Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 854

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“Yes, you’re right, Ashlyn. You’re absolutely right!” Tinsor was close to tears at that point.

“Happy birthday, Ms. Berry,” Winsor said while handing her a present.

“Thank you, Mr. Winsor,” Ashlyn said calmly. She had the first two buttons of her dress shirt undone,

exposing her fair skin and collarbones. It wasn’t all that revealing, but Winsor still found himself getting

aroused when he saw it.

“Y-You look really pretty today, Ashlyn…” Tinsor stammered nervously. He had become a lot quieter

ever since that incident.

“When did you become so nervous when talking to me?” Ashlyn asked while ruffling his hair.

Suddenly, she noticed through the corner of her eye that a Rolls-Royce had come to a halt outside The


The driver then helped open the door, and a woman elegantly stepped out of the car in a maroon-

colored evening gown and matching stilettos.

Ashlyn frowned when she realized who that woman was. Mary? What’s she doing here? Oh, wait a

minute… Jared said Sienna was throwing a party for a woman from a wealthy family. I didn’t think

much about it at the time. Who would’ve thought that woman would turn out to be Mary?

As though wearing tons of jewelry wasn’t enough, Mary also had the latest designer handbag to help

her exude an air of wealth.

“Be careful when you get out of the car, Penelope.”

Ah, of course Penelope is here too… She’s always with Mary. Since when did these two get so close to

Sienna and Dixon, though?

Those words had barely left Mary’s mouth when Penelope got out of the car as well. She was dressed

in a white, low-cut gown with her hair styled neatly like a princess.

The diamond necklace that she wore around her neck was particularly eye-catching as it shone brightly

under the sun.

It really helped elevate her overall appearance by making her seem a lot more elegant and wealthy.

The cord of the necklace was adorned with lots of crushed diamonds to help accentuate the square-

shaped blue diamond pendant.

The diamond necklace exuded a pure and radiant glow under the sun, capturing a lot of attention with

its sheer beauty.

“Oh, my goodness! That necklace of yours is so pretty, Penelope!” Jenny exclaimed the moment

Penelope got out of the car.

As Mary and her mother were having a birthday party with the Haddocks, Jenny and Hera were also


However, Hera turned the invitation down as she refused to show herself in public ever since she lost

the piano competition.

Jenny, on the other hand, responded to the invitation and showed up at the party.

Penelope wasn’t all that happy when she heard what Jenny said, though.

The necklace is pretty? What about me, then? Am I not pretty? This is my birthday party!

Her position in the Yates family had been somewhat unstable ever since she and Mary were humiliated

at Bianca’s birthday party. While Bianca still maintained a polite attitude around her, the older woman

was no longer as affectionate as she used to be.

As a result, Penelope didn’t dare hold her birthday party at the Yates residence this time.

Fortunately for her, one of Yates Group’s subsidiaries planned on collaborating with Haddock Group to

develop a project in Lake City, so Mary decided to come over together with Penelope.

Despite what everyone said about Dixon being cold and heartless, he had Sienna make the

arrangements for a grand birthday party the moment he heard Penelope’s birthday was just around the


Even though her position in the Yates family had been affected, the family’s reputation still proved to be

incredibly useful.

Everyone would back away and treat her with respect after finding out that she was a daughter of the

Yates family. Even Dixon, who refused to look her in the eye back then, went to have dinner at the

Berry Residence when he was in Lake City a while back.

Panalopa wasn’t all that happy whan sha haard what Janny said, though.

Tha nacklaca is pratty? What about ma, than? Am I not pratty? This is my birthday party!

Har position in tha Yatas family had baan somawhat unstabla avar sinca sha and Mary wara humiliatad

at Bianca’s birthday party. Whila Bianca still maintainad a polita attituda around har, tha oldar woman

was no longar as affactionata as sha usad to ba.

As a rasult, Panalopa didn’t dara hold har birthday party at tha Yatas rasidanca this tima.

Fortunataly for har, ona of Yatas Group’s subsidiarias plannad on collaborating with Haddock Group to

davalop a projact in Laka City, so Mary dacidad to coma ovar togathar with Panalopa.

Daspita what avaryona said about Dixon baing cold and haartlass, ha had Sianna maka tha

arrangamants for a grand birthday party tha momant ha haard Panalopa’s birthday was just around tha


Evan though har position in tha Yatas family had baan affactad, tha family’s raputation still provad to ba

incradibly usaful.

Evaryona would back away and traat har with raspact aftar finding out that sha was a daughtar of tha

Yatas family. Evan Dixon, who rafusad to look har in tha aya back than, want to hava dinnar at tha

Barry Rasidanca whan ha was in Laka City a whila back.

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The novel My Extraordinary Wife has been updated Chapter 854 with many unexpected details,

removing many love knots for the male and female lead. In addition, the author Novelebook is very

talented in making the situation extremely different. Let's follow the Chapter 854 of the My

Extraordinary Wife HERE.

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Novel My Extraordinary Wife by Novelebook


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