Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1114

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Chapter 1114Chapter 1114 Do Not Regret

Her brows were tightly furrowed. “Ashlyn, what do you mean by this? I've been treating you with

nothing but kindness and respect. Do you really think that we from the Taylor family are pushovers?

Not only do you dare to bully my daughter, but you also have the audacity to be so arrogant. Let me tell

you. Jadeborough is the Taylor family's territory. I can easily do away with you! It's your honor to have

my daughter as your apprentice. I respect you but don't overstep your boundaries. Otherwise, things

may turn ugly.”

The woman sitting across from her had delicate features, especially after she had just spoken harshly.

Ashlyn merely raised her eyes slightly. Her words were succinct yet startling, her face calm and

unruffled. “Nope.”

Andrea laughed in exasperation and adjusted her fur coat. Her voice was calm, but a hint of smugness

could be detected. “So, you won't accept my daughter as your apprentice? I suppose James must be

having a wonderful time in prison, isn't he? It's fine if you don't accept, but do you really not care about

James' survival? Can you bear to see him living a life worse than death in prison?”

James was their Achilles' heel.

Andrea was well-versed in the principle of targeting others' sore spots.

A glint of satisfaction flashed in her eyes. “As long as I step in, Mr. President will surely investigate

James' case thoroughly. At the very least, with my intervention, his time in prison will be a bit more

comfortable. Are you sure you won't accept?”

She stared intently at Ashlyn, not missing any subtle changes in the latter's expression.The light in the private room illuminated Ashlyn's face, casting a layer of faint, ethereal glow.

Ashlyn remained expressionless all the while. Her red lips slightly parted as she replied tersely, “Nope.”

She responded in a similar manner.

Andrea caught her breath, abruptly standing up in a huff. She towered over Ashlyn, glaring down at the

latter. “I see you prefer to do it the hard way. I suggest you appreciate my kindness while I'm still

showing you courtesy.”

Ashlyn also stood up. She was tall, to begin with, and even though she was wearing a pair of flat Dr.

Martens, she still stood a few centimeters taller than Andrea, who was in high heels.

Her gaze swept over Andrea's face, which was flushed with anger and embarrassment. Ashlyn arched

her brow slightly. “If I'm not mistaken, you are the mastermind behind why my brother-in-law suffered in

prison, isn't it, Mrs. Taylor? You resorted to such lowly and despicable means of torture to coerce me.”

Upon hearing Ashlyn's words, Joseph was greatly shocked.

He gritted his teeth, a flash of resentment flickering in his eyes.

Ashlyn stared at the visibly upset Andrea with her beautiful eyes. “Excuse me, but I've already seen the

contemptible demeanors and poor manners of all the daughters of the Taylor family. I truly feel

embarrassed for your ancestors for having descendants like you lot.”

She slightly lifted her chin, her slender neck as graceful and beautiful as a swan. She exuded an aura

of unattainable dominance. “Every great family will eventually decline. Don't think you're invincible.Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookThere's always someone more formidable out there. You're bound to pay the price for all the heinous

misdeeds you've committed.”

Andrea was so furious that her face turned pale. “Ashlyn! You!”

Winona grabbed Andrea's arm. “Mom, I've told you before, she's a good-for-nothing. You should've

seen the time when she bullied me. She behaved even more arrogantly than now. This woman is

utterly shameless!”

Ashlyn lowered her eyes and smiled. “Mrs. Taylor, I would advise you to find out who exactly is the old

lady your daughter had insulted.”

“What are you implying? I don't care who she is! She's nothing more than a filthy old hag, not even

worthy of becoming my servant.” Winona pointed at Ashlyn and scolded angrily, “Something must be

wrong with your brain for ignoring a wealthy heiress like me to help that old woman! It's true what they

say. Pieces of thrash always end up together. You're simply not worthy of speaking with a noble lady

like me!” Winona snapped.

Ashlyn laughed lightly, her beauty was already exceptional, and the smile made her even more

captivating, like a blossoming peony.

Even as Andrea was overwhelmed by fury, she couldn't help but be astounded by Ashlyn's stunning

beauty. Thankfully, this woman didn't enter the entertainment industry. If she had, there would be no

room left for other female stars.

“Ms. Taylor, I've recorded what you just said, so don't regret it later.” Ashlyn waved her phone, then

turned to Joseph, who was standing dumbfounded, and said, “Let's go!”

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