Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1080

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Chapter 1080Chapter 1080 Asking Help From Zero

“Mr. White, do you think one who doesn't have much knowledge about computer knows technology

deployment? Certainly not. It's not easy to find Zero. But if it were Cornelius, Old Mr. Laith might

release him if I were to ask for his help.” Yvette spoke softly.

“Cornelius is said to be very mysterious and elusive. He only gets in touch with Old Mr. Laith. Even us,

the higher-ups, have never seen his true face.”

She glanced at Lucas before continuing, “Mr. Nolan, how's your relationship with Old Mr. Laith? Should

I make this call or...”

Lucas cast her a glance. His cold voice then echoed in the silent office. “I'll make the call.”

Meanwhile, Ashlyn and Silas were inside the courtyard of the castle.

The huge castle was huge. Besides leisure and fitness areas, there were pavilions, bridges, and

brooks, which made it comparable to those medieval noble castles of Europe.

On top of that, it was even equipped with a golf course and a horse racing track.

“Mrs. Nolan, look over there. Isn't the lush greenery beautiful?” Silas said enthusiastically.

Ashlyn was not interested, though. She only came out to pass the time.

It was rare for her to take a leisure walk. That was why she was a bit unaccustomed to it.

Apparently, Silas did not notice Ashlyn was a bit low-spirited. He continued to introduce

enthusiastically, “Do you know what we, Section Six, do?”“What do you guys do?” Ashlyn's tone was indifferent.

She thought it was some sort of organization and hadn't realized that it actually belonged to Lucas.

Silas replied, “We do many things for our country, such as developing new energy sources, mining, and

even forestation. In short, we've done a lot of good deeds that benefit the country and its people. Mr.

Nolan is our leader, and we collaborate with the government. I feel pretty proud to be a member of

Section Six.

He paused before continuing, “Do you know? Many people wish to join Section Six, but Mr. Nolan said

we only accept the best. We don't need any inexperienced Tom, Dick, and Harry.”

It was plain that Lucas had occupied an important place in the hearts of Silas and the others.

After listening for a while, Ashlyn felt her legs sore from walking and sat on a chair by the pond to rest.

The two of them had only sat down when her phone rang.

Upon seeing the caller ID, Ashlyn raised an eyebrow and answered the phone. “Old-timer, what do you


“Doll, what's the matter with you? Something happened to your husband. Yet, he came to me and

asked for my help to find you.” Harvey clicked his tongue at the end of his words. His energetic voice

was tinged with a hint of mockery. “He's really... I don't even know what to say anymore. He abandoned

what was close at hand in favor of something far away and even owed me a favor. Haha—”

“Don't be too excited yet.” Ashlyn interrupted Harvey from being smug with her cold voice. “Is his

problem still unresolved, and I am needed?”

“Exactly. He specifically asked for Cornelius' help. Haha! I can't wait to see the look on his face when

he finds out you are Cornelius.” Harvey was still laughing despicably. “By the way, I heard from Yvettethat you guys are in Jadeborough. What a coincidence! I'm here too. I'm heading to Section Six right

now, haha!”

“Who told you I was going to help?” Ashlyn's gaze drifted towards the horizon as she spoke. The sky is

so blue!

“Huh? You're not going?” Harvey was taken aback.

“Just kidding.” With that, Ashlyn hung up the phone right away.

Looking at the phone that had already been disconnected, Harvey couldn't help but shake his head.

This girl... She even teased me!

The air in the technical department office seemed to freeze. It was so cold that everyone shuddered.

“Mr. Nolan, bad news! They've started to download. it's already at five percent!” An urgent voice

suddenly rang out.

Everyone was startled upon hearing that.

The voice was like a devastating blow, making everyone tense involuntarily.

“Mr. Nolan, what should we do now?”

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookYvette remained seated in front of the computer, frantically typing on the keyboard in a futile attempt to

salvage the situation.

Everything she did seemed to be in vain.

She looked at Lucas with a sense of defeat and helplessness. “Mr. Nolan, I already did my best.”

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