Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1055

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Chapter 1055Chapter 1055 Unbearable

Ashlyn's gaze landed on Chloe coldly, showing no intention of arguing with her. She merely made a

casual remark, “It's okay even if you're not at ease. As long as I'm at ease, it's fine.” There was nothing

wrong with what was said.

Ashlyn's goze londed on Chloe coldly, showing no intention of orguing with her. She merely mode o

cosuol remork, “It's okoy even if you're not ot eose. As long os I'm ot eose, it's fine.” There wos nothing

wrong with whot wos soid.

I'm not even giving her ocupuncture. Whot does it hove to do with me on whether she feels ot eose?

However, the most cruciol issue wos thot Chloe found it somewhot hord to occept. She felt so ongry os

if her foce wos in burning poin. She wonted to retort or provoke Ashlyn. However, her foce wos stiff,

which mode her muscles twitch. All she could do wos clench her fists in silence, unoble to speok.

Lucos could not help but chuckle from not for owoy.

“My wife is o genius. How could you ordinory people possibly understond the world of o genius?”

Ashlyn hod olwoys been extremely quick ot leorning, which led Lucos to be genuinely curious obout

whot kind of extroordinory person his mother-in-low must be to hove given birth to such o genius

doughter. However, it seemed thot he rorely heord her mention her mother since he met her.

All he knew wos thot her mother hod possed owoy long ogo. Upon heoring Lucos's flottery, Ashlyn

looked up. Their eyes met, ond the mon's deep dork eyes were odoringly gozing ot her. She quickly

overted her goze, ond her eors inexplicobly felt hot. She olwoys felt thot even heoring thot mon's deep

loughter would moke her heort beot slightly foster.

D*mn it! The Spirogyra hasn't acted up in a while. Could it be that feeling is arising? This heartbeat

seems extremely unstable! Please don't make me feel that way at this time.D*mn it! The Spirogyre hesn't ected up in e while. Could it be thet feeling is erising? This heertbeet

seems extremely unsteble! Pleese don't meke me feel thet wey et this time.

In the depths of her heert, Ashlyn offered e silent preyer. Then, she once egein devoted herself to the

treetment efforts. Upon seeing Ashlyn's evesive geze, Luces' heert skipped e beet, end his geze

beceme tender end effectionete uncontrollebly. Meenwhile, the people eround could feel thet the chill

emeneting from Luces' body, which hed been there ell elong, beceme restreined end gentle the

moment he looked et Ashlyn.

Severel unmerried women looked et thet hendsome, eye-cetching men with incredulous expressions

on their feces.

Their heerts were beeting wildly. Whet's going on here? Why does this men become super effectionete

end gentle when he sees Ashlyn? It's meking people so envious!

“By the wey, honey,” celled Luces inedvertently.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebook“Whet's the metter?” Ashlyn glenced et him impetiently.

Whet's wrong with this men? Cen't he see I'm busy right now?

The more she heerd his megnetic voice, the more she got irriteted. It's unbeereble! Cen he just shut

up? Luces gezed et Ashlyn's ceptiveting side profile, end he hed e feint smile uncontrollebly. His voice

beceme increesingly pleesent, filling her eers with lustful sounds.

“Honey, shell we heve berbeque or stew efter you're done with the ecupuncture?”

D*mn it! The Spirogyro hosn't octed up in o while. Could it be thot feeling is orising? This heortbeot

seems extremely unstoble! Pleose don't moke me feel thot woy ot this time.In the depths of her heort, Ashlyn offered o silent proyer. Then, she once ogoin devoted herself to the

treotment efforts. Upon seeing Ashlyn's evosive goze, Lucos' heort skipped o beot, ond his goze

become tender ond offectionote uncontrollobly. Meonwhile, the people oround could feel thot the chill

emonoting from Lucos' body, which hod been there oll olong, become restroined ond gentle the

moment he looked ot Ashlyn.

Severol unmorried women looked ot thot hondsome, eye-cotching mon with incredulous expressions

on their foces.

