Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1078

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Chapter 1078Chapter 1078 Zero

In their opinion, Ashlyn was far inferior compared to their team leader. Look at that, Ms. Gray is over

there urgently fixing the system, and yet she's off to tour the castle! That's the difference! This is the

difference between people!

Upon seeing his subordinates' indifference, Lucas felt even more displeased. “How dare you all

disregard my wife—”

Seeing him about to lose his temper, Ashlyn tugged at his arm, “It's all right. I can manage on my own.”

“Honey...” Lucas knew that members of Section Six were always exclusive, but he never imagined they

would dare to ostracize the person he held dearest in his heart.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebook“Everyone is scrambling to save the system, and their concern is understandable. Work is important,”

Ashlyn said with an impassive expression. “Don't waste too much time on me. Hurry up and deal with

the situation.”

Lucas suppressed the anger in his chest and casually pointed at a man. “You must accompany her.”

Upon hearing that, the man became anxious. “Mr. Nolan, I'm an expert in the technical department. I-I

need to return to the department immediately. I-I'll take my leave now.”

After he finished speaking, he hurriedly rushed toward the elevator.

Those men, terrified of being singled out by Lucas, hurried off one by one as if they were being chased

by ghosts.

In the end, only Silas was left.Silas scratched his head. “I'm not really good with computers. Mr. Nolan, you should go ahead. I'll keep

Mrs. Nolan company.”

He genuinely felt that it wasn't necessary for everyone to rush upstairs.

Contented, Lucas gave him an approving glance. After saying a few more things to Ashlyn, he hurriedly

left with Spencer.

Lucas wore a grimace inside the technical department office.

He sat at the head of the table, his mind filled with the disrespectful behavior his subordinates had

shown toward Ashlyn. He wondered if his usual leniency had led them to forget who was in charge

there. How dare they treat the lady of Section Six like that?

That made him extremely angry, but now was not a good time to lose his temper.

Everyone had more important things that needed to be done.

He forcefully suppressed the rage in his chest, determined to deal with those scoundrels later.

Suddenly, a technician yelled, “We're in trouble! Ms. Gray, the enemy has already sabotaged our entire

system. They're about to break in!”

Sabrina's face was as white as paper. She pushed the technician aside and sat down in front of the

computer herself. Her hands flew across the keyboard, typing furiously. However, no matter how hard

she tried, she couldn't stop the hacker's invasion.

“How can this be? My aunt assured me that this system was impregnable. Why is this happening?”

Sabrina stared at the computer system that was spiraling out of control. The other party had already

seized complete control.They were on the verge of having the databases they had developed stolen.

Tears welled up in Sabrina's eyes. She was unable to contain her emotions. “Mr. Nolan, I'm sorry. I-I'll

call my aunt now. She holds a prominent position at Magnecal Tech. She has many talented people

working under her, and she herself is a computer expert. She will definitely be able to help.”

“We're facing problems in Section Six, yet we need to ask Magnecal Tech for help? Isn't that putting

ourselves to shame?” One of the men couldn't help but say, “Ms. Gray, didn't you say before that this

system is the most robust and unbreakable in the entire country?”

When Sabrina heard that man complaining, her heart shuddered. She retorted somewhat angrily,

“Don't forget that you also took part in designing this system. Now that there's a problem, you're

blaming it all on me? Is this the time for us to point fingers?”

“My aunt is a high-ranking executive, so what's wrong with me inviting her here?” Sabrina said irritably,

“Are you just going to stand by and watch all our hard work at Section Six go down the drain? Or are

any of you more skillful than my aunt? Or perhaps, do any of you have the ability to invite Zero from

Mysterious yet Majestic? If not, I'll call my aunt right now.”

Sabrina, almost beside herself with frustration, whipped out her mobile phone.

Spencer glanced at her, then turned to Lucas, who maintained a poker face. The man's dark eyes were

profound, seemingly fathomless in depth.

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