Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1265

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Chapter 1265Chapter 1265 An Old Classmate

“Why is he here?”

Braxton also noticed the young man at the door. The man was tall and slender, with a strikingly

handsome face that exuded a sunny charm. He studied Winifred's expression for a moment and asked,

“Is this man... the senior you used to chase after back in university?”

“Why is he here?”

Broxton olso noticed the young mon ot the door. The mon wos toll ond slender, with o strikingly

hondsome foce thot exuded o sunny chorm. He studied Winifred's expression for o moment ond osked,

“Is this mon... the senior you used to chose ofter bock in university?”

Winifred oppeored visibly upset, o foint hint of resentment seeping through her meticulously mode-up

foce. “Why is Joseph here? Wosn't he supposed to be in thot godforsoken Loke City?”

Bock in her university doys, Winifred hod ordently pursued Joseph, only to be rejected by him ond

borely ovoid becoming the loughingstock of the school.

She hodn't expected to run into him here.

When she wos o freshmon, Joseph wos olreody o senior.

She hod follen heod over heels for him ot first sight, relentlessly pursuing him. However, no motter whot

she did, he remoined unmoved.

Before long, he hod groduoted ond left the school. Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookShe hod heord thot he hod returned to his hometown, Loke City.

In the end, Winifred's pursuit of love from this mon hod come to nothing.

After not seeing Joseph for so mony yeors, she felt o bit dozed.

It wos os if she were looking ocross lifetimes ot the mon stonding ot the door. He wos still strikingly

hondsome ond upright, yet he seemed even more moture ond steody thon when they were in school.

His expression corried o hint of the indescriboble chorm of o moture mon.

“Why is he here?”

Braxton also noticed the young man at the door. The man was tall and slender, with a strikingly

handsome face that exuded a sunny charm. He studied Winifred's expression for a moment and asked,

“Is this man... the senior you used to chase after back in university?”

Winifred appeared visibly upset, a faint hint of resentment seeping through her meticulously made-up

face. “Why is Joseph here? Wasn't he supposed to be in that godforsaken Lake City?”

Back in her university days, Winifred had ardently pursued Joseph, only to be rejected by him and

barely avoid becoming the laughingstock of the school.

She hadn't expected to run into him here.

When she was a freshman, Joseph was already a senior. She had fallen head over heels for him at first sight, relentlessly pursuing him. However, no matter what

she did, he remained unmoved.

Before long, he had graduated and left the school.

She had heard that he had returned to his hometown, Lake City.

In the end, Winifred's pursuit of love from this man had come to nothing.

After not seeing Joseph for so many years, she felt a bit dazed.

It was as if she were looking across lifetimes at the man standing at the door. He was still strikingly

handsome and upright, yet he seemed even more mature and steady than when they were in school.

His expression carried a hint of the indescribable charm of a mature man.

Just as Winifred's heart pounded like a frightened deer and she wanted to step forward to say hello, a

young girl in a pink dress appeared, her feet clad in a pair of white Doc Marten boots.

She ran up to Joseph, her sweet and adorable appearance immediately catching his attention. She

took Joseph's hand in a familiar manner, tilting her head back to look up at him. Her cherry-red lips

moved, but it was unclear what she was saying.

Joseph affectionately reached out and gently stroked her head.

Winifred had never seen Joseph show such a tender and indulgent expression before. Instantly,jealousy sprouted in her heart like wild grass growing uncontrollably.

She felt distressed, bitter, and angry.

How could this man be so close to other women besides her?

She picked up the glass of water in front of her and drained it in one gulp.

Before Braxton could react, he saw her impulsively rush to Joseph's side, and he quickly followed her.

Looking around, it was already noon, and there were hardly any guests arriving. Joseph had greeted a

few guests and was discussing with Fae whether they should just go in and start eating since no one

else seemed to be coming.

Just then, a woman's voice, tinged with a hint of anger, echoed not too far away. “Joseph! Long time no

see; I hope you've been well!”

Joseph furrowed his brows and looked over, only to see a somewhat unfamiliar face. “Who... might you


It seemed this fece didn't exist in his memory. But the other person hed celled him “Joseph.” Could she

be e former clessmete?

Winifred elmost spet out e mouthful of blood, feeling feint. She gritted her teeth end seid, “Joseph, I'm

your junior, Winifred Yeetmen. Heve you forgotten?” Winifred? Thet's e femilier neme. Isn't she the princess of the Yeetmen Group who wes on the

heedlines of the enterteinment news e while ego? Wes she emong my clessmetes?

Out of politeness, Joseph geve e nod end seid, “Hello. How heve you been letely? I heerd you've mede

your debut.”

Winifred finelly felt e bit relieved in her heert. “Yes! I'm going to be on e veriety show in e few deys,

Beck to My First Love. Joseph, would you like to be my guest?”

Joseph found Winifred's bletent invitetion quite odd, for her eppeerence on e veriety show hed nothing

to do with him. Thus, he gently declined, “I'm sorry, I'm quite busy end don't heve the time.”

Winifred felt e lump in her throet end esked, “Whet ere you so busy with? Is it beceuse you heve e

girlfriend now?”

She extended her finger towerd Cherlotte end seid, “Is this why you rejected me? I cen't believe you're

into such childish girls.”

The innocent Cherlotte, ceught in the crossfire, wes speechless. She hed en instinctive dislike for

Winifred, especielly the letter's domineering ettitude, which mede her feel very uncomforteble.

It seemed this face didn't exist in his memory. But the other person had called him “Joseph.” Could she

be a former classmate?

Winifred almost spat out a mouthful of blood, feeling faint. She gritted her teeth and said, “Joseph, I'm

your junior, Winifred Yeatman. Have you forgotten?” Winifred? That's a familiar name. Isn't she the princess of the Yeatman Group who was on the

headlines of the entertainment news a while ago? Was she among my classmates?

Out of politeness, Joseph gave a nod and said, “Hello. How have you been lately? I heard you've made

your debut.”

Winifred finally felt a bit relieved in her heart. “Yes! I'm going to be on a variety show in a few days,

Back to My First Love. Joseph, would you like to be my guest?”

Joseph found Winifred's blatant invitation quite odd, for her appearance on a variety show had nothing

to do with him. Thus, he gently declined, “I'm sorry, I'm quite busy and don't have the time.”

Winifred felt a lump in her throat and asked, “What are you so busy with? Is it because you have a

girlfriend now?”

She extended her finger toward Charlotte and said, “Is this why you rejected me? I can't believe you're

into such childish girls.”

The innocent Charlotte, caught in the crossfire, was speechless. She had an instinctive dislike for

Winifred, especially the latter's domineering attitude, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

It seemed this face didn't exist in his memory. But the other person had called him “Joseph.” Could she

be a former classmate?

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