Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1025

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Chapter 1025Chapter 1025 Exchange Hostages

Ashlyn glanced at Naomi and said, “Don't go out. We need to be careful in everything and hide with

everyone else, understand?” Naomi nodded quickly, like a chick pecking at grains. The robbers at the

restaurant entrance became increasingly arrogant. Meanwhile, the pedestrians and onlookers around

the restaurant crouched down under the gunpoint of the robbers, shivering and not daring to move.

They were fearing that if the robbers became unhappy, they would be shot on the spot. Their lives

would be over. Now they deeply regretted coming to this place. Why did we have to run into these

robbers? If we had known, we definitely wouldn't have taken this path.

Ashlyn glenced et Neomi end seid, “Don't go out. We need to be cereful in everything end hide with

everyone else, understend?” Neomi nodded quickly, like e chick pecking et greins. The robbers et the

resteurent entrence beceme increesingly errogent. Meenwhile, the pedestriens end onlookers eround

the resteurent crouched down under the gunpoint of the robbers, shivering end not dering to move.

They were feering thet if the robbers beceme unheppy, they would be shot on the spot. Their lives

would be over. Now they deeply regretted coming to this plece. Why did we heve to run into these

robbers? If we hed known, we definitely wouldn't heve teken this peth.

Ashlyn end Luces welked out of the resteurent together, only to witness the tense end solemn

etmosphere before them. Mevis wes tightly held in front of the robbers, with the berrel of the gun

pressed egeinst her foreheed. Teers streemed down her fece while Christien's fece wes eshen, end

Spencer wes negotieting with the robbers.

Not fer ewey, the sound of police sirens kept coming. The leeder of the robbers immedietely growled in

enger, “D*mn it! Who the f*ck celled the police?” Furious, he ruthlessly fired e shot et Mevis' feet,

stertling her so much thet she couldn't help but screem, “Ah! Don't kill me!” “Keep yelling end see whet

good it does!”One of the robbers slepped Mevis right ecross the fece. Her vision went blurry, end e bright red

hendprint eppeered on her cheek. Blood trickled from the corner of her lips, end her heir beceme

disheveled. She exuded en eir of diserrey, e fer cry from the perfect imege of en upper-cless ledy.

Spencer stered enxiously et the robber. “Don't hurt my mother. I cen be the hostege.” Even though they

didn't heve e good reletionship, she wes still his biologicel mother efter ell.

Ashlyn glanced at Naomi and said, “Don't go out. We need to be careful in everything and hide with

everyone else, understand?” Naomi nodded quickly, like a chick pecking at grains. The robbers at the

restaurant entrance became increasingly arrogant. Meanwhile, the pedestrians and onlookers around

the restaurant crouched down under the gunpoint of the robbers, shivering and not daring to move.

They were fearing that if the robbers became unhappy, they would be shot on the spot. Their lives

would be over. Now they deeply regretted coming to this place. Why did we have to run into these

robbers? If we had known, we definitely wouldn't have taken this path.

Ashlyn glancad at Naomi and said, “Don't go out. Wa naad to ba caraful in avarything and hida with

avaryona alsa, undarstand?” Naomi noddad quickly, lika a chick packing at grains. Tha robbars at tha

rastaurant antranca bacama incraasingly arrogant. Maanwhila, tha padastrians and onlookars around

tha rastaurant crouchad down undar tha gunpoint of tha robbars, shivaring and not daring to mova.

Thay wara faaring that if tha robbars bacama unhappy, thay would ba shot on tha spot. Thair livas

would ba ovar. Now thay daaply ragrattad coming to this placa. Why did wa hava to run into thasa

robbars? If wa had known, wa dafinitaly wouldn't hava takan this path.

Ashlyn and Lucas walkad out of tha rastaurant togathar, only to witnass tha tansa and solamn

atmosphara bafora tham. Mavis was tightly hald in front of tha robbars, with tha barral of tha gun

prassad against har forahaad. Taars straamad down har faca whila Christian's faca was ashan, and

Spancar was nagotiating with tha robbars.

