Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1019

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Chapter 1019Chapter 1019 Messy Private Life

Someone added: Oh, that's right! She can go crazy and curse at people!” Throughout the entire fiasco,

Ashlyn had never shown herself or said anything. She didn't provide any explanation and hadn't even

met Lynette yet. Lynette's entire reputation was completely ruined. Ashlyn remained indifferent and

unbothered by the entire situation. She had no interest in dealing with trashy people like Lynette, who

used her to gain popularity.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookThe netizens, including Ashlyn's fans, forcefully removed the association between Lynette and Ashlyn.

A netizen commented: A fake will always be a fake. The authentic one would always be incomparable.

Another wrote: The fake's manners are truly worrisome!

Another netizen responded: I feel embarrassed for her. What right does she have to provoke Goddess


A netizen added: Leaving other things aside, I just want to know, can she play the harp? Can she

draw? Does she have any medical knowledge? Where does she get the confidence to call herself

Lynlyn if she has no talents? At the very least, she should have medical skills, right? She wouldn't have

to wait for Goddess Ashlyn to perform surgery on herself. She could simply take a knife and perform

the surgery herself, and the surgery would be successful!

Another netizen immediately replied: You're awesome for commenting that!

Another commented: Hahaha!

Lynette was on the verge of a breakdown as she sat on the floor of her company. She desperately

clung to a man's leg and uttered, “Mr. Shaw, I beg you to help me, please!” The man kicked her awaywithout showing any mercy. His icy gaze swept over Lynette's face, which bore a striking resemblance

to Ashlyn's.

He sneered, crouching down just in front of Lynette. The man raised his hand, gripping her chin tightly.

“Fool! What makes you think you can compare to Ashlyn? You're not even worth half a strand of her

hair, and you expect her to perform surgery on you? You're not worthy!”

Lynette looked at Richard's handsome face in fear. The man had a cold expression as he emanated a

malevolent aura. Lynette's heart pounded wildly, and she couldn't help but take a step back, retreating

until her back was against the cold wall behind her. She instinctively raised her hands to cover her

head in a panic.

“M-Mr. Shaw, when we decided to use Lynlyn to promote me, you agreed to it!”

Why does he look so scary now as though I have committed some unforgivable crime? An inexplicable

fear arose in her, making her wish she could disappear on the spot.

This man is too terrifying.

“But did I tell you to harass her? Did I tell you to hurt her? You actually dared to hurt her and even sent

online haters to humiliate her! Lynette! I gave you the fame and status you have today, and I can also

send you to the bottom!” Richard tightly gripped her chin, causing Lynette to cry in pain as tears

streamed down her face.

Her hands were trembling, and her body turned cold. She stared at Richard and said, “Please, I was

wrong, Mr. Shaw.” She could clearly perceive the subtle change in Richard's demeanor the moment he

mentioned Ashlyn.

He doesn't really dislike Ashlyn. She was so far off the mark, thinking that Richard disliked Ashlyn.“Someone, come here!” Just at that moment, Richard suddenly stood up and threw her away like a

used rag. Richard walked to the office desk and gracefully took out a tissue before wiping the hand he

used to grip Lynette's chin.

“Mr. Shaw, is something the matter?” A man dressed in black entered the room, looking at him

respectfully. “Drag this woman out and feed her to the dogs!”

“N-No! Don't!”

Upon hearing Richard's words, Lynette trembled violently. “P-Please, I beg you, spare me, Mr. Shaw!”

Richard scoffed as if he had heard a great joke. “Spare you? Hahaha! Fools like you only deserve to

vanish!” He tossed the phone to Lynette and uttered, “Take a good look for yourself!” Lynette crawled

toward the phone, picked it up, and immediately saw the latest news on the screen.

The news wrote: Lynette has a messy private life! She attempted to seduce a wealthy man at the club

with her sexy moves! She has also been involved in several scandals, including making lewd gestures

in public.

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