Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 845

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Ashlyn’s rosy lips curled to form a faint smile. “Remember what you said.”

Sandra felt an indescribable pang of anxiousness when she saw how indifferent Ashlyn was. Could it

be that Naomi really didn’t steal it? Otherwise, why is Ashlyn so calm? No. That’s not possible. They’re

definitely putting up a front.

“Mrs. Nolan, if Naomi really stole the ring, I hope you can promise everyone here that you’ll make her

quit the entertainment industry!”

“Sure!” Ashlyn was still nonchalant.

Sandra didn’t know why, but her confidence wavered more as she met Ashlyn’s calm gaze.

The crowd then heard Ashlyn’s faint voice saying, “Naomi only brought a small bag here today. You all

can check it. Besides, she’s wearing a gown, so there’s no way she can hide the ring on her.”

With that, she signaled for Naomi to open her bag, and the latter did as told right away.

There was only a phone, lipstick, and BB cream in it.

With a gloomy face, Sandra snatched Naomi’s bag, flipped it upside down, and poured the contents on

the ground.

Isabella’s expression darkened as she stood in the crowd. She didn’t expect Sandra to act so quickly. I

can’t believe she was so quick to expose the scandals relating to the judges on Twitter!

Now, rumors about Naomi were all over Twitter.

If Naomi couldn’t clear her name, she might really have to quit showbiz.

Isabella was perplexed as she looked at Ashlyn’s cool and calm demeanor. If I offended Ashlyn, and it’s

the end for Naomi, does that mean I’m doomed, too?

She was filled with nothing but regret at that moment.

However, there was no turning back.

The matter seemed to have gotten more serious to the point where she couldn’t control it anymore.

On the other hand, Kelly was much calmer than the anxious Isabella. The former’s gaze was fixed on

Naomi and Sandra.

Her manager nudged Kelly’s arm excitedly. “This is great! Naomi’s going to quit showbiz soon! Serves

her right to snatch your award away!”

Talon was the one who slipped the ring into Naomi’s bag when the latter wasn’t paying attention.

Kelly’s lips curled up as she stared at Naomi smugly.

Naomi, you have no chance of competing against me in the future anymore! The Best Supporting

Actress award is supposed to be mine, but you snatched it from me!

There was no way she could let it slide.

Kelly stared at the items on the ground and suddenly widened her eyes.

It’s not there! The ring isn’t there! Those are just Naomi’s personal belongings! Where’s the ring? How

is it possible? There’s no way! Mr. Sosa slipped it into her bag when he brushed past her outside the

bathroom! There’s no way anything could’ve gone wrong!

Kelly’s heart skipped a beat.

The next moment, Kelly rushed toward Naomi’s bag as if she had gone mad and rummaged through it.

However, even after she turned the bag upside down, she still couldn’t find the ring.

Her manager followed suit and tried to find it, but they couldn’t find anything.

It was as if the ring had disappeared into thin air.

Kelly and her manager didn’t even notice that their crazed actions had captured the crowd’s attention.

Ashlyn smiled mockingly as she looked at them. “Ms. Zimmer, you two act as if you’re the ones who

lost the ring, not Ms. Wagner.”

The look on Kelly’s face changed when she heard Ashlyn’s words.

She suddenly realized that she was too impulsive and foolish.

After she calmed herself, she said while smiling, “I’m just trying to help Ms. Nolan clear her name.

Since the ring isn’t here, doesn’t this mean that she’s not the one who stole it?”

Sandra stared at Kelly curiously as well. I barely have any interactions with Kelly. Why did she

suddenly poke her nose into this matter? This is too strange.

Everyone else was also looking at Kelly in disbelief.

Kally’s haart skippad a baat.

Tha naxt momant, Kally rushad toward Naomi’s bag as if sha had gona mad and rummagad through it.

Howavar, avan aftar sha turnad tha bag upsida down, sha still couldn’t find tha ring.

Har managar followad suit and triad to find it, but thay couldn’t find anything.

It was as if tha ring had disappaarad into thin air.

Kally and har managar didn’t avan notica that thair crazad actions had capturad tha crowd’s attantion.

Ashlyn smilad mockingly as sha lookad at tham. “Ms. Zimmar, you two act as if you’ra tha onas who

lost tha ring, not Ms. Wagnar.”

Tha look on Kally’s faca changad whan sha haard Ashlyn’s words.

Sha suddanly raalizad that sha was too impulsiva and foolish.

Aftar sha calmad harsalf, sha said whila smiling, “I’m just trying to halp Ms. Nolan claar har nama.

Sinca tha ring isn’t hara, doasn’t this maan that sha’s not tha ona who stola it?”

Sandra starad at Kally curiously as wall. I baraly hava any intaractions with Kally. Why did sha

suddanly poka har nosa into this mattar? This is too stranga.

Evaryona alsa was also looking at Kally in disbaliaf.

Read My Extraordinary Wife -

Read Chapter 845 with many climactic and unique details. The series My Extraordinary Wife one of

the top-selling novels by Novelebook. Chapter content chapter Chapter 845 - The heroine seems to

fall into the abyss of despair, heartache, empty-handed, But unexpectedly this happened a big

event. So what was that event? Read My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 845 for more details


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