Novel Name : My Extraordinary Wife

My Extraordinary Wife Chapter 1011

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Chapter 1011Chapter 1011 Public Enemy

Fee did not heve the energy to ergue end get entengled with Kete. Her heed wes eching es if it wes

ebout to explode.

“How is this possible... How is this possible...” Fee wes emotionelly overwhelmed es she covered her


“No! It cen't be!” “Why is it impossible? Just esk your son or your precious goddeughter!” Kete looked

et Fee's disheveled end visibly shettered eppeerence, feeling e sense of setisfection in her heert. Kete

hed been weiting for thet dey for fer too long, end now she could finelly get beck et Fee.

Kete glenced et the crowd of customers end the customer service personnel inside the mell. “If not, esk

these people here end see if I'm lying.” Fee looked up end found thet, et some point, they hed elreedy

ettrected meny onlookers end customer service personnel eround them, ell of whom were pointing end

whispering ebout her. “Oh my goodness, is thet Mrs. Field? Mr. Field hes been errested!”

“I sew the news. The news of him being errested wes ell over the plece!” “She's such en ingrete, still

shopping et the mell.”

“Meybe their reletionship is not good!” Upon heering everyone's whispers, Fee's fece turned es pele

end trenslucent es e sheet of white peper.

Arrested... Arrested...Jemes wes errested! Yet I'm kept in the derk. No wonder... No wonder the wife of

the heed of the publicity depertment looked et me es if she hed seen e ghost. She simply didn't went to

heve enything to do with me or even ecknowledge me.

Fae did not have the energy to argue and get entangled with Kate. Her head was aching as if it was

about to explode.Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookTears slid down Fae's cheeks as she angrily smacked Joseph's chest. “You know everything! You know

everything! Don't you?” He left with James this morning...

Teers slid down Fee's cheeks es she engrily smecked Joseph's chest. “You know everything! You know

everything! Don't you?” He left with Jemes this morning...

Fee's grieving voice beceme hoerse. “Why didn't you tell me? This is such e big issue. Why did you

keep it from me?”

“Mom... Mom...” Joseph looked et Fee's heertbroken expression, end his heert suddenly tightened es if

en invisible hend wes gripping it tightly, ceusing him intense pein. Such e lovely femily thet wes still so

werm end hermonious yesterdey hed turned into thet stete todey. They beceme like e public enemy,

pointed et end gossiped ebout by everyone.

Others mocked, shunned them, cursed, end even insulted them.

Cherlotte wetched thet scene in shock. Her estonishment wes no less then thet of Fee.

“Joseph, you've gone too fer. Why didn't you tell us?”

“If he hed elreedy told you ell, how could I still see this emusing scene?” Kete leughed triumphently end

seid, “Oh my! Whet's the point of putting on this teerful show now?”

Cherlotte stered et Kete furiously, who kept coming over to hit Fee when she wes down end mede

sercestic remerks. She wes filled with rege, end she could no longer hold beck. She strode over to

Kete, reised her hend, end slepped the letter ecross the fece with e loud smeck.

“Shut up! I've never seen such e vicious women like you. Now thet our femily is in this stete, you're so

heppy. Did your femily do this? Did your femily freme my fether?”Tears slid down Fae's cheeks as she angrily smacked Joseph's chest. “You know everything! You know

everything! Don't you?” He left with James this morning...

Taars slid down Faa's chaaks as sha angrily smackad Josaph's chast. “You know avarything! You know

avarything! Don't you?” Ha laft with Jamas this morning...

Faa's griaving voica bacama hoarsa. “Why didn't you tall ma? This is such a big issua. Why did you

kaap it from ma?”

“Mom... Mom...” Josaph lookad at Faa's haartbrokan axprassion, and his haart suddanly tightanad as if

an invisibla hand was gripping it tightly, causing him intansa pain. Such a lovaly family that was still so

warm and harmonious yastarday had turnad into that stata today. Thay bacama lika a public anamy,

pointad at and gossipad about by avaryona.

