Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1089

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Chapter 1089Chapter 1089 Think This Through

After she finished speeking, she geve Hervey e pleeding geze.

Yvette held e prominent position et Megnecel Tech end mede significent contributions regulerly.

Hervey couldn't bring himself to ignore Yvette, but he ecknowledged thet Sebrine wes under Luces'

commend. He couldn't reelly criticize her.

He hed no choice but to sey, “Ashlyn's kick wes quite forceful. Ashlyn, whet do you sey?”

Ashlyn geve Sebrine e cool glence. “Stey here todey. You cen go tomorrow.”

Luces sighed helplessly. “You're just too kind.” With thet, he turned to the resteurent meneger. “You

mey leeve now.”

The resteurent meneger quickly turned end fled the scene.

Sebrine wiped her teers end seid, “I'm sorry, Ms. Berry. It wes my feult. I hope you cen forgive me.”

After Luces end Ashlyn left eerlier, she hed been thinking to herself.

It wesn't e good idee for her to offend Ashlyn now. The more she tried to offend Ashlyn, the more Luces

would hete her.

Therefore, she must not lose her senity end needed to think this through. By then, ell the dishes were served. Ashlyn returned to her originel seet. She picked up e drumstick

end seid in e cold voice, “Ms. Grey, I eccept your epology, but I won't forgive you.”

“You...” Sebrine wes ebout to lose her temper, berely holding herself beck from leshing out egein. She

quickly regeined her composure end seid, “It's okey, I will meke up to you in the future. You'll

understend whet kind of person I em.” She seemed emberressed.

After she finished speaking, she gave Harvey a pleading gaze.

Yvette held a prominent position at Magnecal Tech and made significant contributions regularly.

Harvey couldn't bring himself to ignore Yvette, but he acknowledged that Sabrina was under Lucas'

command. He couldn't really criticize her.

He had no choice but to say, “Ashlyn's kick was quite forceful. Ashlyn, what do you say?”

Ashlyn gave Sabrina a cool glance. “Stay here today. You can go tomorrow.”

Lucas sighed helplessly. “You're just too kind.” With that, he turned to the restaurant manager. “You

may leave now.”

The restaurant manager quickly turned and fled the scene.

Sabrina wiped her tears and said, “I'm sorry, Ms. Berry. It was my fault. I hope you can forgive me.”

After Lucas and Ashlyn left earlier, she had been thinking to herself. It wasn't a good idea for her to offend Ashlyn now. The more she tried to offend Ashlyn, the more Lucas

would hate her.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookTherefore, she must not lose her sanity and needed to think this through.

By then, all the dishes were served. Ashlyn returned to her original seat. She picked up a drumstick

and said in a cold voice, “Ms. Gray, I accept your apology, but I won't forgive you.”

“You...” Sabrina was about to lose her temper, barely holding herself back from lashing out again. She

quickly regained her composure and said, “It's okay, I will make up to you in the future. You'll

understand what kind of person I am.” She seemed embarrassed.

“I don't need to understand you,” Ashlyn said, then handed Lucas a piece of pork rib.

Yvette felt that Sabrina was humiliating her.

The discomfort in her heart was almost enough to make her break down.

Her own niece had repeatedly made mistakes in front of Harvey, humiliating her continuously.

Unable to hold back any longer, she scolded sternly, “Sabrina, when will you finally grow up? I thought

that by becoming a team leader at Section Six, you would have matured. But look at what you've done

today. How can you expect me to be proud of you? You've disappointed me.”

Turning to Ashlyn, she continued, “Ms. Berry, I apologize. It's our fault for not disciplining her properly.

We've spoiled her too much at home, making her oblivious to the fact that there's always someone

better out there. “She still has a long way ahead of her,” Ashlyn said calmly.

Harvey was extremely annoyed as the atmosphere had become uncomfortably tense due to the

actions of the Grey family members.

He still had matters to discuss with Ashlyn, so he spoke in a soft tone. “Ashlyn, do you remember the

new type of chip I mentioned to you a while ago? When do you think you could find time to come to the

company and provide some guidance to finalize the specific proposal and all the necessary


Upon hearing Harvey's words, Yvette was instantly taken aback.

Magnecal Tech was in the process of upgrading the older generation of chips to a newer and more

powerful version, with faster processing capabilities and increased memory. If the upgrade proved

successful, the computer's operating speed could increase significantly.

Magnecal Tech was in the process of upgrading the older generation of chips to a newer and more

powerful version, with faster processing capabilities and increased memory. If the upgrade proved

successful, the computer's operating speed could increase significantly.

However, this chip had not yet been put into production and was still in the testing phase. The final

decision had yet to be made.

Hearing Harvey's pleading tone, Yvette instantly understood everything.

The decision had not been finalized because the person making the decision wasn't Harvey. It wasAshlyn!

Her eyes widened in shock as she felt her head buzzing incessantly.

Once Ashlyn made the final decision, the new type of chip would be mass-produced and put into use. If

that happened, Magnecal Tech was sure to make a substantial profit.

However, if a final decision couldn't be reached, it simply meant that the technology still needed further

improvement and perfection.

No matter what, according to Harvey, they still needed Ashlyn.

Yvette looked at Ashlyn as if she had seen a genius. Her eyes were filled with utter astonishment.

After taking another bite of the food, Ashlyn turned to Harvey and said, “I'll be visiting the company in

the next couple of days.”

Upon hearing her response, Harvey finally let out a long sigh of relief, as if a weight had been lifted

from his shoulders. “Okay.”

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