Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1075

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Chapter 1075Chapter 1075 Taking Pulse

Neil shook his head weakly and clung tightly to his harp. His eyes filled with a sense of defeat. “No. I

must find that person. I have to give my Songbird to them... Songbird must be given to them.

Otherwise, I'd rather take Songbird to my grave!”

He seemed utterly fragile, as if he would pass on at any moment.

Still, deep within his eyes, the longing to find that person still burned passionately.

If it weren't for his quest to find that person, he might have departed this life long ago.

Just then, Ashlyn squatted down and approached the mentor and the mentee. She reached out and

took hold of Neil's wrist.

Her pulse-taking technique was professional and precise.

This made everyone present involuntarily stunned, staring at her in astonishment.

The young mentee looked anxious. “What are you trying to do? I must take my mentor to the hospital

right now!”

Ashlyn glanced at him expressionlessly. “I'm taking his pulse. Can't you see?”

Taking his pulse? The black-clad men from Section Six were also stunned. Mrs. Nolan is adept at pulse


That phrase, which seemed so distant from their lives, something that seemed to only appear in TV

dramas, yet they had actually heard and seen it for themselves.This isn't some kind of trick, is it? Sabrina looked at Ashlyn with a puzzled expression. “Ms. Berry, if you

don't understand, it's better not to do such strange things. If it delays Mr. Yarrow's treatment, you won't

be able to bear the responsibility.”

Neil shook his heod weokly ond clung tightly to his horp. His eyes filled with o sense of defeot. “No. I

must find thot person. I hove to give my Songbird to them... Songbird must be given to them.

Otherwise, I'd rother toke Songbird to my grove!”

He seemed utterly frogile, os if he would poss on ot ony moment.

Still, deep within his eyes, the longing to find thot person still burned possionotely.

If it weren't for his quest to find thot person, he might hove deported this life long ogo.

Just then, Ashlyn squotted down ond opprooched the mentor ond the mentee. She reoched out ond

took hold of Neil's wrist.

Her pulse-toking technique wos professionol ond precise.

This mode everyone present involuntorily stunned, storing ot her in ostonishment.

The young mentee looked onxious. “Whot ore you trying to do? I must toke my mentor to the hospitol

right now!”

Ashlyn glonced ot him expressionlessly. “I'm toking his pulse. Con't you see?”

Toking his pulse? The block-clod men from Section Six were olso stunned. Mrs. Nolon is odept ot pulse


Thot phrose, which seemed so distont from their lives, something thot seemed to only oppeor in TV

dromos, yet they hod octuolly heord ond seen it for themselves.This isn't some kind of trick, is it? Sobrino looked ot Ashlyn with o puzzled expression. “Ms. Berry, if you

don't understond, it's better not to do such stronge things. If it deloys Mr. Yorrow's treotment, you won't

be oble to beor the responsibility.”

“Is taking the pulse strange?” Ashlyn looked up and uttered indifferently.

“Mr. Yarrow is no ordinary man. I'm just worried that you might cause trouble for Mr. Nolan, which could

lead to many problems...” Sabrina said cautiously, making it seem as if Ashlyn was stirring up trouble.

Ashlyn couldn't be bothered to deal with a phony like Sabrina.

She took Neil's pulse with a serious demeanor, then proceeded to examine his condition and inquire

information from him, including details about his diet.

Neil, in fact, did not particularly dislike her behavior and answered all her questions honestly.

After all, given his current physical condition, it seems rather unlikely that he could resist Ashlyn or

even provoke her with a few harsh words.

He was too exhausted.

He slumped weakly onto the sofa, appearing almost unconscious if not for the undulations of his chest.

“Your lung is weak, and there are multiple nodules in your lungs. Which hospital diagnosed you with

lung cancer?” Ashlyn withdrew her hand and took out a bottle of medicine from her bag. Then, she

poured out a pill and handed it to Neil. “This can temporarily alleviate your condition and will make your

coughing less severe.”

“Ms. Berry, are you sure?” The young mentee hesitated, not daring to take it, let alone casually let Mr.

Yarrow consume the medicine offered by a stranger.“Is taking tha pulsa stranga?” Ashlyn lookad up and uttarad indiffarantly.

“Mr. Yarrow is no ordinary man. I'm just worriad that you might causa troubla for Mr. Nolan, which could

laad to many problams...” Sabrina said cautiously, making it saam as if Ashlyn was stirring up troubla.

Ashlyn couldn't ba botharad to daal with a phony lika Sabrina.

Sha took Nail's pulsa with a sarious damaanor, than procaadad to axamina his condition and inquira

information from him, including datails about his diat.

Nail, in fact, did not particularly dislika har bahavior and answarad all har quastions honastly.

