Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1166

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Chapter 1166Chapter 1166 Ingratiation

She is so dazzling that it makes my heart tremble with awe.

For reasons unknown, a terrifying thought, so inconceivable that it startled Sabrina herself, began to

rise in her heart.

She suddenly realized how ridiculous it was that she had rushed over and childishly competed with

Ashlyn for Lucas.

Simply ludicrous.

Staring at Ashlyn, she realized that her aunt was right and that she still had a lot to learn. In this

manner, she remained lost in thought for quite some time.

Suddenly, she said, “Would you... would you accept me as your apprentice, Ms. Berry? I want to learn

about gaming and archery from you. Also, could you tell me why I lost control of my horse?”

Ashlyn was rendered speechless.

The sudden change in Sabrina's attitude caught her off guard.

She studied Sabrina with her beautiful almond eyes for several seconds before she said brusquely,

“Because you were holding the horse's neck too tightly. It became uncomfortable and agitated,

especially since you were also clamping your thighs around its flank.”

Sabrina gazed at Ashlyn, her eyes sparkling. “I don't get it. Why did you save me?” she askedsuddenly.

Ashlyn looked at her as if she were a fool. “Did you think I was going to stand by and watch you die?”

Unable to suppress the twitch at the corner of her mouth, Sabrina met Ashlyn's overwhelming glare.

She made it sound like I've asked an idiotic question.

Ashlyn's eyes flashed. “Forgive my bluntness, Ms. Gray, but I don't want to waste much time on you.

The best way to deal with the women around Lucas is to make them cannon fodder.”

Those words were so sharp that they bordered on being rude.

Yet, Sabrina did not flinch, nor displayed any hint of embarrassment. There was even a touch of

inexplicable fervor in her eyes. “I-I no longer have any interest in Mr. Nolan now, Ms. Berry. I just want

to be by your side.”

As she spoke, her face flushed a deep red. “I-I think Silas has such good taste to have decided to

follow you so early on. Is it too late for me to be by your side now? I understand you better than he

does, and I know about many things girls like, such as makeup and shopping. I'm much better than


She was aggressively promoting herself.

“Sorry, but I'm not interested in you,” Ashlyn said, her expression indifferent. She rejected the offer outright.

Sabrina's heart filled with discomfort at once. It was even more unbearable than when she found out

Lucas liked Ashlyn.

This feeling...

Instinctively, she lowered her head and sank into a feeling of self-loathing.

I was foolish to have treated Ms. Berry so poorly, which is why she's treating me this way.

I must strive to treat Ms. Berry better and impress her. That was the reason why, come dinner time later that day, Lucas frowned as he watched Sabrina, who

was diligently serving Ashlyn. Her attentiveness was akin to a hardworking little bee.

Silas and the others were gaping at Sabrina with shocked expressions.

All of them were aware of her intense animosity toward Ashlyn and were wondering what could have

possibly happened within the span of a single day.

She seems to have become a completely different person.

Lucas's icy gaze swept over Sabrina. he said, “What are you up to, Sabrina? Why are you being so

nice? If you dare...” he said, his voice cold and deep.

“I just want to understand Ms. Berry's preferences, Mr. Nolan,” Sabrina interrupted him, hurt.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookAs she spoke, she looked at Ashlyn, concerned. “Do you like potatoes, Ms. Berry? This oyster is quite

good, too. And this roasted chicken is very fresh.”

“Are you scheming something again?” Silas asked, puzzled. “Ms. Berry bears you no ill will, Ms. Gray.If you have any dissatisfaction with her, take it out on me.”

“When have I ever been dissatisfied with her?” Sabrina's sense of injustice grew stronger. “I'm telling

you, I was blind before. From now on, anyone who dares to wrong Ms. Berry will have to get past me


As she spoke, she served Ashlyn more food and, after that, topped up Ashlyn's bowl with stew.

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