Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 741 Why Did You Lie To Me

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"I mean you have a bad taste. You can't tell what is stone and what is unprocessed jade." Eva curled

her lips.

Jim sneered, "Are you a stone or unprocessed jade?"

"Of course I am the unprocessed jade," Eva blurted out. She didn't intend to be modest at all, which

amused Jim. "I thought you had a clear estimation of yourself, but today I finally know you again."

Eva rolled her eyes at him and said, "Didn't you ask me to be honest? I'm very honest now. Why don't I

look like a diamond in the rough?"

Crossing his arms over his chest, Jim stared at her and said, "Married women are all carved by men.

How can they still be unprocessed jade?"

Eva blushed and lowered her head, "I... I haven't been carved yet. " Her voice was very low, like the

sound of a mosquito, but Jim still heard it. Somehow, he had an impulse to be the first one to process

the rough jade.

He took a sip of wine to calm down his strange emotions. How could he want this spicy heaven

pepper? The only person he wanted was Janice. There was no other person. Since Janice was dead,

his heart was dead too. There was no way he could come back to life.

While he was silent, Eva said in a low voice again, "Scum Jim, you will definitely find the second


"There won't be a second Janice." Looking at the green tea in his cup, Jim's handsome face flashed a

trace of sadness.

"You are going to get married and have your own child. You don't really want to find a wild model to be

the hostess of your Jing family, do you?" Eva muttered.

Jim raised his head and looked at her deeply. His eyes were sharp and implicit. "Heaven pepper, a

person with the intelligence of a trilobite like you should take good care of yourself and don't worry

about others."

Even a smarter woman would think of his purpose to date this young model, but she couldn't think

cleverly. She even came to argue with him seriously, which made him speechless.

"I'm simple, but not stupid. I have good grades in school." Eva glared at him. This guy was snobbish

and looked down upon her. He always took her for nothing. She had no advantages from beginning to

end, which was too insulting.

Jim was speechless. He decided to end this topic as soon as possible and change it to the right track.

Anyway, it was impossible to expect such a silly girl to be enlightened.

"Have you been bothered by that brainless fan these days?"

"No, I guess you have shifted the target to your new girlfriend, Gigi." Eva said, "You have to remind her

to be careful. That brainless fan has a tendency of violence. She is weak, unlike me. I can protect

myself, so you must be very careful."

"You just need to take care of yourself," Jim said impatiently. This woman was just a busybody. She

was still in danger and had time to care about others.

The waiter served the dishes. Eva had already been hungry. She cut a piece of goose liver and put it

into her mouth, chewing with satisfaction.

This French restaurant was a Michelin five star restaurant. All the food materials were air freighted from

Europe. The chef was also a real French. Those who came to dine were the rich people from the upper

class and the new rich people from the city.

"Scum Jim, I thought you wouldn't let me eat with you since you have a girlfriend," after swallowing the

goose liver, Eva said.

"You still owe me one hundred and sixty accompanies to meal and eighty accompanies to desserts,"

Jim said slowly.

Eva was slightly stunned, "How is this calculated?"

Jim took a sip of wine and said, "Because you can't serve me with three meals a day, I calculate the

time into times. In the future, your debt will be reduced to zero step by step, by that time, you will pay

off your debt. But if there is any new debt, I will transfer it and add it to the account. "

Eva was afraid of math the most. As soon as she heard the number, she felt dizzy. She didn't want to

care about how Jim calculated the numbers. Even if he said it, she would still be confused, so she

would just listen to him whatever he said.

She took out her small notebook from her bag for daily accounts. Although she was dizzy with

numbers, she would remember all the accounts clearly as she had always been careful about them, so

that she wouldn't be confused when spending money.

"One hundred and sixty meal and eighty desserts accompanies." She wrote it down as she read to

herself. She tried to pay off all the debts she owed him before marriage. She should try to avoid seeing

each other in the future as much as possible lest others would misunderstand them.

Jim glanced at her book. Although the numbers on it were very small and densely written, he could still

see it clearly with his super excellent eyesight.

This heaven pepper really made a clear account on everything. She even recorded a bag of salt that

worth five dollars. She was not like an expensive A-lister, but a frugal housewife.

"Heaven pepper, staying at home to serve your husband and take care of your child suite you well." He

raised the corners of his mouth and joked.

