Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1168

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Chapter 1168Chapter 1168 Is That How You Propose

Oo... I'm so happy. This is too much! Ms. Berry actually fed me. No matter how hard it is or how much

Mr. Nolan glares at me, it's all worth it!

“Ashlyn?” Right at that moment, a familiar cry of astonishment suddenly came from the restaurant's


Ashlyn looked up to see Naomi running toward her, a backpack over her shoulders and her eyes as

round as saucers.

“Ashlyn! How could you feed her? You've never even fed me before!” Naomi stared at Ashlyn with a

heartbroken expression as though the latter was a heartless person.

She set down her backpack huffily. Seeing there was no available seat next to Ashlyn, she dragged a

chair over and wedged it in beside Ashlyn, forcefully pushing Sabrina aside.

“I don't care. You have to feed me too,” Naomi insisted. I finally have a Sunday off and rushed home

from the film academy, but what do I see? I see my sister-in-law doting on another woman. That has

completely ruined my mood. Why are there more and more people competing for her attention? I had

enough of dealing with the competition for her affection with Blair, Tinsor, and Charlotte back in Lake

City. Now, another one has popped up out of nowhere!

“Who... Who are you?” Sabrina stared at her in slight bewilderment. Why did this young lady suddenly

come over? She's quite pretty.

“And who are you? Let me tell you. This is my sister-in-law. My dearest sister-in-law.” Naomi reached

out and hooked an arm around Ashlyn's, adding, “We're incredibly close.”Upon hearing that, Sabrina immediately understood. So, she's Mr. Nolan's younger sister. But so what?

I've vowed to become Ms. Berry's bestie.

Placing her hands on her hips, she retorted, “Ha! Your dearest sister-in-law? I heard she has divorced

Mr. Nolan, so she's just your former sister-in-law now.”

“This situation... Why does something feel off?” Silas whispered to Spencer.

“You're right... Mr. Nolan's face has turned as black as thunder.”

After their brief exchange, they quietly turned to observe Lucas' expression.

He had an exceptionally stony look on his handsome face and radiated a pervasive anger that clearly

indicated his extreme displeasure.

“Kick them out!” Lucas' deep, icy voice echoed throughout the restaurant. His lips curved into a cold,

emotionless smile, and his narrow eyes locked onto the woman surrounded by two young ladies.

“We're going to get our marriage certificate now! Right now! We're getting remarried!”

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookHe could not wait even a minute. Not even half a minute.

“That's how you're proposing?”

“Is this how you propose?”

Sabrina and Naomi turned to him with deep frowns and spoke almost simultaneously, their voices

dripping with disdain.

The pair, who had been arguing just moments ago, glared at Lucas.

“Where are the fresh flowers, candles, and diamond ring?”“How about the balloon, streamers, and getting down on one knee?”

Lucas squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his jaw. “I'll make the arrangements. All of it! Silas!

Spencer! Kick those two out of here!”

“Hahaha!” Suddenly, the sound of euphonious laughter filled the air.

Lucas was taken aback. A stunned look flickered across his handsome face, which was usually calm

and expressionless.

He stared at Ashlyn in surprise. A smile crinkled the corners of her eyes, and she was laughing brightly

as though free of any burden. It sounded exceptionally relaxed and joyful.

She was usually quite reserved and was rarely seen laughing so freely without a care in the world.

It was as though immense responsibility constantly burdened her heart and a heavy load weighed on

her shoulders.

“Honey, you look so beautiful when you smile,” Lucas could not help blurting out. She's as stunningly

beautiful as the rising sun!

It stirred a flutter in his heart. His Adam's apple bobbed up and down while love and affection shone in

the depths of his eyes.

Amused by the sight of the two girls confronting Lucas and how he appeared jealous of the pair, Ashlyn

could not help but laugh.

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