Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1231

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Chapter 1231Chapter 1231 Sheer Disgust

A sense of pride instantly lit up his face. “Mr. Quickton, Mr. Nolan, this is my son, Chillton Jenkins. He's

young and naive. I hope you both will look after him.”

“Son? Mr. President, shouldn't you be referring to him as your stepson? Anyone who didn't know better

might think he's your biological child!”

Before Lucas and Jared could even speak, Ashlyn's cool voice echoed again.

She pushed Yuri, who was standing beside her, in front of the president. “Look carefully. This is your

biological child.”

The President's face turned pale.

Samantha's face also looked extremely unpleasant. Is this woman out of her mind? Why does she

keep embarrassing Chillton over and over again? Chillton is so outstanding. He graduated from a

prestigious school and handled matters impeccably. He's not like other wealthy playboys who cause

trouble, and he's also diligent in his work.

No matter how she looked at it, she felt that Chillton was incredibly outstanding.

The President was also very angry. He took a deep breath and said, “Although Chillton is my stepson, I

have always treated him as my own. Especially since Chillton usually gets along very well with me and

shows me great respect. Unlike some children who ignore their own father and stepmother, always

seeking to be rebellious.”

Yuri kept telling herself that it didn't matter and that it was okay even if there was no familial love. Yet,

she was deeply hurt by the President's words.With a heavy heart, she forced a smile onto her pale face and slowly began to say, “There are fathers

who force their daughters to marry horrible people. They arrange these marriages, pushing their own

daughters into the fire, so to speak. Knowing full well that their daughters are living in hell, yet they turn

a deaf ear. It's truly chilling, isn't it?”

As soon as she voiced these words, expressions of sympathy appeared on the faces of some women

present, while others seemed to empathize deeply.

For those women, merely living there, being a woman was considered a cardinal sin.

Men would never understand, let alone comprehend, just how deep and cruel the pain they inflicted

upon women truly was.

And those men seemed indifferent, as if women were useless, merely tools for carrying on the family

bloodline. Do they really think they are something special?

The President's face turned pale and then flushed, alternating between the two colors.

All in all, it was extremely embarrassing. His daughter had publicly exposed his shortcomings, and

deep down, he was seething with anger.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookObviously, he was utterly embarrassed.

A wave of anger washed over his face, the fury in his eyes barely concealed. He wished he could just

slap Yuri to death. How did I end up with such a worthless daughter? It would be one thing if she were

just a jinx, but she even had the audacity to insult and question me. Why does she deserve it?

He could bear it no longer and roared furiously, “Get out of here!”

Yuri gave a cold laugh. “All you have left is to yell at me. But remember, I have an invitation. I won't just

leave because you told me to. Moreover, I'm not just representing myself at this banquet today.”“W-What do you mean by that?” The President's face was devoid of any light, and he felt

uncomfortable all over.

Samantha couldn't help but say, “Yuri, no matter how many disagreements you have with your father,

you can't embarrass him in public and disrespect him. He is the president, in charge of Zaewora. When

will you start to understand this?”

Upon hearing that, Chillton immediately chimed in, “Dad's usually good to you. Don't push your luck

and be ungrateful. You said you were here for the banquet, so just enjoy your banquet and stop

causing trouble.”

Looking at the ridiculous faces of this family of three, Yuri felt utterly disgusted.

“Mr. Quickton, Mr. Nolan, I apologize for any embarrassment caused.” Chillton turned to Lucas and

Jared, his demeanor polite and cultured, a stark contrast to the disgust he showed when facing Yuri.

The President took a deep breath, deciding to ignore Yuri. He would deal with her after the banquet

was over.

He had more pressing matters at hand. Forcing a warm smile, he said to Jared, “Mr. Quickton, Mr.

Cook should have already discussed the contract with you. May I ask what your decision is?”

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