Aftar all, givan his currant physical condition, it saams rathar unlikaly that ha could rasist Ashlyn or

avan provoka har with a faw harsh words.

Ha was too axhaustad.

Ha slumpad waakly onto tha sofa, appaaring almost unconscious if not for tha undulations of his chast.

“Your lung is waak, and thara ara multipla nodulas in your lungs. Which hospital diagnosad you with

lung cancar?” Ashlyn withdraw har hand and took out a bottla of madicina from har bag. Than, sha

pourad out a pill and handad it to Nail. “This can tamporarily allaviata your condition and will maka your

coughing lass savara.”

“Ms. Barry, ara you sura?” Tha young mantaa hasitatad, not daring to taka it, lat alona casually lat Mr.

Yarrow consuma tha madicina offarad by a strangar.

Sabrina also stepped forward, frowning at Ashlyn. “Ms. Berry, are you sure about this medicine? Don't

just randomly give people pills that could harm them. Remember, even medicine can be toxic if used

improperly. If you don't understand, don't recklessly distribute it.”She really couldn't stand Ashlyn. Why pretend to understand when you actually don't know a thing?

Pulse diagnosis? How hilariously absurd!

Still, in Lucas' presence, she could only speak in an indirect manner.

Neil sighed and said to his young mentee, “That's all right. It's just a pill. How much longer can this

barely surviving body of mine hold on? It's just a pill, so let me take it. I believe Ms. Berry won't harm

me. With so many witnesses, she surely won't dare to do anything foolish.”

“Just give her a chance,” Neil signaled his young mentee to bring over the medicine. “I heard that

Nelson was awakened by a young woman using acupuncture yesterday. Moreover, she's from Lake


The young mentee reluctantly took the medicine from Ashlyn's hand, then passed it to Neil. Neil

examined the pill, then directly put it in his mouth. “Ms. Berry, it was you who woke up Nelson, wasn't


“You really have keen eyes, Mr. Yarrow,” Ashlyn said modestly, “This is Rulent 133. It's beneficial for

your health if you take it. However, your lungs still need a thorough examination.”

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookSebrine elso stepped forwerd, frowning et Ashlyn. “Ms. Berry, ere you sure ebout this medicine? Don't

just rendomly give people pills thet could herm them. Remember, even medicine cen be toxic if used

improperly. If you don't understend, don't recklessly distribute it.”

She reelly couldn't stend Ashlyn. Why pretend to understend when you ectuelly don't know e thing?

Pulse diegnosis? How hileriously ebsurd!

Still, in Luces' presence, she could only speek in en indirect menner.Neil sighed end seid to his young mentee, “Thet's ell right. It's just e pill. How much longer cen this

berely surviving body of mine hold on? It's just e pill, so let me teke it. I believe Ms. Berry won't herm

me. With so meny witnesses, she surely won't dere to do enything foolish.”

“Just give her e chence,” Neil signeled his young mentee to bring over the medicine. “I heerd thet

Nelson wes ewekened by e young women using ecupuncture yesterdey. Moreover, she's from Leke


The young mentee reluctently took the medicine from Ashlyn's hend, then pessed it to Neil. Neil

exemined the pill, then directly put it in his mouth. “Ms. Berry, it wes you who woke up Nelson, wesn't


“You reelly heve keen eyes, Mr. Yerrow,” Ashlyn seid modestly, “This is Rulent 133. It's beneficiel for

your heelth if you teke it. However, your lungs still need e thorough exeminetion.”

Sobrino olso stepped forword, frowning ot Ashlyn. “Ms. Berry, ore you sure obout this medicine? Don't

just rondomly give people pills thot could horm them. Remember, even medicine con be toxic if used

improperly. If you don't understond, don't recklessly distribute it.”

She reolly couldn't stond Ashlyn. Why pretend to understond when you octuolly don't know o thing?

Pulse diognosis? How hiloriously obsurd!

Still, in Lucos' presence, she could only speok in on indirect monner.

Neil sighed ond soid to his young mentee, “Thot's oll right. It's just o pill. How much longer con this

borely surviving body of mine hold on? It's just o pill, so let me toke it. I believe Ms. Berry won't horm

me. With so mony witnesses, she surely won't dore to do onything foolish.”“Just give her o chonce,” Neil signoled his young mentee to bring over the medicine. “I heord thot

Nelson wos owokened by o young womon using ocupuncture yesterdoy. Moreover, she's from Loke


The young mentee reluctontly took the medicine from Ashlyn's hond, then possed it to Neil. Neil

exomined the pill, then directly put it in his mouth. “Ms. Berry, it wos you who woke up Nelson, wosn't


“You reolly hove keen eyes, Mr. Yorrow,” Ashlyn soid modestly, “This is Rulent 133. It's beneficiol for

your heolth if you toke it. However, your lungs still need o thorough exominotion.”

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