Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 794

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“Dr. Berry! Nice to meet you!”

Suddenly, a middle-aged man walked in Ashlyn’s direction.

Clad in a black suit, the gentleman looked extraordinarily classy.

Upon noticing the man from a distance, Ashlyn greeted him with a light nod. “It has been a while, Mr.


“I didn’t expect to see you here. By the way, those medical students from T University were so blessed

to have attended your public lecture. It’s a shame that I could only watch it from the video.” Lawrence

Berkley expressed his disappointment while shaking Ashlyn’s hand.

Ashlyn instantly caught Lawrence’s attention the moment he stepped into the hall. He could not hide

his excitement when he was walking toward her.

“Oh, my God. Did I hear that right? World Health Organization chairman Mr. Berkley wanted to attend

Ashlyn’s public lecture?”

“Public lecture in T University? Didn’t Penelope claim she was the one who gave that?”

The crowd started whispering behind their backs.

Lawrence smiled and said, “I guess all of you don’t know who Dr. Berry is. Dr. Berry is H Nation’s best

surgeon, and she has saved many lives over the years. Just a while ago, she conducted a public

lecture at T University in H Nation.”

Bianca was stunned when she saw Lawrence walking in.

Her jaw dropped even further after hearing what the man said. She’s so young, yet she’s already an

accomplished doctor. She’s indeed one of a kind.

At the same time, she stared at Penelope and Mary. How dare these two claim credit for something

they didn’t do? They are a disgrace to the Yates family!

All the other guests were also struck dumb.

“So Ms. Penelope is a fake?” The guest, who believed Ashlyn was the speaker at the public lecture,

could not help but exclaim.

Everyone started shooting Penelope glares of disdain. Claiming to be someone who she’s not? Has

she no shame? She even dared to get her mom and grandmother to humiliate Ashlyn! She should be

ashamed of herself!

Penelope was so embarrassed that she hung her head in shame. This is all Mom’s fault. She told me

to go along with it, and now I’ve made a fool of myself!

The intense stares from all the guests were like needles pricking her body, causing her to shudder in


Bianca had never felt so humiliated before. Throughout the last few decades, Bianca had not only

made a name for herself but also taken the Yates family to the next level. She was extremely cautious

with everything she did and every decision she made because making a wrong move could get her


Yet, Mary and Penelope had tarnished the reputation she had built over the years in the blink of an eye.

How I wish I didn’t bring them back to the family. If only I could turn back the clock.

“The mother and daughter are compulsive liars. How could they lie about the public lecture since many

people attended the event? I bet the accusations they made against Ashlyn previously are also


“Yeah. Pretty sure they made up stories to ruin Ms. Ashlyn’s reputation.”

All the guests were no fools. Mary and Penelope might be able to blindside some rookies with their

amateur acting but not these experienced influential figures.

All these big shots were observant enough to see through their deception, so they did not fall for the

duo’s lies.

“N-No… I didn’t—” Mary tried to defend herself, but Bianca interrupted her. “Zip it!”

“Mom—” Mary looked at Bianca, feeling helpless and awkward.

“Just stop talking, okay?” Ryan was so annoyed that he had to step in.

“You all owe her an apology.” Caleb walked up to Ashlyn and turned to Bianca. “Old Mrs. Yates, how

could the Yates family humiliate Lynnie like this? Is this how you treat your guests?”

The crowd gasped in disbelief when they heard what Caleb said. Oh my goodness. Another big shot

jumped to Ms. Ashlyn’s defense!

Lawrence finally realized the Yates family was making things difficult for Ashlyn.

In a fit of anger, he handed his gift to Matilda and said, “What has happened to your family, Old Mrs.

Yates? The Yates family I knew was not like this!”

Update of My Extraordinary Wife by Novelebook

With the author's famous My Extraordinary Wife series authorName that makes readers fall in love

with every word, go to chapter Chapter 794 readers Immerse yourself in love anecdotes, mixed with

plot demons. Will the next chapters of the My Extraordinary Wife series are available today.

Key: My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 794


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