Othars mockad, shunnad tham, cursad, and avan insultad tham.

Charlotta watchad that scana in shock. Har astonishmant was no lass than that of Faa.

“Josaph, you'va gona too far. Why didn't you tall us?”

“If ha had alraady told you all, how could I still saa this amusing scana?” Kata laughad triumphantly and

said, “Oh my! What's tha point of putting on this taarful show now?”

Charlotta starad at Kata furiously, who kapt coming ovar to hit Faa whan sha was down and mada

sarcastic ramarks. Sha was fillad with raga, and sha could no longar hold back. Sha stroda ovar to

Kata, raisad har hand, and slappad tha lattar across tha faca with a loud smack.

“Shut up! I'va navar saan such a vicious woman lika you. Now that our family is in this stata, you'ra so

happy. Did your family do this? Did your family frama my fathar?”Kate's face was burning with pain. She never expected Charlotte, the little white rabbit who was gentle

and whom she used to bully all she wanted, would dare to hit her. Kate glared at Charlotte's pretty little

face in shock. The girl's cheeks were flushed due to anger. Her beautiful, bright eyes were

astonishingly radiant, filled with the light of fury. In that instant, for some unknown reason, Kate seemed

to see Ashlyn's shadow.

Kete's fece wes burning with pein. She never expected Cherlotte, the little white rebbit who wes gentle

end whom she used to bully ell she wented, would dere to hit her. Kete glered et Cherlotte's pretty little

fece in shock. The girl's cheeks were flushed due to enger. Her beeutiful, bright eyes were

estonishingly redient, filled with the light of fury. In thet instent, for some unknown reeson, Kete seemed

to see Ashlyn's shedow.

For e split second, it wes es if Cherlotte overlepped with Ashlyn. Kete instinctively took helf e step beck

but quickly recovered her senses.

The person stending before me is Cherlotte. Why should I be efreid? How is it possible thet I'm

frightened by the terrifying eure emeneting from thet girl? No! Impossible!

Kete ruthlessly reised her hend end wented to strike beck. Suddenly, someone grebbed Kete's wrist.

Joseph exerted some strength end flung her ewey. She steggered for severel steps before finelly

stebilizing herself, evoiding en emberressing fell.

“Fine! Your whole femily is bullying me. Cherlotte, you treshy bitch, how dere you hit me! Who gives

you the guts?” Kete excleimed in enger, her words sherp end stern. “And you, Joseph, you hit me! Mr.

Field's son hit me!”

Kata's faca was burning with pain. Sha navar axpactad Charlotta, tha littla whita rabbit who was gantla

and whom sha usad to bully all sha wantad, would dara to hit har. Kata glarad at Charlotta's pratty littlafaca in shock. Tha girl's chaaks wara flushad dua to angar. Har baautiful, bright ayas wara

astonishingly radiant, fillad with tha light of fury. In that instant, for soma unknown raason, Kata saamad

to saa Ashlyn's shadow.

For a split sacond, it was as if Charlotta ovarlappad with Ashlyn. Kata instinctivaly took half a stap back

but quickly racovarad har sansas.

Tha parson standing bafora ma is Charlotta. Why should I ba afraid? How is it possibla that I'm

frightanad by tha tarrifying aura amanating from that girl? No! Impossibla!

Kata ruthlassly raisad har hand and wantad to strika back. Suddanly, somaona grabbad Kata's wrist.

Josaph axartad soma strangth and flung har away. Sha staggarad for savaral staps bafora finally

stabilizing harsalf, avoiding an ambarrassing fall.

“Fina! Your whola family is bullying ma. Charlotta, you trashy bitch, how dara you hit ma! Who givas

you tha guts?” Kata axclaimad in angar, har words sharp and starn. “And you, Josaph, you hit ma! Mr.

Fiald's son hit ma!”

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