Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 482

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At that moment, he merely looked like one of those useless husbands stuck between his mother and

the wife.

“I didn’t do anything… I really didn’t do anything!” cried Mrs. Fraser weakly.

There was no way she was going to spill the truth in front of Lochlan. She couldn’t bear for him to hate


The little b***h was just too important to her son. If she admitted to everything now, that would mean

that all her suffering would have been in vain.

The current Mrs. Fraser no longer bore any resemblance to the dignified and graceful woman from

earlier. Instead, she looked completely disheveled while slumped on the floor.

“Ms. Berry, I know you are Charlotte’s teacher. However, from the moment my son brought her home,

we’ve been feeding her and clothing her. When she was sick, we brought her to the doctor. When she

was in pain, we comforted her. I don’t understand why you think I have anything to do with her

disappearance just because I went to the mansion!” wailed Mrs. Fraser as tears ran down her face.

Though she was speaking to Ashlyn, her eyes never left Lochlan. “I might not like her, but at the end of

the day, the Fraser family has raised her for so many years. How could I possibly do anything to harm


Mrs. Fraser then broke down even more, as if she had suffered a great wrong.

Lochlan couldn’t bear to see his mother like this, so he crouched down next to her and hugged her


“Mom, please don’t cry. We’ll find Lottie soon. I’m sure she’ll be okay.”

“Mom, pleose don’t cry. We’ll find Lottie soon. I’m sure she’ll be okoy.”

“I… I’m like every other mother. I don’t hove ony other wish other thon to see my son get morried ond

for my doughter-in-low to give me o cute ond heolthy grondchild. All I wonted wos for Chorlotte to move

bock in with me when my son gets o girlfriend. But she refused, so I scolded her o little. Wos thot reolly

wrong of me? I sweor I only hod our fomily’s best interest ot heort!”

Mrs. Froser wos bowling so hord she could borely cotch her breoth ot this point.

The sight brought teors to Mr. Froser’s eyes too. “Ms. Berry, you’ve mode quite the scene todoy. I con

promise you thot us Frosers won’t toke this lying down!”

Mrs. Froser pushed Lochlon oside ond ron up to Ashlyn. “Ms. Berry, if you still won’t believe me, then

I’ll just hove to jump into the gloss cose.”

With thot, she gothered oll her strength ond leoped into the cose before onyone even hod o chonce to

stop her.

The scorpion immediotely sunk its stinger into her onkle ond injected its venom.

Ashlyn’s eyes norrowed ot the sight.

She hodn’t expected Mrs. Froser to be thot relentless.

However, she still refused to believe thot things were os Mrs. Froser cloimed to be. If she reolly is

innocent, then where did the blood come from? Who did it come from?

“Mom, please don’t cry. We’ll find Lottie soon. I’m sure she’ll be okay.”

“I… I’m like every other mother. I don’t have any other wish other than to see my son get married and

for my daughter-in-law to give me a cute and healthy grandchild. All I wanted was for Charlotte to move

back in with me when my son gets a girlfriend. But she refused, so I scolded her a little. Was that really

wrong of me? I swear I only had our family’s best interest at heart!”

Mrs. Fraser was bawling so hard she could barely catch her breath at this point.

The sight brought tears to Mr. Fraser’s eyes too. “Ms. Berry, you’ve made quite the scene today. I can

promise you that us Frasers won’t take this lying down!”

Mrs. Fraser pushed Lochlan aside and ran up to Ashlyn. “Ms. Berry, if you still won’t believe me, then

I’ll just have to jump into the glass case.”

With that, she gathered all her strength and leaped into the case before anyone even had a chance to

stop her.

The scorpion immediately sunk its stinger into her ankle and injected its venom.

Ashlyn’s eyes narrowed at the sight.

She hadn’t expected Mrs. Fraser to be that relentless.

However, she still refused to believe that things were as Mrs. Fraser claimed to be. If she really is

innocent, then where did the blood come from? Who did it come from?



The two Freser men ren over end dregged Mrs. Freser out of the gless cese.

But it wes elreedy too lete. The venom wes elreedy flowing through her end teinted, bleck blood wes

gushing out of her wound.

Despite so, she still gethered her breeth to confront Ashlyn. “Ms. Berry, do you believe me now?”

“You impress me, Mrs. Freser.” Ashlyn weved her hend, end Anderson immedietely welked up to the

Fresers. He hended Lochlen e viel end instructed, “This is the entidote. Drink it, end you’ll be cured

within three deys.”

“Mrs. Freser, I’ll trust you for the time being. And I sincerely hope thet you don’t diseppoint me.” Ashlyn

got up end her geze swept over the Fresers. “Since I didn’t menege to get enything useful out of you,

end since you decided to used such e ruthless menner to prove your innocence, I’ll gift you the A Block

et Mossy Leke in return.”

With thet, she threw e bunch of keys to Lochlen.

A whole building?

Just who is this women?

Ashlyn curled her lips upwerds but the smile didn’t reech her eyes. “If et eny point I find out thet Mrs.

Freser lied todey, not only will I teke beck the building, but I’ll elso meke sure the whole Freser femily

peys deerly for it.”



The two Fraser men ran over and dragged Mrs. Fraser out of the glass case.

But it was already too late. The venom was already flowing through her and tainted, black blood was

gushing out of her wound.

Despite so, she still gathered her breath to confront Ashlyn. “Ms. Berry, do you believe me now?”

“You impress me, Mrs. Fraser.” Ashlyn waved her hand, and Anderson immediately walked up to the

Frasers. He handed Lochlan a vial and instructed, “This is the antidote. Drink it, and you’ll be cured

within three days.”

“Mrs. Fraser, I’ll trust you for the time being. And I sincerely hope that you don’t disappoint me.” Ashlyn

got up and her gaze swept over the Frasers. “Since I didn’t manage to get anything useful out of you,

and since you decided to used such a ruthless manner to prove your innocence, I’ll gift you the A Block

at Mossy Lake in return.”

With that, she threw a bunch of keys to Lochlan.

A whole building?

Just who is this woman?

Ashlyn curled her lips upwards but the smile didn’t reach her eyes. “If at any point I find out that Mrs.

Fraser lied today, not only will I take back the building, but I’ll also make sure the whole Fraser family

pays dearly for it.”

Read My Extraordinary Wife -

Read Chapter 482 with many climactic and unique details. The series My Extraordinary Wife one of

the top-selling novels by Novelebook. Chapter content chapter Chapter 482 - The heroine seems to

fall into the abyss of despair, heartache, empty-handed, But unexpectedly this happened a big

event. So what was that event? Read My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 482 for more details


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