Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1115

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Chapter 1115Chapter 1115 I Want Him To Suffer

Joseph was a bit confused.

He followed Ashlyn out of the private room all the way to the car. It was not until he had started the

engine that he snapped back to his senses.

So, we came out just like that? Whoa! Ashlyn's series of actions were aggressive, impressive, and

arrogant! She was too d*mn daring! Mrs. Taylor is the wife of the Taylor family's main family! Yet, she

offended the woman without any qualms?

“Uh... You...”

He wanted to say something, but Ashlyn cut him off. “Focus on driving.”

Joseph went silent.

The car then pulled up to the hotel entrance, upon which they alighted from the vehicle.

Joseph hesitated before venturing, “Aunt Ashlyn, we... I mean, you offended her. Aren't you afraid she'll

retaliate against you?”

“Are you scared?” Ashlyn raised an eyebrow, looking very much conceited.

“I...” Joseph thought for a moment before saying, “I'm not afraid. After all, I'm penniless now with only

my life left.”

“There you have it.” Ashlyn's lips curved into a smile. “If even you aren't scared, what do I have to

fear?”Hmm? What's with this unexpected sense of warmth I feel upon hearing that?

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookInside the private room, Andrea's face was flushed bright red. With a sweep of her hand, she sent the

red wine costing tens of thousands flying off the table to shatter on the floor.

Immediately, sounds of glass breaking split the air.

The server who had been standing outside heard the commotion and rushed in. “What happened,

ma'am? Are you okay?”

Andrea hurled the cup in her hand at the server's face viciously. “Get out!”

Frightened, the server quickly closed the private room's door and left.

Winona was so terrified that she swiftly protected her head with both hands, not daring to approach her


She swallowed nervously. “Mom... don't be angry anymore. That woman is just an insolent b*tch!”

“How dare you show me such disrespect, Ashlyn! Just you wait!”

Andrea's face was contorted with rage, her eyes brimming with infinite hatred.

My family, the Taylor family, has been a prominent family established in Jadeborough for nearly a

hundred years, basking in glory all this time. Numerous small families are eager to ingratiate

themselves with my family. Yet, that Ashlyn woman is utterly impudent and stubborn. She's just a

musician, no? Who does she think she is? She's nothing more than an inferior lowlife! Considering her

class, she's unworthy to converse with a lady of my high standing. I humbled myself to initiate contact

with her, but still, she had the audacity to act so arrogantly and conceited!“Mom... we don't necessarily have to go with Ashlyn. There are many other musicians out there. I...

Perhaps you can help me find someone else?” Winona carefully observed her mother's expression as

she spoke.

“Don't worry. I'll contact Ryan Yates for you. Even if it means going abroad by plane each time to seek

him out for practice, we won't take Ashlyn.” Andrea took a deep breath, regaining some of her

composure after her previous outburst. “It's just piano lessons. Ashlyn isn't the only renowned pianist in

the world! Who does she think she is?”

Winona quickly nodded. “Yes, yes! You're absolutely right, Mom.”

Once she had calmed down, Andrea immediately picked up her phone and made a call. “Just make

sure that he doesn't end up dead. Make his life difficult! I want him to suffer!”

The person on the other end must have said something that infuriated Andrea. She lashed out. “Do you

want to lose your job? And do you not want your daughter to attend the film academy anymore?”

Thus, the sergeant could only relent weakly, “Okay, okay. Rest assured that I'll definitely do as you

ordered, Mrs. Taylor.”

After he had hung up the phone, his expression turned extremely grim.

Has that old biddy lost her mind? How would I dare make a move against James when he has the

Oates family backing him up?

He sighed, acutely feeling caught between a rock and a hard place again.

Both parties were not someone he could afford to offend.

He was just an insignificant sergeant.Oh well, never mind. I'll just regard Mrs. Taylor's words as a passing comment. If I really were to do

anything to James, what should I do when Old Mr. Oates comes to question me once more? At that

time, Mrs. Taylor probably won't come to my aid either. After all, Old Mr. Oates holds more authority

than the wife of the Taylor family.

After weighing the pros and cons, the sergeant went straight back to his office.

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