Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 339

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By the time Ashlyn reached the Concert Hall, the performers were already conducting their final


But after scanning the hall, she noticed Janet was not around.

This made Ashlyn pursed her lips in displeasure.

After that, she turned around to the crew who all greeted her respectfully.

Ashlyn nodded and turned to Pierre and the other co-producers. “I’m sorry. Janet may not be able to

perform later. Something had happened to the Smiths and we’ve lost contact with her.”

“Lost contact with her?” Pierre exclaimed.

“Yes,” Ashlyn replied. “She has been out of contact for some time now, so she most likely couldn’t act

in the sketch later. I think we have to come out with another program now.”

“Ms. Berry, I think it would be best to get an idol or any popular young celebrity to save the show,” Lisa

uttered as a hint of delight flashed across her eyes.

It was so fast that no one could catch it, yet it didn’t escape Ashlyn keen eyes.

She just smiled with her head low and replied in a slightly panicked voice, “No way! The idol has never

practiced with us before, so she most likely couldn’t play the character well. If we messed up this

performance, I will be the one to bear the wrath of the higher-ups, which I don’t want to face at all.”

Lisa approached Ashlyn in her long, red dress and patted her shoulders.

The delight in her thickened as she saw how panicked Ashlyn looked. With a gloating tone, Lisa

comforted Ashlyn over her misfortune.

“Well, you shouldn’t worry too much, Ms. Berry. Who knows, Janet will be here later. After all, the

sketch is one of the most important programs for the night.”

“I shall discuss with the co-producers about this then,” Ashlyn replied and turned to the crew. “Alright,

you guys continue with your practice and rehearsal. The Gala Night is going to start at 7 PM sharp, so

keep yourselves refreshed and do your best, ok?”

“Ok!” Everyone answered in their booming voices.

After that, Ashlyn dragged the co-producers to the backstage.

Unlike the bustle on the stage, the place was silent and only filled with props and costumes.

There was no one around at all.

Ashlyn’s usually cool demeanor was laced with a hint of panic. “Pierre, do you have any idea on how to

solve this? The Gala Night is starting soon, but Janet is missing now.”

“Let me think, please. Don’t panic, Ms. Berry.” Pierre sank into deep thought as he pondered over the


The other co-producers also tried to reassure Ashlyn. “Worse come to worst, the rest of us can be the

ones to perform. We can put together a good dance performance or sing some patriotic songs for the

event. Regardless of whether the sketch can be performed, at least we can fill the gap and make the

Gala Night a success.”

“But that sketch has an outstanding plot that is very relatable to our daily lives and also has a hidden

message which indirectly mocks the current society, so it is a very important performance that cannot

be dropped. Now, what should I do about this?” Ashlyn asked back in frustration. “How can I not panic?

This is the sweat and blood of so many of us for the past one month!”

She had on a panicked and helpless expression, but her sharp eyes discreetly swept towards the box

that contained the stage props.

She saw the hem of a piece of clothing flickering briefly behind the box.

It was a red piece of clothing.

Ashlyn curled her lips unnoticeably at the sight.

Ahh… so you’re eavesdropping, huh?

After noticing the eavesdropper, Ashlyn continued her act further. “Forget about it, if Janet is not back

yet, then I’m going on stage myself. I can play the harp or something to replace the sketch.”

“Ms. Berry, if you’re going to perform, then what about the performers for the sketch? They have been

practicing for so long for this piece! I’m sure they will be extremely displeased with the fact that they

don’t get to perform after all their efforts,” Pierre commented.

“Then what else can we do?” Ashlyn panicked. “We can’t do this, and we can’t do that. There’s literally

nothing we can do! Don’t tell me we’re going to mess up the Gala Night then?”

The red piece of clothing flickered and finally vanished behind the box.

Ashlyn let out a cold snort, and the panic on her face vanished into a confident one. “Thanks for your

cooperation,” she said to the co-producers.



“Are you alright, Ms. Berry? You’re confusing me. What do you mean by cooperation?”

“Someone is trying to ruin the performance, and it’s one of the performers. What I said to you just now

was all part of my act to fish them out. Janet will arrive on time. Don’t worry.” Ashlyn’s tone turned stern

as she declared, “Since someone wants to ruin the Gala Night, then I shall make sure it will be an

unprecedented success instead!”

“Seriously, Ms. Berry?” Pierre exclaimed in surprise.

“Yes, so I need all of you to keep this a secret and continue to act like Janet is still missing,” Ashlyn

instructed the co-producers before walking out of the backstage together.

Read My Extraordinary Wife - the best manga of


Of the Novelebook stories I have ever read, perhaps the most impressive thing is My Extraordinary

Wife. The story is too good, leaving me with many doubts. Currently the manga has been translated

to Chapter 339. Let's read now the author's My Extraordinary Wife Novelebook story right here


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