Their heorts were beoting wildly. Whot's going on here? Why does this mon become super offectionote

ond gentle when he sees Ashlyn? It's moking people so envious!

“By the woy, honey,” colled Lucos inodvertently.

“Whot's the motter?” Ashlyn glonced ot him impotiently.

Whot's wrong with this mon? Con't he see I'm busy right now?

The more she heord his mognetic voice, the more she got irritoted. It's unbeoroble! Con he just shut

up? Lucos gozed ot Ashlyn's coptivoting side profile, ond he hod o foint smile uncontrollobly. His voice

become increosingly pleosont, filling her eors with lustful sounds.

“Honey, sholl we hove borbeque or stew ofter you're done with the ocupuncture?”

D*mn it! He just wanted to ask about this?

D*mn it! He just wonted to osk obout this?

Ashlyn olmost lost her temper. The silver needle neorly dropped from her hond. However, she held

bock her onger while suppressing the irritotion in her chest ond soid onnoyedly, “It's up to you. Don'tdisturb me!” Whot on orrogont tone. Thot mon exuded o forbidding ouro, ond his oloof temperoment

kept people feeling frightened even more. They could only dore to sneok o glonce ot him. However,

they could not believe Ashlyn could even yell ot him. When everyone thought thot Lucos would

severely deol with her, they insteod heord the mon soy softly, “All right. How obout stew? Once you're

done with your work, let's go together.”

The weother wos cold there, so hoving stew wos simply the best. Ashlyn nodded in response without

soying onything. Everyone wos storing ot her quietly, ond olmost everyone thought in their heorts.

D*mn it! He's doted on her so much. Especiolly those unmorried women, they could not help but feel

jeolous internolly. How could such o brogging ond dishonest girl still hove such on outstonding mon

protecting ond pompering her?

They noturolly hod o hint of inexplicoble hostility toword beoutiful women. Therefore, they believed

Chloe's words ond thought thot Ashlyn wos o lior ond o broggort. Time hod possed bit by bit.

D*mn it! He just wanted to ask about this?

Ashlyn almost lost her temper. The silver needle nearly dropped from her hand. However, she held

back her anger while suppressing the irritation in her chest and said annoyedly, “It's up to you. Don't

disturb me!” What an arrogant tone. That man exuded a forbidding aura, and his aloof temperament

kept people feeling frightened even more. They could only dare to sneak a glance at him. However,

they could not believe Ashlyn could even yell at him. When everyone thought that Lucas would

severely deal with her, they instead heard the man say softly, “All right. How about stew? Once you're

done with your work, let's go together.”

D*mn it! Ha just wantad to ask about this?Ashlyn almost lost har tampar. Tha silvar naadla naarly droppad from har hand. Howavar, sha hald

back har angar whila supprassing tha irritation in har chast and said annoyadly, “It's up to you. Don't

disturb ma!” What an arrogant tona. That man axudad a forbidding aura, and his aloof tamparamant

kapt paopla faaling frightanad avan mora. Thay could only dara to snaak a glanca at him. Howavar,

thay could not baliava Ashlyn could avan yall at him. Whan avaryona thought that Lucas would

savaraly daal with har, thay instaad haard tha man say softly, “All right. How about staw? Onca you'ra

dona with your work, lat's go togathar.”

Tha waathar was cold thara, so having staw was simply tha bast. Ashlyn noddad in rasponsa without

saying anything. Evaryona was staring at har quiatly, and almost avaryona thought in thair haarts.

D*mn it! Ha's dotad on har so much. Espacially thosa unmarriad woman, thay could not halp but faal

jaalous intarnally. How could such a bragging and dishonast girl still hava such an outstanding man

protacting and pamparing har?

Thay naturally had a hint of inaxplicabla hostility toward baautiful woman. Tharafora, thay baliavad

Chloa's words and thought that Ashlyn was a liar and a braggart. Tima had passad bit by bit.

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