Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 288 An Unexpected Order

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"That's great, Holy. We can take the Xu's Group back." Said Essie. Essie's eyes lighted up. No wonder

Baron was known as a man who had been in the business circle for decades. He was so thoughtful

and could think of all possible things.

"Sister, let's go to the company and get Elizabeth out of there." Holy said and clenched his fists.

"Miss Essie, you can't do it in the name of Cathy." Malcolm said.

"Why?" Essie was puzzled.

"The chairman of the board has designated you to run the Xu's Group and you will definitely become

the primary target to Elizabeth and her son. The director of the board and Lady Alice have been hurt.

Now you are the only one whom young master can rely on. If anything happens to you, nobody can

protect him. " Malcolm said.

"Malcolm's thinking makes sense." "Not only Holy, but also Mili and Dot. They are all waiting for you in

America. You can't take a risk," Hanson said, wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

"But if I don't show up, how can I take over the Xu's Group?" Essie lowered her eyes.

"I have an idea." Malcolm said with a mysterious look in his eyes.

Three days later, Malcolm and Essie separated their ways.

Malcolm secretly transferred Baron to another hospital with his men in case Elizabeth would hurt him.

And Essie, as well as Holy, took her substitute Pana to attend the general shareholder's meeting. As

Alice's comrade in the women special force, Pana was on good terms with Alice, so they were very

close friends. After Malcolm told her about Alice's accident, Pana decided to do them the favor and

pretended to be Cathy to protect Essie.

At this moment, Elizabeth was filled with joy of victory. Baron was in a coma and Alice might have been

dead. Elizabeth thought the Xu's Group must belong to her. Elizabeth had been waiting for the day for

more than ten years.

On the right of Elizabeth sat Bles, an illegitimate child of Baron's father, and also one of the major

shareholders of the Xu's Group.

Sitting on her left, Vinton's face was a little gloomy. He had thought that he would take the position of

the president after his father fell. He didn't expect that his mother wanted to be the chairman herself.

Valery didn't come. Soon after Essie left, the news came that Edgar was cut into a man's stick and

thrown into a pig's ring. She was freaked out and hid in the Xu's manor all day long for fear that Zac

might make her a people stick as well.

When the host was about to announce that Elizabeth would take over the Xu's Group, Essie, Holy and

Pana came in with bodyguards around.

"I have a commission from chairman Baron. During his coma, I will take over the company on his

behalf." Pana did as what Essie had taught her.

Elizabeth stood up from her chair. She didn't know Pana, but she knew Essie clearly. Essie had

disappeared for three years, and today she even appeared at the shareholder's meeting of the Xu's


"Essie, what are you doing here?"

"Mrs. Elizabeth, long time no see. Today I'm here as Miss Xu's special assistant and spokesperson."

"Miss Xu? Which one? " With a groan, Elizabeth guessed that Alice was almost dead. In the Xu family,

there was only one lady, her daughter Valery.

"It's definitely the third daughter of the Xu family, Cathy." Essie declared, stressing each syllable.

Elizabeth was shocked to hear that. The girl who was chased away with Luce fifteen years ago? Oh my

God! She had forgotten her for such a long time. How could she suddenly appear?

"Cathy left the Xu family fifteen years ago. How can you prove she is Cathy?"

Essie had foreseen that Elizabeth would say that, so she took out a paternity test from the file and said,

"this is the paternity test report of Miss Xu and Chairman Baron. It is clearly stated that they are father

and daughter."

Elizabeth was speechless. Obviously, they were well prepared.

Bles asked slowly, "how can you prove that the Commission is true?"

"It has Mr. Baron's signature and seal as well as the lawyer's signature and stamp on it. Is it wrong?"

Said Essie.

"Of course it's not true, because the real certificate is here. After the accident of Mr. Baron, Mr. Baron

personally handed it to me." Elizabeth took out her proposals.

Holy took it over and shined it with the purple light in his hand. He said with a cold smile, "aunt, the seal

on your commission is fake."

"You are just a kid. Don't talk nonsense." Elizabeth scolded without any change on her face.

"My dad's seal has a fake logo." Holy took off the necklace and explained, "this is the seal my Daddy

gave me. It has a special make-up oil which can change into another color in the ultraviolet light. Take

out the documents my dad gave me earlier and check the seal. "

Essie called the administrative staff of the court who had been hired long time ago into the office. She

asked him to identify whether the seal was genuine or not and to prove that Elizabeth's certificate was


The shareholders burst into an uproar. Elizabeth's face turned ghastly pale. She had forgotten Cathy in

her plan. Now Cathy was here and made her embarrassed.

Essie then walked up to Whit the lawyer, threw the fake authorized book on the table, and slammed the

table. The lawyer was so frightened that he fell to the ground. Essie said, "you colluded with Elizabeth

to forged the authorized book and violate the law. Just wait for jail!"