"I have discussed with Vinton and decided to leave after giving birth to the baby." Eva smiled happily,

revealing two cute dimples. Seeing that the family of six of Essie and Zac were so happy, she began to

look forward to the sweet marriage life with Vinton.

She was a typical woman who was strong outside and soft inside. She was used to using a hard shell

to disguise herself. In fact, she was a simple little woman by nature.

Jim looked at her. Her happiness was clearly reflected in his eyes. The happiness was like a warm

wave, gently embracing her, surging, but when it came to him, it became cold, surging and undulating.

His mood suddenly became very bad, as if he had been shot in the chest.

This heaven pepper couldn't wait to get married, just like a woman who had been looking forward to

marriage for a long time, fearing that she couldn't get married.

"I wish you happiness," he gritted his teeth and said. There was a little devil in his heart. He hoped that

she could break up with Vinton and never marry in her life time.

Eva didn't notice the difference in his tone, but still smiled. "Thank you," she said with a smile.

Jim cut a piece of mutton and put it into his mouth. After finishing the meal elegantly, he wiped his

mouth with a napkin and said, "Remember to come to me at any time I ask in the future, or your debt

will be delayed after your wedding."

"As long as you have time." Eva stuck out her tongue and thought, 'This guy has a new girlfriend. He

won't be as idle as before, will he?' To be honest, she didn't hate this way of paying off debts at all. For

her, eating was always a kind of enjoyment, not torture, no matter who she was with.

A faint smile played at the corners of Jim's mouth. Recently, the most interesting time for him was to

tease the heaven pepper. Every time she appeared, he would not feel bored.

On the other side of the Dragon City, in the study of Blue Sea and Sunny Sky, Ford was reporting to

Zac. The two didn't notice that there was a person hidden in the bookcase.

"We have clearly processed the surveillance video of the fancy hall and found that the person who

attacked Miss Fang has a chest and no Adam's apple. So she should not be a man, but a woman."

Zac nodded slightly and ordered him to send the information he had found to the subordinates of Jim,

and officially hand over the matter of brainless fan to Jim.

"Boss, Mrs. Essie called me yesterday and asked me about Miss Alice. I answered perfunctorily," after

a short silence, Ford continued.

Zac nodded, "If anything happens at this time, it will alert the enemy. It's not appropriate to find the

whereabouts of Alice for the time being."

Then they talked about something else and Ford left.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Essie opened the door of the bookcase and came out. She just

wanted to make a joke with Zac, but she didn't expect to hear a big secret by accident.

Frowning, she glared at Zac with her almond shaped eyes. Her face was overcast with injury,

disappointment and infinite sadness. She trusted him without reservation and relied on him. She didn't

expect him to lie to her and fool her like this!

"Why did you lie to me? Why didn't you help me find my sister?" She was almost screaming. In addition

to anger, there was a kind of almost desperate emotion in her heart, which almost devoured her.

Zac sighed heavily. The reason why he chose to hide it from her for the time being was that he knew

her too well. He was sure that she would be emotional and desperate to find the whereabouts of Alice.

In this way, Willi would soon notice that Cherry had been exposed.

"It's not that I don't want to find her. I just want to wait until Fell gets married."

"I can't wait!" "It's very likely that my sister is in Willi's hands now. As long as I find her one day later,

she will suffer more torture and danger," Essie screamed.

"If Willi finds out that Cherry is exposed, then Alice will be more dangerous." Zac grabbed her shoulder

and said, "Besides, you must be mentally prepared. It's very likely that Alice is dead."

"Nonsense! My sister is still alive. As long as I can't find her body for one day, I'm sure she's still alive.

I'm going to find her, and I'm going to find her now!" said Essie, shaking him off. She roared, turned

around and ran to the door of the study. Zac came like a strong wind, holding her in his arms and

forbidding her to go out.

"Calm down, Essie Yi. I knew you would be so impulsive, so I didn't dare to tell you the truth. If you go

out with so many people to look for Alice, you will not only fail to find her, but also destroy all our plans.

If we can't get rid of Willi, not only Alice, but also more of your relatives will be hurt. Do you

understand? " Zac shouted in a low voice.

"I don't understand. I don't understand anything. I just want to find my sister. I just want her to come

back. Woo..." Essie thumped him on the shoulder and burst into tears.

Her heart was full of resentment. She hated him for hiding, cheating her, and his indifference and cold-


There was even a terrible thought in her heart. He didn't want to see Alice come back at all. He wanted

Cherry to replace her forever.


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