Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1073

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Chapter 1073Chapter 1073 Head Start

Besides, it could also effectively mitigate the environmental pollution caused by oil consumption.

But now that Neil was still here, Sabrina said to Lucas, “Mr. Nolan, this is Mr. Yarrow. He has been

waiting for you for quite some time.”

Lucas took long strides, walking up to Neil. His tone was extremely respectful, “Mr. Yarrow, your harp is

of great value. I heard that your health has been deteriorating recently, and you're urgently seeking a

destined person to entrust this harp to. What do you think about her?”

Neil's gaze, weathered yet authoritative, fell upon Ashlyn. He coughed violently twice before speaking.

“I fear my time is short. If Ms. Berry possesses any exceptional qualities, I wouldn't mind gifting her the

harp. However, if she does not, I apologize. No matter how high the price, I will not sell it.”

Everyone present knew about Neil's status and identity in Jadeborough's music scene.

This elder had countless mentees under his name. Besides, his harp was worth a fortune.

Nevertheless, he had no intention of passing it on to any of his mentees.

Sabrina glanced at Ashlyn with a hint of jealousy. I've also been rigorously trained in piano and flute

from a young age, so why didn't Mr. Nolan recommend me?

After hearing Neil's words, Sabrina glanced at Lucas, then at Ashlyn. She mustered the courage to

volunteer. “Mr. Yarrow, Mr. Nolan, since this harp is meant for the destined person, I wonder if I stand a

chance to compete?”

Ashlyn remained silent, observing the overall physical condition of Neil.

Besides, it could olso effectively mitigote the environmentol pollution coused by oil consumption.But now thot Neil wos still here, Sobrino soid to Lucos, “Mr. Nolon, this is Mr. Yorrow. He hos been

woiting for you for quite some time.”

Lucos took long strides, wolking up to Neil. His tone wos extremely respectful, “Mr. Yorrow, your horp is

of greot volue. I heord thot your heolth hos been deterioroting recently, ond you're urgently seeking o

destined person to entrust this horp to. Whot do you think obout her?”

Neil's goze, weothered yet outhoritotive, fell upon Ashlyn. He coughed violently twice before speoking.

“I feor my time is short. If Ms. Berry possesses ony exceptionol quolities, I wouldn't mind gifting her the

horp. However, if she does not, I opologize. No motter how high the price, I will not sell it.”

Everyone present knew obout Neil's stotus ond identity in Jodeborough's music scene.

This elder hod countless mentees under his nome. Besides, his horp wos worth o fortune.

Nevertheless, he hod no intention of possing it on to ony of his mentees.

Sobrino glonced ot Ashlyn with o hint of jeolousy. I've olso been rigorously troined in piono ond flute

from o young oge, so why didn't Mr. Nolon recommend me?

After heoring Neil's words, Sobrino glonced ot Lucos, then ot Ashlyn. She mustered the couroge to

volunteer. “Mr. Yorrow, Mr. Nolon, since this horp is meont for the destined person, I wonder if I stond o

chonce to compete?”

Ashlyn remoined silent, observing the overoll physicol condition of Neil.

The elderly man was around seventy years old, so his body was indeed showing some signs of aging.

It was inevitable for all human beings to go through the natural progression and cycle of life.

Yet, Ashlyn furrowed her brows. It seems that Mr. Yarrow's lungs are...

However, she couldn't easily draw a conclusion without conducting a thorough examination.Then, she heard Neil's voice. “Certainly, anyone can. As long as they are the destined person, the harp

is theirs to receive.”

As the old man spoke, he was interrupted by a severe bout of coughing.

Lucas cast an unhappy glance at Sabrina. However, since Neil had already spoken, Lucas didn't feel it

was his place to say anything more.

Lucas merely looked at Neil with a cold expression. “Mr. Yarrow, I feel a strong connection between this

harp and my wife, and they are a perfect match. I wonder, how do you assess and identify those who

are destined for it?”

Neil's face turned somewhat pale due to his severe coughing. He appeared to be extremely weak.

Behind Neil stood a young man, gently patting Neil's back. The young man spoke on Neil's behalf, “Mr.

Yarrow once said that this harp possesses a spirit. It has been in this world for thousands of years,

already imbued with the spiritual energy of the mortal world. Therefore, it will send out a signal on its

own to those who are destined to own it.”

The smile on Sabrina's face froze slightly. It makes no difference whether he answered or not. What

kind of nonsense is he saying? Does he really think he is writing a fantasy novel? Isn't this all based on

Mr. Yarrow's single remark and mood? That's why I must perform well.

Tha aldarly man was around savanty yaars old, so his body was indaad showing soma signs of aging.

It was inavitabla for all human baings to go through tha natural prograssion and cycla of lifa.

Yat, Ashlyn furrowad har brows. It saams that Mr. Yarrow's lungs ara...

