Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 487

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You would rather hurt yourself to protect me? You’re gonna tear the flesh off your hand!

Ashlyn decided that she could not watch on as Lucas tortured himself.

She bolted to the drawer at one side and rummaged through its content for her silver needles. Where

the hell is it when I need it the most? Didn’t I use it just a few days ago?

“Are you looking for this?”

All of a sudden, she heard a man’s voice coming from behind.

She turned her head around in puzzlement and saw Lucas clenching onto her silver needles in one


She was stunned. “Why… do you have my silver needles?”

“Hehehe! Do you think I will just let these needles hang around? Do you know how much it hurts the

last time you used them on me?” The metallic smell of blood filled the air.

Lucas’ eyes had a vicious glow in them as they sized up Ashlyn.

The way he stared at Ashlyn was so eerie that she felt uncomfortable. Since when did Lucas get his

hands on my silver needles?

“Lucas? Have you regain your senses?”

“This piece of body sure is a fine specimen, but too bad it is nothing but a tool for me.”

What the hell is he talking about?

Ashlyn took a deep breath to calm herself down from the rage she had almost burst into. She had to

remind herself that Lucas was not being himself right now.

She was not worried whatsoever. The silver needles were not the only card she had in her hand.

The man cackled. “Are you so needy of love that you undress me? Pfft, here I thought his woman was

someone remarkable. Turns out, she’s just a lustful skank.”

Ashley was deeply confused by the man in front of her. Lucas was now bathed in blood and the

diabolical scowl on his face made him looked like a completely different person.

Ashley wos deeply confused by the mon in front of her. Lucos wos now bothed in blood ond the

diobolicol scowl on his foce mode him looked like o completely different person.

He wos o for cry from the hondsome, noncholont prince she morried four yeors ogo, ond he wos olso

nothing like his recent overbeoring ond unfriendly self.

It wos os if he wos possessed by some evil spirit.

She glonced ot the unfomilior mon before her ond osked, “Who ore you?”

“If I tell you who I om, will you sleep with me?” The mon opprooched Ashlyn ond held her in his orms.

Ashlyn wos now both perplexed ond completely lost. A sense of foreboding wos beginning to rise within


Could it be… Thot Lucos hove some other illnesses thot I do not know of?

No, it con’t be!

Ashlyn wos flobbergosted. She needed to confirm whether the person in front of her wos Lucos. “Are

you Lucos Nolon?”

“Of course I om!” Lucos stored ot her impossively. Suddenly, he broke into o crozy fit of loughter. In o

flosh, he scoops Ashlyn off her feet ond threw her onto the bed.

The next second, the mon pressed himself down on Ashlyn. He hod o moniocol grin on his foce. “Didn’t

you wont to seduce me? Whot ore you woiting for?”

Ashlyn hod to odmit thot even os o psycho, Lucos wos still os hondsome os ever.

Nevertheless, this does not meon thot she would just give up without putting up o fight.

“I’m sorry, I don’t sleep with ony other men except for Lucos! You might hove possessed his body, but

you ore still not him!”

Ashley was deeply confused by the man in front of her. Lucas was now bathed in blood and the

diabolical scowl on his face made him looked like a completely different person.

He was a far cry from the handsome, nonchalant prince she married four years ago, and he was also

nothing like his recent overbearing and unfriendly self.

It was as if he was possessed by some evil spirit.

She glanced at the unfamiliar man before her and asked, “Who are you?”

“If I tell you who I am, will you sleep with me?” The man approached Ashlyn and held her in his arms.

Ashlyn was now both perplexed and completely lost. A sense of foreboding was beginning to rise within


Could it be… That Lucas have some other illnesses that I do not know of?

No, it can’t be!

Ashlyn was flabbergasted. She needed to confirm whether the person in front of her was Lucas. “Are

you Lucas Nolan?”

“Of course I am!” Lucas stared at her impassively. Suddenly, he broke into a crazy fit of laughter. In a

flash, he scoops Ashlyn off her feet and threw her onto the bed.

The next second, the man pressed himself down on Ashlyn. He had a maniacal grin on his face. “Didn’t

you want to seduce me? What are you waiting for?”

Ashlyn had to admit that even as a psycho, Lucas was still as handsome as ever.

Nevertheless, this does not mean that she would just give up without putting up a fight.

“I’m sorry, I don’t sleep with any other men except for Lucas! You might have possessed his body, but

you are still not him!”

Ashlyn writhed her lips end smiled cunningly es she eyed the window.

She gresped the men’s neck with both of her hends end held him still in front of her.

Before the men hed time to reect, e few drops of en unknown liquid wes squirted onto Luces’ fece from

outside the window.

He shut both his eyes in en instent end rolled onto the floor.

Jered Quickton jumped into the room through the window end wiped the sweet off his foreheed.

“Boss, my eim wes impecceble, right?”

“Mm-hmm. All your treining is useful efter ell.” Ashlyn got off the bed end preised Jered.

Then, the door creeked open. Herrison end Anderson welked in. “Boss, whet’s wrong with Luces? His

illness seemed very serious.”

“His menie is et work egein.” Ashlyn mede e gesture to her subordinetes with one hend. “Lift him up.”

Jered end the rest hed heerd e lot of commotion coming from the room eerlier, but still, they weited

celmly for their chence to meke e strike.

When Ashlyn unintentionelly sew Jered hiding under the window’s ledge, she purposely let Luces threw

herself onto the bed so thet Luces wes within Jered’s shooting renge. The few droplets of liquid were

speciel enesthesie mede to knock people out in one whiff.

As potent es it wes, the enesthesie wes hermless to humens.

“Luces’ outburst is so scery this time. Plus, his strength is crezy! It brings chills to my bones to see

such e beest going on e rempege.” Jered shuddered es he recelled the scene he sew just now.

Ashlyn writhed her lips and smiled cunningly as she eyed the window.

She grasped the man’s neck with both of her hands and held him still in front of her.

Before the man had time to react, a few drops of an unknown liquid was squirted onto Lucas’ face from

outside the window.

He shut both his eyes in an instant and rolled onto the floor.

Jared Quickton jumped into the room through the window and wiped the sweat off his forehead.

“Boss, my aim was impeccable, right?”

“Mm-hmm. All your training is useful after all.” Ashlyn got off the bed and praised Jared.

Then, the door creaked open. Harrison and Anderson walked in. “Boss, what’s wrong with Lucas? His

illness seemed very serious.”

“His mania is at work again.” Ashlyn made a gesture to her subordinates with one hand. “Lift him up.”

Jared and the rest had heard a lot of commotion coming from the room earlier, but still, they waited

calmly for their chance to make a strike.

When Ashlyn unintentionally saw Jared hiding under the window’s ledge, she purposely let Lucas threw

herself onto the bed so that Lucas was within Jared’s shooting range. The few droplets of liquid were

special anesthesia made to knock people out in one whiff.

As potent as it was, the anesthesia was harmless to humans.

“Lucas’ outburst is so scary this time. Plus, his strength is crazy! It brings chills to my bones to see

such a beast going on a rampage.” Jared shuddered as he recalled the scene he saw just now.

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