"You're slinging mud at me. I had nothing to do with it. I didn't know that the Commission was fake."

Elizabeth hurried to defend herself.

"Whit is neither relative nor friend to you. Why does he take the risk of committing a crime to help you?"

Essie sneered.

"He has always liked me and had improper desire for me. This time he faked the commission must be

in order to please me." After hearing what Elizabeth said, everyone sighed.

"Shame on you!" Essie exclaimed in fury.

Vinton was in great astonishment by her mother's words. How could his mother, a middle-aged woman,

be so attractive? They didn't see that.

Bles glimpsed at Whit and asked, "is that true, Whit?"

The unhurried sentence frightened Whit, whose face turned pale. "Yes, yes, it has nothing to do with

Mrs. Xu. It's me who forged the chairman's certificate and wanted to please her."

Essie noticed that there was something wrong with Whit. He seemed to be threatened by someone.

"The police will deal with the case of Whit. Now that it has proved that the Commission in Miss Xu's

hand is true, from now on, Miss Xu will be fully in charge of the Xu's Group. I think all the shareholders

have no objection, right? " Essie announced with great seriousness.

All the shareholders nodded their heads. Elizabeth's face twisted in extreme anger. She couldn't

believe that Baron had arranged everything secretly. It was all her fault. She was so careless that she

ignored the evil woman.

As night fell, the lights at the top of the towering skyscraper of the Emperor group were on.

Holding a glass of whiskey in hand, Zac sat on the windowsill, overlooking the flickering lights.

He was still so handsome and perfect that the lights and the moon outside the window were dim, but

there was no smile on his face, just like an icy lotus in the north. Only cold and ruthlessness could be


As Essie left, his soul also left with her, leaving him a walking dead, except for work and work.

One year ago, when he knew that the Essie's parents had emigrated to the United States, he guessed

that she was hiding in the United States. But he did not know where she was in the United States. He

wanted to go to the United States, but he got another news that Hanson went to the United States

every month. Did he go to meet her? Did she finally choose him?

His heart was burnt by jealousy. It hurt. He even timidly dispelled the idea of looking for her, for fear of

seeing something unacceptable. As long as he knew that she was safe and his mind could rest, was it


The night wind blew in from the slightly open window, ruffling his black short hair. A pang of sharp pain

flashed across his heart like lightning. He took a hard drink and gritted his teeth, trying to endure it with

the effect of alcohol. This pain would erupt every day, because he would miss her countless times

every day.

'How have you been these three years? Have you ever thought of me occasionally, or have you

completely forgotten me? Am I just a passer-by in your world?' Zac thought in his heart.

The phone on his desk rang.

"Boss, her ladyship is back..." His heart trembled violently as he heard the report from the other end of

the line.

There was only one woman in the world who could make his heart beat again.

And now, she was back. Finally she was back.

His dark and cold eyes blinked. With a light in them, he seemed to be lit up by a little fire and gained his


He took a deep breath, tidied up his hair ruffled by the wind, and pressed the call button to call the


"Inform the staff of HENGFA that the newly appointed special assistant of chairman must come in

person to discuss the cooperation plan of Sea City's development with President William. Locaton:

South Pier. Besides, spread the news that I have gone to Europe and will come back after a week. "

"Yes." The secretary left the office.

He sat down on the bench and turned on the digital photo frame on the table. His body tightened at the

sight of her beautiful figure.

He seemed to have cured his hidden diseases. His body was no longer averse to women's touch, but

had no interest and feeling at all. She was the only one he wanted.

Do you know what horrible consequences will come to you if you leave your husband behind and force

him to sleep alone for more than three years?

He raised his head quickly and drank the remaining wine in his glass. His beautiful eyes narrowed with

the evaporation of alcohol, with a hint of dangerous coldness flashing, silent and breathless, like a

cheetah set up a trap, stealthily leaning in with prey waiting.

On the other side of Dragon City, Essie had just celebrated today's victory with everyone. She went

back to her room and closed the door. The room was so quiet and desolate, like every night in the past

three years.

After she came back to Dragon City, she felt more dejected. It might be because Mili and Dot were not

around, or there were too many memories she wanted to forget here.

Many changes had taken place here in the past three years.

Rabi finally regained his health after the cardiac surgery. Eva had become a fervent idol because of the

War Emperor. Summer 100 Degree did not decline due to her leaving, but became more and more

popular. After all, there were also three shareholders as Zac, Walt and Eva. Amy and Jacy were

respectively the chief designer of men's and women's clothes, which had been continuing her style.

What was Zac doing now?

She thought of him unconsciously.

Did he have a new partner? Or was he still with Leila?


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