Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 541

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How depressing!

She stomped her foot and walked forward wearing Jonathan’s coat.

However, what they did not know was that somebody was taking pictures of them in a secluded corner

and uploading the pictures to social media.

Half an hour later, trending topics revolving around them surfaced online, and they became the hottest

news on the internet.

Jonathan’s Super Mysterious Girlfriend Finally Exposed!

Famous Idol’s Girlfriend Unveiled!

No Wonder She Got the Leading Role, It Turned Out She Had Help From Her Boyfriend!

Blair’s head almost exploded from anger when he saw those trending topics.

“Damn it! Naomi was set up!”

He turned livid when he played the video and saw Jonathan and Naomi in the women’s restroom.

“That b*stard Jonathan thinks he can date my sister?”

“Calm down, Blair. Maybe there’s some sort of misunderstanding here. Even if you don’t believe

Jonathan, you have to believe in Naomi, right?”

Tinsor quickly stopped Blair who was about to storm off and take matters into his own hands.

“Whoever took these photos has to be somebody from Haddock Group!” exclaimed Blair furiously.

“Keep it down,” advised Tinsor as he checked their surroundings. “We don’t know that yet, so let’s not

do anything we might regret. It’s not as simple as it looks.”

Meanwhile, at the headquarters of the Nolan Group, Lucas was looking coldly at the photos of Naomi

on social media while his face turned dark. “She just had to stir up some kind of trouble, doesn’t she?”

“Mr. Nolan, this matter requires a thorough investigation,” advised Spencer before sighing. Why would

Ms. Nolan get herself involved in acting?

“Take care of the whole social media shenanigan, then get her back here and send her abroad

immediately,” ordered Lucas with a stoic expression.

“Yes, sir.” Spencer hurriedly bowed his head before he headed to the public relations department to get

someone to remove the trending topics.

As soon as the news about Naomi spread on social media, Jonathan’s ginormous fan base started

bombarding the heiress of the Nolan Group with negative comments.

The angered ‘keyboard warriors’ cursed not only Naomi but her entire family as well.

How dare this woman take advantage of our beloved Jonathan!

She sure is ambitious for a nobody, I’ll give her that!

Even Greg was taken by surprise. “Are you two coupling up? Why are you all over the internet? And

what were you two doing in the women’s restroom?”

He gave Jonathan a hard look before doing the same to Naomi.

Well, they do look like a great couple, I suppose.

Naomi’s mind went blank from going through all those negative comments online.

Never had she ever received this much attention, and certainly not this much scolding.

The feeling of being hated by tens of thousands of people was quite overwhelming for Naomi.

Scratching his head awkwardly, Jonathan looked at Naomi, who kept her head down in silence, before

apologizing, “I’m sorry. I know my fans can be a little extreme. You… “

Before Jonathan could finish, he was suddenly interrupted by a burst of laughter.

“Does that mean I’m famous now? Am I getting popular now?”

Naomi lifted her head excitedly as her eyes lit up like the stars.

Just when everyone thought she would be devastated, she turned out to be glad that she rose to fame.

Jonathan was totally stunned by her unexpected reaction, the corner of his lips twitching in surprise.

What a weirdo!

“Your brother is handling the matter as we speak.”

Suddenly, a cold voice rang from the entrance of the temporary studio set up by the crew.

Everyone turned their heads to see a tall and slender woman standing there.

She wore a sky blue suit, which showed off her hourglass figure, and a pair of high heels, looking


Naomi was dazed at the sight. “My god. Why are you here?”

“Why wouldn’t I be? I’m one of the investors of this movie.” Ashlyn approached Naomi and stroked her

nose playfully, “Does your family know that you’re here playing the leading actress?”

Read My Extraordinary Wife

Novel My Extraordinary Wife has been updated Chapter 541 with many climactic

developments What makes this series so special is the names of the characters ^^. If you

are a fan of the author Novelebook, you will love reading it! I'm sure you won't be

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Reading Novel My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 541

Chapter 541 novel My Extraordinary Wife


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