Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1068

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Chapter 1068Chapter 1068 Jealousy

The silent showdown between the big shots and the surging danger were things that Trevor, as a mere

nobody, would not dare to be involved in easily.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookThus, he decided it was best to slip away quickly. The young man rubbed his hands together and said,

“Boss, Mr. Nolan, I'll head back to the hospital now. You both get some rest and call me if you need


Ashlyn nodded lightly and, together with Lucas, turned around and left.

Meanwhile, Trevor settled into the car and gazed at the snowflakes fluttering outside the window. The

winter this time seemed exceptionally cold. Snowflakes fluttered and fell gently.

Ashlyn and Lucas returned to the hotel together and entered the suite. After that, Lucas called for room

service and asked her, “What would you like to eat?” Ashlyn suddenly realized that she was very


“Order whatever you'd like, and let's hurry up to get some sleep after we eat.”

The man's deep, dark eyes fell upon her face. After a moment, he said, “I'm very angry.”

“Huh? What are you angry about?” Ashlyn was a bit slow to react.

Why is he getting upset for no reason?

“Why are you wearing another man's scarf around your neck?”

The man walked up to her. Then, his finger hooked onto the knot of the scarf, and proceeded to untie it.

After that, he discovered that the knot was actually a dead knot.You're such a wretched man, Charlie.

“Charlie is not just anyone.” Ashlyn glanced down at the gray-blue scarf around her neck. It had a nice

style, and the color was good too. Therefore, she came to a conclusion and realized that Charlie had

good taste.

“Every man other than me is a stranger.”

Lucas' lips curled coldly. Ashlyn finally realized a problem.

So the man is jealous. Not only is he jealous, but he is very jealous.

She could not help it and wanted to laugh.

“Mr. Nolan, are you jealous?”


Lucas sneered coldly as he added, “Mrs. Nolan, you're playing with fire.”

Ashlyn continued to provoke him fearlessly, “Mr. Nolan, I really like this scarf. Hmm, I don't even want

to take it off!”

Having said that, she indeed saw Lucas' handsome face darken. He was looking so gloomy that it

looked as if ink had dripped from his face. The man's well-defined large palm roughly grabbed the scarf

and he attempted to untie it. However, even after spending quite some time doing it, he still could not

untie it. The man exuded an inexplicable restlessness all over his body.

After that, he strode over to a cabinet and then found a pair of scissors. Ashlyn blinked her eyes.

“What are you going to do-”Before she could finish speaking, she looked at the scarf around her neck and heard the sound of a

snap. The pair of scissors was held close to the scarf and Lucas had cut the scarf into two halves.

“Did the scarf do something to offend you?” Ashlyn felt a tinge of sadness for Charlie's scarf.

What the heck?

The man's gloomy eyes revealed a hint of dominance and strong jealousy.

“You can only wear things that I give you. Even a scarf from someone else is not allowed!” The corner

of Ashlyn's mouth twitched.

The man is acting like a domineering CEO straight out of a Mary Sue novel again.

Before she could express her opinion, she saw Lucas making a phone call.

“Please bring me the latest scarves from all the brand counters in the mall.”

“Are you crazy?” Ashlyn touched her own neck.

“I only have one head, you know? How could I possibly use that many scarves?”

“One scarf per day, and you must wear the one I give you every day.”

The hint of a strong possessiveness flickered across Lucas' handsome face.

“I won't give any other man a chance!”

“Charlie is-”

“Honey... don't let me hear his name.” Lucas leaned close to Ashlyn's beautiful and captivating face.

His eyes were filled with a thick sense of danger. Ashlyn took a deep breath.“Even if you're jealous, there should be a limit.”

“I'm just jealous of you.”

The man pressed his forehead against hers and his deep eyes stared intently at her. It was as if his

eyes were an enticing whirlpool that she could not escape from. After that, she heard his magnetic

voice say, “So, be good...” The man's voice was enticing.

Moreover, it was deep and husky like a rich wine, and it made Ashlyn's ears flush with heat.

Instinctively, she reached out to push him away, but the man forcefully pulled her into his embrace.

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