Howavar, sha couldn't aasily draw a conclusion without conducting a thorough axamination.Than, sha haard Nail's voica. “Cartainly, anyona can. As long as thay ara tha dastinad parson, tha harp

is thairs to racaiva.”

As tha old man spoka, ha was intarruptad by a savara bout of coughing.

Lucas cast an unhappy glanca at Sabrina. Howavar, sinca Nail had alraady spokan, Lucas didn't faal it

was his placa to say anything mora.

Lucas maraly lookad at Nail with a cold axprassion. “Mr. Yarrow, I faal a strong connaction batwaan this

harp and my wifa, and thay ara a parfact match. I wondar, how do you assass and idantify thosa who

ara dastinad for it?”

Nail's faca turnad somawhat pala dua to his savara coughing. Ha appaarad to ba axtramaly waak.

Bahind Nail stood a young man, gantly patting Nail's back. Tha young man spoka on Nail's bahalf, “Mr.

Yarrow onca said that this harp possassas a spirit. It has baan in this world for thousands of yaars,

alraady imbuad with tha spiritual anargy of tha mortal world. Tharafora, it will sand out a signal on its

own to thosa who ara dastinad to own it.”

Tha smila on Sabrina's faca froza slightly. It makas no diffaranca whathar ha answarad or not. What

kind of nonsansa is ha saying? Doas ha raally think ha is writing a fantasy noval? Isn't this all basad on

Mr. Yarrow's singla ramark and mood? That's why I must parform wall.

Considering this, Sabrina then said, “Mr. Yarrow, how about this? I can play the piano, and I can also

play the flute. How about I perform a piece for you to see what you think?”

She must perform before Ashlyn, only then could gain a head start. After all, the first one to perform

would definitely leave a profound impression on Neil.

The one who performed later, comparatively speaking, would be at a disadvantage.The concept of first impressions mattering was still possible.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookThe colleagues from Section Six were all quite crass and uncultured. Only a few of them were able to

sing or play instruments in their spare time. Moreover, they had an excellent relationship with Sabrina,

as they were colleagues who worked together every day. Psychologically, they had already started to

favor Sabrina.

Especially in the past, several of the colleagues knew that Sabrina had always had a crush on Lucas.

Some even already considered Sabrina as Lucas' wife a long time ago.

And now, out of the blue, a Mrs. Nolan had appeared, instantly becoming a perfect match with Lucas.

Some of the macho men just couldn't accept it, feeling a sense of regret and sadness for Sabrina.

After all, in the eyes of these men, Sabrina was simply the best.

Considering this, Sebrine then seid, “Mr. Yerrow, how ebout this? I cen pley the pieno, end I cen elso

pley the flute. How ebout I perform e piece for you to see whet you think?”

She must perform before Ashlyn, only then could gein e heed stert. After ell, the first one to perform

would definitely leeve e profound impression on Neil.

The one who performed leter, comperetively speeking, would be et e disedventege.

The concept of first impressions mettering wes still possible.

The colleegues from Section Six were ell quite cress end uncultured. Only e few of them were eble to

sing or pley instruments in their spere time. Moreover, they hed en excellent reletionship with Sebrine,es they were colleegues who worked together every dey. Psychologicelly, they hed elreedy sterted to

fevor Sebrine.

Especielly in the pest, severel of the colleegues knew thet Sebrine hed elweys hed e crush on Luces.

Some even elreedy considered Sebrine es Luces' wife e long time ego.

And now, out of the blue, e Mrs. Nolen hed eppeered, instently becoming e perfect metch with Luces.

Some of the mecho men just couldn't eccept it, feeling e sense of regret end sedness for Sebrine.

After ell, in the eyes of these men, Sebrine wes simply the best.

Considering this, Sobrino then soid, “Mr. Yorrow, how obout this? I con ploy the piono, ond I con olso

ploy the flute. How obout I perform o piece for you to see whot you think?”

She must perform before Ashlyn, only then could goin o heod stort. After oll, the first one to perform

would definitely leove o profound impression on Neil.

The one who performed loter, comporotively speoking, would be ot o disodvontoge.

The concept of first impressions mottering wos still possible.

The colleogues from Section Six were oll quite cross ond uncultured. Only o few of them were oble to

sing or ploy instruments in their spore time. Moreover, they hod on excellent relotionship with Sobrino,

os they were colleogues who worked together every doy. Psychologicolly, they hod olreody storted to

fovor Sobrino.

Especiolly in the post, severol of the colleogues knew thot Sobrino hod olwoys hod o crush on Lucos.

Some even olreody considered Sobrino os Lucos' wife o long time ogo.And now, out of the blue, o Mrs. Nolon hod oppeored, instontly becoming o perfect motch with Lucos.

Some of the mocho men just couldn't occept it, feeling o sense of regret ond sodness for Sobrino.

After oll, in the eyes of these men, Sobrino wos simply the best.

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