Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 682

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She did not understand why a domineering guy with an aloof bearing would sacrifice everything for her.

Even so, she did not dare to dwell on this matter anymore.

The next morning, Twitter was ablaze again.

There were some heated trending topics.

Ashlyn, the judge, deliberately gave a low score to a contestant.

Ashlyn, aren’t you shameless? This is biased toward Charlotte.

There were a lot of comments scolding Ashlyn for being unfair.

They stated she had a bias toward Charlotte and was unfair to the other contestants that she

deliberately gave a very low score to them.

They cursed Ashlyn without showing any mercy.

Just as Jared saw the comments, another person commented and came up with a conspiracy theory.

How much did Ashlyn receive from Charlotte?

They commented Ashlyn must have received tons of money from Charlotte. They even found out about

Charlotte’s close relationship with Ashlyn and Fae and that she was James’ goddaughter.

They had even drawn a family tree to relate Ashlyn and Charlotte, analyzing the incident thoroughly.

Countless netizens were trying to disclose their relationship.

Upon seeing the comments, Jared was on the verge of breaking. When he passed his phone for

Ashlyn to take a look, the latter raised her brows and took a sip of the milk.

“Do they really think I’m that weak? How dare they falsely accuse me?”

“Boss, what should we do now?”

“What else can we do? Ask Harrison and Anderson to take care of this matter. How dare those people

hire ghostwriters to jeopardize my reputation?” Ashlyn frowned, exuding a domineering aura.

“Okay. Roger that.” Jared hurriedly went upstairs to wake up the twins, who were still sleeping.

At the same time, Ashlyn continued to enjoy her breakfast. When she suddenly thought of Kate acting

like a madwoman the day before, she felt like ripping that woman’s mouth into pieces.

In the Fraser residence, the Fraser family’s personal beautician crouched before Kate, helping the

latter polish her nail while grabbing onto her feet.

“Be gentler,” Kate reprimanded the beautician, looking at the trending topics on Twitter.

Petrified, the beautician apologized profusely, “I’m sorry, Mrs. Fraser.”

“Are you always this clumsy?” Kate rolled her eyes, visibly pissed.

Suddenly, a trending topic appeared on the trending list.

Mrs. Fraser of Fraser Corporation hired ghostwriters to slander Ashlyn.

Kate felt a buzzing in her head. She widened her eyes, staring at the topic in disbelief.

At that point, she even suspected her phone was broken.

After all, how was it possible for her to be on the trending topic in just a day?

No! This can’t be happening!

Restarting her phone, she went on Twitter again.

However, the trending topic was still at the top of the trending list.

The post had blown up in no time.

Kate was so livid that she almost choked on her breath, and her heart almost stopped beating at once.

“Okay. Roger that.” Jared hurriedly went upstairs to wake up the twins, who were still sleeping.

Initially, she dared not to click the post. However, after a while, she clicked on the trending post with

trembling fingers.

The solid proof of her recruiting ghostwriters to slander Ashlyn was attached to the post, including bank

transfer records from the butler of the Fraser family to the ghostwriters, as well as their conversation.

There were messages from the butler when he had hired the ghostwriters.

They read: Keep retweeting the post regarding Ashlyn being unfair on Twitter. Here’s five hundred

thousand. You guys must make the topic enter the trending list. Mrs. Fraser had said that whoever

offended her would meet a horrible end. We must send Ashlyn’s reputation to the ground this time.

The chat history clearly recorded how the butler had traded with the ghostwriters, the process of

negotiation, and the requirement to complete the task.

The chat history, including the butler’s WhatsApp number and his personal details, were all exposed to

the public.

That included the pictures of the garden in the Fraser residence and parts of the mansion he had

posted on his Instagram previously.

Some of Lochlan’s photos were included as well.

The comments then flooded the post. It’s real.

There’s no way they can deny the fact.

It is apparent that it’s the butler’s account. It’s impossible that he’s an imposter, a fake account, or that

he’s being framed.

Infuriated, Kate vented her anger by kicking the beautician’s chest, causing the beautician to slump to

the ground.

About My Extraordinary Wife -

My Extraordinary Wife is the best current series of the author Novelebook. With the below Chapter

682 content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred interchangeably, despite all the tricks

to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and then regret. late. Please read

chapter Chapter 682 and update the next chapters of this series at


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