Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1098

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Chapter 1098Chapter 1098 Rescued

“No... I didn't...” The old woman gasped for breath as she spoke; her face growing paler by the minute.

Her body seemed to be growing weaker and weaker.

She held her chest with one hand while her other hand tried to reach into her pocket to retrieve her

medicine, trembling with discomfort.

At last...

With a trembling hand, she pulled out a small medicine bottle from her pocket, ready to pour out a

single pill.

However, the girl suddenly lifted her leg and kicked the old woman's hand.

With a thud, the medicine bottle fell to the ground, rolling a few times before coming to a stop a few

steps away from the old woman.

With pain and despair, the old woman mustered her strength to crawl toward the medicine bottle.

“Medicine... My medicine...”

Her chest hurt so much that it was almost suffocating. It felt as if someone had placed a large stone on

her chest, causing her extreme discomfort.

She struggled to crawl toward the bottle. Although it was only a few steps away, it felt as difficult as

moving mountains for her at that moment.

She pleaded with the girl clad in pink. “Please... Give me the medicine... Give me the medicine...”The girl cast a disdainful glance toward her. “I just want to see. If you don't get your medicine today, will

you really die?”

“She will really die.”

Suddenly, a clear and cold voice rang out.

The crowd, engrossed in the spectacle, turned toward the sound, only to see a woman with a cold and

aloof expression. She bent down, picked up the bottle of medicine, and then stood up again.

Her pale and white fingers, which were as smooth as porcelain, were wrapped around the small bottle

of medicine. Under the light, her pale fingers emitted an increasingly captivating glow.

She was so stunningly beautiful that she seemed almost unreal, especially with her delicate facial

features. Paired with her cool almond-shaped eyes, she exuded an aura as cold as frost from head to


She was very beautiful!

Stunningly beautiful!

However, in the old woman's eyes at that moment, she appeared as ethereal as a fairy from the


Her eyes widened as she watched the woman unscrew the bottle and pour out a single black pill. The

woman then walked toward her, crouched down, and gently placed the pill in her mouth.

Ashlyn helped the old woman up, supporting her with one hand and placing the other on the old

woman's pulse. After a while, Ashlyn said, “She has cardiac ischemia, so she needs to have quick-

acting heart reliever pills on hand at all times.”The old woman's complexion noticeably improved from before after she took her medicine.

She nodded. “Thank you, young lady.”

The girl clad in pink frowned at the woman in front of her, who was clearly twice as beautiful as she

was. Her face was filled with disdain and contempt. “You guys are in this together, aren't you? Trying to

scam me? I'll have you know that I won't fall for it.”

“Miss, you're taking yourself too seriously.”

As soon as the words were spoken, everyone's attention was immediately drawn to a tall and upright

man. He was wearing a light blue hoodie, identical to the one worn by the beautiful woman. It was clear

at first glance that they were wearing matching outfits.

Even though he was just wearing a casual hoodie, the strong aura of nobility that surrounded him was

still strikingly prominent.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookThe man's eyes were sharp, his brow stern. His deep and pitch-black eyes seemed to be veiled with

layers of cold frost.

The girl in pink was taken aback. She had not expected to encounter such an exceptionally handsome

man in a place like that. His good looks were almost illegal, making her question her own eyes.

It was just that... the pink-clad girl could not recognize the brand of the hoodie that he and the woman

were wearing. If she could not recall it, it probably was not anything high-end.

After the initial shock of the man's handsome appearance, disdain surfaced in her eyes. “Don't think

you can do whatever you want just because you're good-looking,” she warned. “I'll have you know that

I'm the most famous socialite in Jadeborough. Do you know who I am?”“I don't care who you are, but if you're bullying an elderly person in this mall, I can't just stand by and

do nothing.”

As Lucas' words fell, he raised his hand.

A team of well-trained security guards rushed over immediately and straightaway grabbed the girl.

Instantly, the girl's face changed. “Do you know the Taylor family? Let me tell you, I am the... I am the

young lady of the Taylor family!”

“In my mall, there's no Taylor family.” Lucas' icy voice carried a chilling coldness that made one

shudder. “Get out!”

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