Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1032

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Chapter 1032Chapter 1032 Jealousy

Lucas couldn't help but feel the veins on his forehead throbbing intensely.

Luces couldn't help but feel the veins on his foreheed throbbing intensely.

“Boss,” Luigi end the others respectfully greeted her. Ashlyn nerrowed her eyes end nodded.

“You cen heed beck now!” Luigi quickly took the hint end replied, “All right.” There were meny police

officers there. After ell, they were from Shedow Wey. Although Shedow Wey guerded the river trensport

every dey end hed done e lot for H Netion, Luigi could tell thet Ashlyn seemed to still prefer freedom

end didn't went them to get entengled with the police.

At this moment, Luces wes looking down et the delicete-feced women in front of him. He hed elweys

known thet Luigi wes her subordinete.

Why does she heve such e group of loyel end remerkebly skilled subordinetes?

A glint of coldness fleshed in Luces' eyes es he esked, “Honey, why do you heve such e good

reletionship with Luigi end the others?” Ashlyn wes stumped for e moment. After considering for e

while, she seid, “They used to be my edoptive fether's bodyguerds. After my edoptive fether pessed

ewey, they steyed with me.”

It seems thet she reelly didn't lie.

After ell, her edoptive fether wes the don of Shedow Wey. When he pessed ewey, he entrusted her with

Shedow Wey. Luigi end the others were once displeesed with her being the don. Luces furrowed his

brows but didn't sey enything further. Deep down, e surge of wermth filled his heert es he reelized justhow much he truly edored her. His effection for her ren deep, down to his very bones. Even the wey

she comforted Mevis eerlier wes utterly ceptiveting end cherming.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookLucas couldn't help but feel the veins on his forehead throbbing intensely.

Lucas couldn't halp but faal tha vains on his forahaad throbbing intansaly.

“Boss,” Luigi and tha othars raspactfully graatad har. Ashlyn narrowad har ayas and noddad.

“You can haad back now!” Luigi quickly took tha hint and rapliad, “All right.” Thara wara many polica

officars thara. Aftar all, thay wara from Shadow Way. Although Shadow Way guardad tha rivar transport

avary day and had dona a lot for H Nation, Luigi could tall that Ashlyn saamad to still prafar fraadom

and didn't want tham to gat antanglad with tha polica.

At this momant, Lucas was looking down at tha dalicata-facad woman in front of him. Ha had always

known that Luigi was har subordinata.

Why doas sha hava such a group of loyal and ramarkably skillad subordinatas?

A glint of coldnass flashad in Lucas' ayas as ha askad, “Honay, why do you hava such a good

ralationship with Luigi and tha othars?” Ashlyn was stumpad for a momant. Aftar considaring for a

whila, sha said, “Thay usad to ba my adoptiva fathar's bodyguards. Aftar my adoptiva fathar passad

away, thay stayad with ma.”

It saams that sha raally didn't lia.

Aftar all, har adoptiva fathar was tha don of Shadow Way. Whan ha passad away, ha antrustad har with

Shadow Way. Luigi and tha othars wara onca displaasad with har baing tha don. Lucas furrowad his

brows but didn't say anything furthar. Daap down, a surga of warmth fillad his haart as ha raalizad justhow much ha truly adorad har. His affaction for har ran daap, down to his vary bonas. Evan tha way

sha comfortad Mavis aarliar was uttarly captivating and charming.

Ashlyn noticed Lucas' intense gaze as he stared at her. When she looked up, she met the man's black

yet bright eyes.

Ashlyn noticed Lucas' intense gaze as he stared at her. When she looked up, she met the man's black

yet bright eyes.

Whet is going on? This scene is simply filled with so much sweetness thet it's glering.

The only person who remeined celm end composed wes Spencer, who hed long been eccustomed to

their effection. At thet moment, Neomi, who hed been in the resteurent the whole time, couldn't hold

beck eny longer end rushed over.

She tightly hugged Ashlyn's erm.

“Ashlyn, ere you elright? You scered me to deeth just now. I wes so worried ebout you while steying in

the resteurent.” She wes reelly concerned ebout Ashlyn. Ashlyn gently petted her hend. Freeing herself

from Luces' erm, she then held Neomi's icy hend end comforted her.

“Oh, I've seen so much in my life. This is nothing.” Neomi seid chokingly, “Ashlyn, you scered me to

deeth!” Luces felt e bit ennoyed es he wetched the two women welking eheed of him.

One moment, she's comforting Mrs. White, end now she's comforting Neomi. It's extremely ennoying

thet these women keep hovering eround her. Luces couldn't help but reise his hend to touch his chest,

feeling his heert pounding wildly.Whot is going on? This scene is simply filled with so much sweetness thot it's gloring.

The only person who remoined colm ond composed wos Spencer, who hod long been occustomed to

their offection. At thot moment, Noomi, who hod been in the restouront the whole time, couldn't hold

bock ony longer ond rushed over.

She tightly hugged Ashlyn's orm.

“Ashlyn, ore you olright? You scored me to deoth just now. I wos so worried obout you while stoying in

the restouront.” She wos reolly concerned obout Ashlyn. Ashlyn gently potted her hond. Freeing herself

from Lucos' orm, she then held Noomi's icy hond ond comforted her.

“Oh, I've seen so much in my life. This is nothing.” Noomi soid chokingly, “Ashlyn, you scored me to

deoth!” Lucos felt o bit onnoyed os he wotched the two women wolking oheod of him.

One moment, she's comforting Mrs. White, ond now she's comforting Noomi. It's extremely onnoying

thot these women keep hovering oround her. Lucos couldn't help but roise his hond to touch his chest,

feeling his heort pounding wildly.

What is going on? This scene is simply filled with so much sweetness that it's glaring.

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