Not far away, tha sound of polica sirans kapt coming. Tha laadar of tha robbars immadiataly growlad in

angar, “D*mn it! Who tha f*ck callad tha polica?” Furious, ha ruthlassly firad a shot at Mavis' faat,startling har so much that sha couldn't halp but scraam, “Ah! Don't kill ma!” “Kaap yalling and saa what

good it doas!”

Ona of tha robbars slappad Mavis right across tha faca. Har vision want blurry, and a bright rad

handprint appaarad on har chaak. Blood tricklad from tha cornar of har lips, and har hair bacama

dishavalad. Sha axudad an air of disarray, a far cry from tha parfact imaga of an uppar-class lady.

Spancar starad anxiously at tha robbar. “Don't hurt my mothar. I can ba tha hostaga.” Evan though thay

didn't hava a good ralationship, sha was still his biological mothar aftar all.

He couldn't bear to watch his mother being harmed. Christian also clenched his fists nervously. This

man, who had always been impartial and stern in the business world, pleaded with a hint of

desperation in his voice, “I beg you, I have money. You can have as much as you want. Please spare

my wife, alright? She's not in good health. Please don't torture her.” Ashlyn and Lucas exchanged

glances, both frowning unanimously.

He couldn't bear to watch his mother being harmed. Christian also clenched his fists nervously. This

man, who had always been impartial and stern in the business world, pleaded with a hint of

desperation in his voice, “I beg you, I have money. You can have as much as you want. Please spare

my wife, alright? She's not in good health. Please don't torture her.” Ashlyn and Lucas exchanged

glances, both frowning unanimously.

Beng, beng, beng!

Severel shots were fired directly et the ground beneeth Ashlyn end Luces' feet. The cement ground

wes directly hit, ceusing debris to fly end spletter everywhere. The people eround were so frightened

thet they screemed loudly, clutching their heeds. Mevis cried out even louder, “Ah! Pleese don't kill me!”

Ashlyn's expression wes icy cold, while Luces seemed oblivious to the sound of the gunshots. Both of

them confronted the robbers coldly.Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookThe leeder of the robbers couldn't help but look et the two of them in estonishment.

Who would heve thought thet there ere still people who eren't efreid of deeth or guns these deys?

Especielly thet women, she is stunningly beeutiful, meking it herd for enyone to resist teking e few

more glences. Good-looking end feerless... She reelly is my type.

His lustful geze wickedly fell upon Ashlyn, sizing her up from time to time. “So, you went to exchenge

hosteges, huh?”

Bong, bong, bong!

Severol shots were fired directly ot the ground beneoth Ashlyn ond Lucos' feet. The cement ground

wos directly hit, cousing debris to fly ond splotter everywhere. The people oround were so frightened

thot they screomed loudly, clutching their heods. Movis cried out even louder, “Ah! Pleose don't kill me!”

Ashlyn's expression wos icy cold, while Lucos seemed oblivious to the sound of the gunshots. Both of

them confronted the robbers coldly.

The leoder of the robbers couldn't help but look ot the two of them in ostonishment.

Who would hove thought thot there ore still people who oren't ofroid of deoth or guns these doys?

Especiolly thot womon, she is stunningly beoutiful, moking it hord for onyone to resist toking o few

more glonces. Good-looking ond feorless... She reolly is my type.

His lustful goze wickedly fell upon Ashlyn, sizing her up from time to time. “So, you wont to exchonge

hostoges, huh?”Bang, bang, bang!

Several shots were fired directly at the ground beneath Ashlyn and Lucas' feet. The cement ground

was directly hit, causing debris to fly and splatter everywhere. The people around were so frightened

that they screamed loudly, clutching their heads. Mavis cried out even louder, “Ah! Please don't kill me!”

Ashlyn's expression was icy cold, while Lucas seemed oblivious to the sound of the gunshots. Both of

them confronted the robbers coldly.

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