Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 965

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The Verdict

Sadie held her father’s arm and urged, “Dad, help me out. Call Richard and ask him to let me wear the

night sky dress. Ms. X will definitely sign a contract with me to be her model if she sees me in her

dress. I’ll be able to score many other good deals if I get to work with her.”

Sadie was exhilarated just by the thought of her career taking a potential leap ahead of her peers.

As a designer, Ms. X had never signed exclusive contracts with any models and had always picked

models right before her shows in a last-minute fashion.

Since many models coveted a chance to work with that designer, Sadie was also adamant about

grabbing the opportunity to wear the night sky dress.

She wanted to be the one to shine in Ms. X’s fashion piece.

Learning Sadie’s ambition, Cassandra let out a laugh and informed, “Too bad, Sadie. You’re never

getting any contract with Ms. X. Never.”

“Stop pouring cold water on my plan! I’m a supermodel. No one can stop me!” Sadie retorted, eyeing

Cassandra angrily.

Her reaction only made Cassandra laugh more deviously. “So what? Ms. X wouldn’t want you even if

you’re a supermodel. You’re just a sore loser.”

Here, she looked at Sadie from head to toe and added, “I thought you wanted to call Richard. Go on.

What are you waiting for?”

Sadie’s grip tightened around her phone at the provocation. Determined, she clenched her jaw and

dialed Richard’s number.

Beside her, Shiela glanced worriedly at her younger sister since she knew Richard would always ignore

calls, including hers, during work.

As she expected, a busy signal came through the phone after continuous ringing, and Richard did not

pick up.

“He must be busy,” Sadie remarked, trying to salvage the embarrassing situation.

“Why are you looking for me?” A magnetic male voice came ringing backstage right at that moment.

All eyes turned to the entrance, where a man in a black suit was spotted walking gracefully in with the

light shining behind him, making him look extraordinarily captivating.

Thrilled to see the man, Shiela walked over and greeted sweetly, “What brings you here, Richie?”

Hiding her excitement when she saw the charming man, Sadie cast an envious glance at Shiela, whom

Richard pulled into his arms upon seeing her.

Sadie hated that she was born later than Shiela, for she would have ended up with Richard if she were


“What’s going on here?” Richard asked gently as he tried to conceal the nauseating feeling he got from

Shiela’s perfume.

He wondered why the woman would still wear perfume when she was pregnant, but he had no time to

dwell on it since Shiela had spoken.

“It’s about Sadie. She wants to be on the runway for the opening show, but the person in charge said

you’d chosen Ms. Berry to do it, so we asked her if she could let Sadie have the chance instead. Ms.

Berry doesn’t seem very keen about the idea, though,” Shiela replied in an ingratiating manner, trying

to put forward a narrative that favored Sadie.

Although she and her family were the ones who demanded that Ashlyn give up her chance to wear the

night sky dress, Shiela created the impression that they had a civilized conversation with Ashlyn, who

eventually threw a tantrum because of their suggestion.

Cassandra was no stranger to the Jensen family’s shameless attitude, but the show Shiela put up

surprised Cassandra with how low they could stoop to achieve their goals.

She was so disgusted she felt she almost vomited in their faces.

“Well, Richard, I thought about letting her do it, but not anymore. I believe you must have your reason

for picking me in the first place,” Ashlyn chimed in at this point, smiling at Richard, who struggled briefly

to repress his feelings.

Quickly, he controlled his emotion and looked dotingly at Ashlyn, saying, “You’re the best person to pull

this dress off. Correct me if I’m wrong.”

“Richard,” Sadie blurted disbelievingly, “what do you mean?”

“You heard it right. The night sky dress looks the best on her,” he reiterated coldly.

Appalled, Shiela shot a doubtful gaze at Richard, only to see a cold and hard expression written on his


Update Chapter 965 of My Extraordinary Wife

Announcement My Extraordinary Wife has updated Chapter 965 with many amazing and

unexpected details. In fluent writing, In simple but sincere text, sometimes the calm romance of the

author Novelebook in Chapter 965 takes us to a new horizon. Let's read the Chapter 965 My

Extraordinary Wife series here. Search keys: My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 965


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