Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1295

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Chapter 1295Chapter 1295 Drowned

The river rushed swiftly until, at last, it flowed over her head, and she slowly closed her eyes.


Suddenly, a familiar yet icy voice rang out.

Sienna fiercely opened her eyes in the river, suspecting it was a hallucination before her death. I must

be nearing death, for I seemed to hear Ashlyn's voice. How could that be? How could that be possible?

She gave a bitter smile, the icy river water continuously pouring into her mouth, making it almost

impossible for her to breathe.

She gulped down several mouthfuls, choking to the point of almost suffocating.

Yet, she didn't want to die. She really didn't want to die. She wanted to give birth to the child, even if it

meant dying after the birth. All she wanted was to have the child.

Tears kept falling, mingling with the river water, but she was like a trapped beast, hopelessly stuck

here, unable to escape no matter what.

“How can there still be such a thing as drowning someone in the river? What era are we living in? This

is murder! This collective murder.”

The woman's voice was not loud, yet it was incredibly powerful.

Everyone couldn't help but turn to look at her, only to see an unbelievably beautiful woman standing

behind them.The woman had a slender figure. Her features were more exquisite than a movie star's. Her eyes were

like cold stars in the sky, chilling yet captivating.

Beside her stood an equally remarkable man, tall and handsome. He was dressed in casual black

attire, yet he exuded an immense presence.

With such an outstanding couple standing together, it was almost impossible to look away.

Mitchell had always thought that Sienna was very beautiful, but this woman was even more attractive

than Sienna.

Ashlyn frowned as she looked at those villagers. They were very simple, but at the same time, they

were also very ignorant.

Upon getting out of the vehicle just now, she noticed that almost everyone in the village was missing.

After inquiring with an elderly woman, she found out that they had all rushed out to drown someone in

the river.

That sounded utterly ridiculous to her.

Lucas waved his hand, and immediately, Spencer, who was behind him, led a few men toward the


“You can't pull it up because there's not only a woman in that cage but also several stones tied

underneath.” An old man remarked, “I reckon the person is probably drowned by now.”

No sooner had his words fallen than the sound of splashes echoed. Several men had already jumped

into the water.

After a short wait, the rope tied to the cage began to tremble. Immediately, Spencer and the two men

who stayed behind pulled with all their might.Someone below had untied the stone hanging from the cage, making it much easier to lift.

Yet, it was also quite strenuous. After all, there was resistance in the water.

About ten minutes had passed by the time the cage was pulled up.

None of the villagers dared to make a move. It was clear those people were not to be trifled with.

They were no fools. Upon hearing that the village was up for sale, they became suspicious. Their

village rarely saw visitors, but then a group of strangers arrived. They could very well be some rich and

influential men.

Just then, the village chief came running over, his face full of deference. “Mr. Nolan, Ms. Berry, what

brings you here?” he asked.

“I've never seen someone getting drowned in the river, so I thought I'd come and see.” Ashlyn spoke

coldly, walking toward the river.

“Keys.” Spencer coldly swept his gaze over the villagers. Not a single one of them made a sound.

He waited for a while and grew a bit impatient. “Don't force me to take action.”

Reluctantly, Karen had no choice but to take out the key.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookFrom a distance, Ashlyn saw a woman with a large belly inside the cage. Her heart tightened at the

sight. Judging by the swell of her abdomen, she was about to give birth. These heartless villagers are

too cruel, actually wanting to drown a pregnant woman.

Ashlyn quickened her pace, just in time to see Spencer and his companions lifting a woman out of the

cage.When she got a clear look at the woman's face, she was instantly taken aback. “Sienna?”

Upon hearing Ashlyn's voice, Spencer immediately turned to look at Sienna's face. Despite the

woman's face being marred by bruises, he could still recognize who she was. “How did Sienna end up


Ashlyn shook her head. “Let's save her first.”

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