ashlyn and put his

large hand on her shoulder, his face solemn.

“Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce this man. This is our tech wizard from Magnecal Tech,

the great Cornelius.”

Everyone was stunned.

Lucas was no exception.

Not a single person made a sound. The entire technical department was so quiet that one could hear a

pin drop.


“Cornelius?” Silas looked shocked.

Sabrina's face was extremely pale, and she almost shrieked in disbelief. Her beautiful face contorted.

“How is this possible?”

Yvette also recovered from her shock. “Old Mr. Laith, is this really true?”

“Of course, it's true. Where do you think those configuration lists came from?” Harvey looked at Ashlyn

with extreme affection. “Mr. Nolan really doesn't even know who his own wife is. Tsk, tsk! He even

asked me to explain it to Ashlyn, hahaha!”

A dark look fell over Lucas' handsome features.

When he thought about the humble way he spoke when he had called Harvey, he almost lost it.

I really want to kick this guy out. How dare he gloat over my misfortune?“Why did you ask me when your own wife can do it?” Harvey laughed even more arrogantly. “He even

wanted me to call Ashlyn, hahaha!”

He laughed heartily, thoroughly enjoying himself, completely disregarding Lucas's dignity.

Lucas slightly squinted his eyes, a faint chill flickering in their depths.

Ashlyn is Cornelius... I really hadn't expected that. No wonder, after I made the call, Ashlyn came over

shortly to start handling the situation.

“Uncle Harvey, what are you gloating about?” Ashlyn's enticing eyes slightly lifted at the corners, filled

with endless charm.

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