Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 860

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Jenny’s face lit up with joy as Penelope’s suggestion struck a chord with her. She immediately walked

over to Jason’s side.

As an experienced entertainer, Jason enjoyed being the center of attention. He generally didn’t refuse

requests for group photos, as he believed it would help with his publicity and present him as an

approachable and down-to-earth person.

Besides, despite not being as stunning as those female celebrities, Jenny and Penelope looked better

than most people.

After the group photo, Jason motioned for his assistant to come over. The assistant promptly arrived

and handed Penelope a beautifully wrapped gift.

“Happy birthday to the beautiful and classy Ms. Berry,” Jason said with a smile.

Penelope’s eyes widened in anticipation as she saw the logo of a luxury brand printed on the bag. She

knew that whatever was inside would be expensive.

Despite her excitement, she managed to maintain her composure as she accepted the bag. “This is too

much, Mr. Harris. You shouldn’t have,” she said gratefully.

“It’s fine. Mr. Haddock is a good friend of mine too,” Jason replied warmly.

He was counting on Penelope to assist him in attracting investors for his movies and television shows

as she had a good relationship with Dixon, who was fond of investing in such ventures together with

Fraser Corporation.

Given that he was getting older and wanted to transition into directing, he required additional financial

support, which made it all the more essential for him to curry favor with Dixon.

Jason happened to glance up and caught sight of Ashlyn standing across from him.

She had a tall, slender figure with delicate facial features, and her almond-shaped eyes sparkled

brightly in the light, making her stand out as she practically glowed.

With her captivating looks and aura, she would undoubtedly stand out even in the entertainment


Jason thought she looked somewhat familiar. “She is…”

“Oh her! That’s Ashlyn!” Jenny caught on. “She’s Penelope’s sister, but she has a bad attitude. I don’t

know what methods she used to marry herself to Lucas, but she’s the famous Mrs. Nolan now.”

Realization dawned on Jason.

Despite Ashlyn not being part of the entertainment industry, her name was well known due to her

frequent presence as a trending topic on the internet.

Additionally, she invested in movies that consistently delivered good results and achieved high box

office sales.

A woman like her…

Before Jason could think too much about Ashlyn, Penelope interrupted him with a forced, gentle voice.

“Mr. Harris, I heard that you brought two friends with you.”

Jason smiled, but a car pulled up to the entrance of The Peacock before he could respond.

Two incredibly handsome men stepped out of the car. They were none other than the twins duo from

the same company as Jason and were currently the hottest thing in the industry.

They weren’t actual brothers, but they looked so much alike that they decided to form a duo, much like

the famous female twins duo from Venria two years prior.

It could be said that they were the top celebrities in the group category, just as Jonathan was a

superstar in the solo category.

They had a large following of female fans, including Jenny and Penelope.

After all, who didn’t like young, handsome men?

The two women were so excited that they almost covered their faces and screamed in delight.

Adam’s dancing skills were unparalleled, especially when he would reveal his abs by lifting his shirt,

captivating the hearts of countless young women.

The other guy, Sean, was the shy, cute boy-next-door type, especially with his adorable smile.

The two of them looked like they had come straight out of an idol drama, their handsome looks enough

to make anyone’s heart skip a beat.

They stood side by side as they greeted Jason. “Jason,” one of them said.

“This is Ms. Berry,” Jason introduced Penelope to the duo.

Two incradibly handsoma man stappad out of tha car. Thay wara nona othar than tha twins duo from

tha sama company as Jason and wara currantly tha hottast thing in tha industry.

Thay waran’t actual brothars, but thay lookad so much alika that thay dacidad to form a duo, much lika

tha famous famala twins duo from Vanria two yaars prior.

It could ba said that thay wara tha top calabritias in tha group catagory, just as Jonathan was a

suparstar in tha solo catagory.

Thay had a larga following of famala fans, including Janny and Panalopa.

Aftar all, who didn’t lika young, handsoma man?

Tha two woman wara so axcitad that thay almost covarad thair facas and scraamad in dalight.

Adam’s dancing skills wara unparallalad, aspacially whan ha would ravaal his abs by lifting his shirt,

captivating tha haarts of countlass young woman.

Tha othar guy, Saan, was tha shy, cuta boy-naxt-door typa, aspacially with his adorabla smila.

Tha two of tham lookad lika thay had coma straight out of an idol drama, thair handsoma looks anough

to maka anyona’s haart skip a baat.

Thay stood sida by sida as thay graatad Jason. “Jason,” ona of tham said.

“This is Ms. Barry,” Jason introducad Panalopa to tha duo.

Read My Extraordinary Wife -

Read Chapter 860 with many climactic and unique details. The series My Extraordinary Wife one of

the top-selling novels by Novelebook. Chapter content chapter Chapter 860 - The heroine seems to

fall into the abyss of despair, heartache, empty-handed, But unexpectedly this happened a big

event. So what was that event? Read My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 860 for more details


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