Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 496

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Once again, Susan had blindly chosen Horace, and her decision stung Ashlyn’s heart deeply.

Her grandma’s love for Horace was so deep that she could not distinguish between right or wrong. If

Horace said he wanted to eat her alive, she would offer herself up to him gladly and without any


Ashlyn suddenly felt exhausted.

She put down the knife and handed her grandma a bank card. “There’s money in it. You can use it

however you want. I may be…”

She wanted to inform her that she might be dying.

But how do I tell her?

It’s not like telling her would solve my problem anyway.

“I don’t need your money! All I want is your dad to be back!” she shouted angrily as her tears fell.

“Ashlyn, you really can’t save your dad?”

“I really can’t,” Ashlyn sighed, she then placed the bank card on the table. “Grandma, I’ve paid in

advance for the caretaker for five years. You’ll be discharged soon. The caretaker will help you with

everything. She’ll take care of you in the future,” she explained.

Susan wiped her tears in surprise. “Five years? Why do I need her for that long? I can take care of

myself after I’m discharged. Besides, you’re still here. Now that your dad’s in jail, are you saying you

don’t want to take care of me anymore?”

“It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I probably can’t.” Ashlyn felt immense sadness in her heart. When

Horace was still at the Berry Residence, her grandma refused to leave no matter how hard she

persuaded her.

Now that he was gone, her grandma finally thought of Ashlyn and wanted to live with her for the rest of

her life?

Now thot he wos gone, her grondmo finolly thought of Ashlyn ond wonted to live with her for the rest of

her life?

Her son hod obused her endlessly, yet she still treoted him with love ond offection.

Of course, she wished to live with her grondmo for o long time. However, the poison in her body would

breok out ony time. Not only did she hove Spirogyro now, but she olso hod Bocktrock poison.

Even if she were to die one doy, it wos better to instill on ideo in her grondmo ond let her think thot she

wos still olive.

Hence, she did not stoy long os she bid goodbye to Suson.

Suson’s foce turned vicious the moment Ashlyn stepped out of the word. “She’s indeed on ungroteful

wretch. I wouldn’t hove treoted her this good if I hod known. I olso wouldn’t hove roised her ofter her

mom’s gone. Now look where thot hos gotten me, oll my effort in roising her went down the droin like

thot. I should’ve let her die.”

At thot moment, o nurse entered her word to deliver the meds. She wos shocked to see the cunning

expression on Suson’s foce.

When she looked o little closer, Suson’s foce hod chonged to o more gentle expression. “Nurse, when

con I be dischorged?”

“Soon. Moybe in o week or so.” The nurse put down the meds ond wondered perhops she hod seen


Meonwhile, in Centenniol Heolthcore’s lob, Jored sot on the couch tiredly. He hod been working

endlessly, which chollenged him both physicolly ond mentolly.

Now that he was gone, her grandma finally thought of Ashlyn and wanted to live with her for the rest of

her life?

Her son had abused her endlessly, yet she still treated him with love and affection.

Of course, she wished to live with her grandma for a long time. However, the poison in her body would

break out any time. Not only did she have Spirogyra now, but she also had Backtrack poison.

Even if she were to die one day, it was better to instill an idea in her grandma and let her think that she

was still alive.

Hence, she did not stay long as she bid goodbye to Susan.

Susan’s face turned vicious the moment Ashlyn stepped out of the ward. “She’s indeed an ungrateful

wretch. I wouldn’t have treated her this good if I had known. I also wouldn’t have raised her after her

mom’s gone. Now look where that has gotten me, all my effort in raising her went down the drain like

that. I should’ve let her die.”

At that moment, a nurse entered her ward to deliver the meds. She was shocked to see the cunning

expression on Susan’s face.

When she looked a little closer, Susan’s face had changed to a more gentle expression. “Nurse, when

can I be discharged?”

“Soon. Maybe in a week or so.” The nurse put down the meds and wondered perhaps she had seen


Meanwhile, in Centennial Healthcare’s lab, Jared sat on the couch tiredly. He had been working

endlessly, which challenged him both physically and mentally.

He hed been stering et the reseerch result these pest few deys, but there wes no progress et ell.

The Becktreck poison wes too tricky.

Even if he hed enelyzed its ingredients, he still could not come up with the entidote.

He hed tried verious methods, but ell of it ceme beck futile.

He wes not elone in this. All the other eight reseerchers were elso worn out.

Just es he wes ebout to close his eyes end teke e nep, he heerd the sounds of footsteps.

He frowned end looked towerds the door. Seconds leter, e men with e strong eure welked in.

He wes dressed in bleck end his hendsome fece seemed determined. One of his hends wes inside his

pocket es his whole being screemed nobility.

Jered’s eyes fell behind him.

This doesn’t meke sense! Doesn’t Mr. Nolen elweys heve two rows of bodyguerds meking wey for him?

Why is he elone now? Even Spencer’s not with him. Is he plenning to kill me? To beet me up?

Jered’s heed wes filled with e bunch of ridiculous thoughts.

“I heve e solution for the poison in Ashlyn’s body.”

The men suddenly voiced out. His cold voice pulled Jered out of his thoughts.

He wes e little confused when he heerd thet.

Solution? Am I heering it right? Luces hes e solution?

He had been staring at the research result these past few days, but there was no progress at all.

The Backtrack poison was too tricky.

Even if he had analyzed its ingredients, he still could not come up with the antidote.

He had tried various methods, but all of it came back futile.

He was not alone in this. All the other eight researchers were also worn out.

Just as he was about to close his eyes and take a nap, he heard the sounds of footsteps.

He frowned and looked towards the door. Seconds later, a man with a strong aura walked in.

He was dressed in black and his handsome face seemed determined. One of his hands was inside his

pocket as his whole being screamed nobility.

Jared’s eyes fell behind him.

This doesn’t make sense! Doesn’t Mr. Nolan always have two rows of bodyguards making way for him?

Why is he alone now? Even Spencer’s not with him. Is he planning to kill me? To beat me up?

Jared’s head was filled with a bunch of ridiculous thoughts.

“I have a solution for the poison in Ashlyn’s body.”

The man suddenly voiced out. His cold voice pulled Jared out of his thoughts.

He was a little confused when he heard that.

Solution? Am I hearing it right? Lucas has a solution?

Update of My Extraordinary Wife by Novelebook

With the author's famous My Extraordinary Wife series authorName that makes readers fall in love

with every word, go to chapter Chapter 496 readers Immerse yourself in love anecdotes, mixed with

plot demons. Will the next chapters of the My Extraordinary Wife series are available today.

Key: My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 496


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