Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1158

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Chapter 1158Chapter 1158 Vulgar

Ashlyn looked at Sabrina leisurely, a hint of mockery flashing in her eyes. How did this woman manage

to become a team leader in Section Six with that limited intelligence of hers?

Sabrina took a deep breath, constantly reminding herself inwardly. Lucas is here. Lucas is here. I

cannot fall for Ashlyn's tricks. I must not fall for this cunning woman's tricks. “Ms. Berry, you've been

providing medicine and treatment because of Mr. Nolan, right? This is completely unrelated to me,

right? However, I still want to thank you. I didn't expect your medical skills to be so impressive.”

Ashlyn sized Sabrina up. Oh? She learned how to endure in silence and not lose her temper now? She

finally knows how to tone down her haughtiness.

However, she neither had the mood nor the time to bicker with Sabrina. Ashlyn glanced down at the


She walked up to the bed and began to remove the needles.

After removing all the thin, long silver needles from Jacob's head, she carefully put away the needles.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookShe said to Lucas, “It might take about ten minutes for him to wake up.”

Lucas gave a slight nod. His cold, piercing gaze swept over Sabrina, the woman he found both

repulsive and annoying.

Previously, he thought her technical skills in computers were exceptional, and indeed, she was the

standout among all the applicants at that time.

Unexpectedly, she had become increasingly arrogant and conceited.And now, she was not showing Ashlyn any respect.

However, Sabrina didn't make any fundamental mistakes. Section Six wouldn't be so ruthless as to

completely ostracize someone who had contributed to the department for several years.

Suppressing his displeasure, he issued an eviction order to Sabrina. “Ms. Gray, have you finished all

the tasks in the technical department? I can't believe you have so much time to waste here.”

“Mr. Nolan, Mr. Lester will wake up in a few minutes. I would like to wait until he wakes up before I

leave.” Sabrina was no fool.

She could naturally tell that Lucas was trying to send her away.

However, the more he showed his distaste for her, the more she wanted to stay here, and the more she

didn't want Ashlyn to share a room with him.

She was extremely jealous.

Her heart ached terribly.

A pleading look spread across her face. “Please, let me see Mr. Lester safe and sound before I leave.”

Anyone who didn't know better would think she and Jacob shared a bond forged in adversity and that

their relationship was incredibly profound.

Upon hearing those words, a wave of irritation surged in Lucas' heart. “Suit yourself.”

Jared could also see Sabrina's hostility toward Ashlyn. He leaned in toward Ashlyn and asked, “Boss,

when are you going back to Lake City?”

“Give it some time.” Ashlyn tucked her phone away. There was no progress yet on James' case, so she

couldn't leave Jadeborough for now.At that moment, roughly around ten minutes had passed.

Jacob still lay quietly on the hospital bed, showing no signs of waking up.

Everyone was waiting quietly. Not a single person made a sound.

Sabrina was the first to lose patience. “Ms. Berry, could you've made a mistake in your judgment? Why

isn't Mr. Lester waking up? Or you didn't apply the acupuncture correctly in the first place? You're so

young, so how could you possibly know acupuncture? You're acting like some traditional medicine

practitioner expert from a TV show.”

Jared was the first to lose his temper. “Can you just shut your foul mouth? You're always babbling

nonsense all day and even dare to question my boss. Do you think you're worthy?”

That was the first time Sabrina had been treated so rudely by a man, leaving her completely stunned.

She stared at Jared with a hint of disbelief.

“Y-You're a CEO. How can you be so vulgar? You...”

The turn of events completely overturned her understanding of Centennial Healthcare's CEO. Is the

courteous man on television really the same as this rude, foul-mouthed man?

She looked at Lucas with a hint of frustration. “Mr. Nolan, how could he treat me like this?”

Lucas laughed coldly. “Sabrina, Mr. Quickton was too lenient with you. I'd rather have Spencer throw

you out.”

Sabrina felt as if she had been struck by lightning. She appeared as if her heart was shattered by the

immense blow, with tears welling up in her eyes.

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