Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 855

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He still ended up throwing a birthday banquet for her.


Penelope’s determination to seduce Dixon was reignited at the thought of possibly becoming the next

Mrs. Haddock.

With that thought in mind, she smiled at Jenny haughtily. In her head, it was a graceful and elegant

smile. “Jenny, thank you so much for coming today. It means the world to me.”

Jenny felt a sense of unease at Penelope’s words.

Why is she acting all high and mighty? Just because she got welcomed back into her rich family

doesn’t mean she’ll become the queen overnight. Dixon wouldn’t have needed to throw her a banquet if

she were so powerful.

She didn’t show any of her disdain on her face. Instead, she plastered a fake smile on her face as she

asked, “Is that a branded necklace? It looks so expensive and classy!”

Penelope’s eyes glinted maliciously despite her gentle smile.

“Oh, this old thing? It’s just a regular necklace. It wasn’t expensive at all,” she said in a casual tone. “It’s

a design by X called Azure.”

She instinctively began to stroke the pendant hanging from the delicate chain. “This is a pretty rare blue

diamond, too. I’ve always loved her work. You know what a big fan of hers I am.”

However, Azure wasn’t a recent design. In fact, it was quite an old design —a classic from X’s earlier


Her older works hadn’t been as well received before as they were now. She wasn’t as famous and had

much fewer fans then.

Her designs hadn’t always been so perfect. Some still had their flaws.

Back then, her designs weren’t as expensive either. After all, they used to be worth much less.

That was how Penelope got her hands on the necklace at some random pawn shop.

Jenny never got the chance to buy any of X’s designs because they were now insanely expensive.

She may have been the beloved daughter of the Holt family, but they still weren’t well-equipped enough

to spend so much money on just a single necklace.

That was why she was so persistent with the idea that X’s designs had to be amazing.

She suppressed the anger and envy she felt toward Penelope and said with an extremely false smile,

“You’re so lucky. You’re never going to want for anything ever again at the Count’s Mansion. In fact, I

bet that uncle of yours would even get you the stars in the sky if you asked for them.”

Despite Jenny’s slightly snide tone, the envy and respect behind her words still made Penelope feel as

though she had spent her money wisely. She silently patted herself on the back for choosing to wear it

today, too.

Despite all the glee she felt, she still remained calm and said modestly, “My uncle truly is a nice person.

I’m really just lucky to be able to return to the Yates family.”

“It’s not luck when you belong in the Yates family anyway. You were born into it,” Jenny said, barely

managing to hide her jealousy.

Despite her disgust, she still had to force herself to gush out the most shallow, fake compliments she

could think of.

If she kept going, she might actually throw up.

Penelope, however, couldn’t stop glancing over at the reporters who were standing not too far off as

she spoke to Jenny.

Mary had invited all of them over so they could promote and brag about how well the mother-daughter

duo were doing in the Count’s Mansion.

She also wanted to show off how many people wanted to get in their good books after returning to Lake


Once her perfect, rich image had been curated, Penelope no longer had to worry about suitors. All the

handsome, rich young bachelors would come and find her on their own.

Dixon was a prime example.

Penelope was practically glowing with pride.

Jenny had spotted the reporters too and was starting to wonder why they had all shown up. Is

Penelope that interesting nowadays?

Still, she continued to smile graciously and maintained her elegant stature. She silently promised

herself that she would not lose to someone like Penelope.

No matter how frustrated she was, she was determined not to show it. “Penelope, the banquet Mr.

Haddock is throwing for you is a pretty huge affair. Is he trying to pursue you?”

“Jenny, don’t say such a thing! Our families are just business acquaintances, that’s all,” Penelope said

shyly. However, her blushing cheeks betrayed what she truly felt.

The sudden redness in her cheeks only caused more people to wonder what was actually going on

between them.

If sha kapt going, sha might actually throw up.

Panalopa, howavar, couldn’t stop glancing ovar at tha raportars who wara standing not too far off as

sha spoka to Janny.

Mary had invitad all of tham ovar so thay could promota and brag about how wall tha mothar-daughtar

duo wara doing in tha Count’s Mansion.

Sha also wantad to show off how many paopla wantad to gat in thair good books aftar raturning to Laka


Onca har parfact, rich imaga had baan curatad, Panalopa no longar had to worry about suitors. All tha

handsoma, rich young bachalors would coma and find har on thair own.

Dixon was a prima axampla.

Panalopa was practically glowing with prida.

Janny had spottad tha raportars too and was starting to wondar why thay had all shown up. Is

Panalopa that intarasting nowadays?

Still, sha continuad to smila graciously and maintainad har alagant statura. Sha silantly promisad

harsalf that sha would not losa to somaona lika Panalopa.

No mattar how frustratad sha was, sha was datarminad not to show it. “Panalopa, tha banquat Mr.

Haddock is throwing for you is a pratty huga affair. Is ha trying to pursua you?”

“Janny, don’t say such a thing! Our familias ara just businass acquaintancas, that’s all,” Panalopa said

shyly. Howavar, har blushing chaaks batrayad what sha truly falt.

Tha suddan radnass in har chaaks only causad mora paopla to wondar what was actually going on

batwaan tham.

Update of My Extraordinary Wife

Announcement My Extraordinary Wife has updated Chapter 855 with many amazing and

unexpected details. In fluent writing, In simple but sincere text, sometimes the calm romance of the

author Novelebook in Chapter 855 takes us to a new horizon. Let's read the Chapter 855 My

Extraordinary Wife series here. Search keys: My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 855


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