Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 321 Female Phobia

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Essie walked up to Bles and said, "The paternity test report I took out last time belongs to President Xu

and me. If uncle doesn't believe it, you can do it again." With a faint smile, she bent down and

whispered in his ear in a very low voice, "By the way, how about you make one with Loren?" The voice

remained within a small range of two people, but it was full of threat.

Bles trembled slightly. Although he still tried to maintain the calm on the surface, a trace of panic

flashed through his eyes, which was keenly captured by Essie. She wouldn't make it public for the time

being, so as not to force the dog to jump over the wall and take it as a handle in her hand.

"There is no need for paternity testing." Vicki waved her hand and said, "She is the true Cathy. She

looks exactly like her mother. It couldn't be wrong."

Bles pursed his lips and stopped talking.

Elizabeth was paralyzed in the chair as if she had been hit by a stick. She could never predict that

Essie would be Cathy. Three years ago, she kicked Valery off the position of the future hostess of the

Rong Family. And now she had taken away the position of chairman of the board. She must have come

back to take revenge, it must be!

"Well, from now on, I will officially take over the position of Pana. If you have nothing else to do, today's

meeting will be over," Essie announced.

The directors looked at each other. The women of the Xu family were more powerful than men!

As soon as the meeting was over, Bles went to the president's office. Essie knew he would come.

"I didn't expect you, a little girl, can stir up so many things." He pointed at Essie. He was furious and

didn't dare to burst out. His face turned red.

"Uncle, you have worried too much." Essie smiled slightly and poured him a cup of tea. "Family

ugliness can't be publicized. I won't publicize this matter. As long as I'm safe, my cousin Loren is safe."

Bles clenched his teeth. If it wasn't for the protection of Zac and the people over there were not allowed

to touch her, he would have asked someone to get rid of her. How could he leave her to stir up disaster

like today's.

"The reason why you dare to be so rampant is just because you have the support of Zac!"

"This is also my ability, don't you agree, uncle?" Essie chuckled twice and changed her tone. "But no

matter how competent I am, I am nothing in front of you. You slept with your sister-in-law and gave birth

to an illegitimate child. It is really a cuckold for Chairman Xu, your elder brother."

Bles's face was even redder than pig's liver. "You'd better remember what you said, or I won't be lenient

to you."

Essie took a sip of tea and said slowly and casually, "Don't worry. As long as I'm safe, everyone is


After Bles left, her heart did not calm down. She was very clear that as soon as her identity was

exposed, someone would come to her at the first time to 'get even' with her.

As soon as they came out of the Hengyuan building, they were swept into the car by a strong


Zac didn't drive by himself today, probably because he was afraid of losing control of his emotions and

having a car accident.

His lips were closed and he didn't say a word. He just stared at her gloomily and surprisingly, as if he

was investigating an alien monster that he had never seen before!

This state lasted for fifteen minutes, and Essie was already scared. She curled up in the corner of the

seat and kept a defensive state all the time to resist his terrible attack.

"You are Cathy. How could you be Cathy?" He muttered in a low voice, as if he was asking or talking to


"Well... I suffered localized amnesia. I don't remember everything about you and me when I was a

child." She explained hesitantly, "So all the past grievances are gone, okay?"

"It's not that simple!" Zac suddenly raised his voice and roared. He was almost furious. She lost part of

her memory. Why did she lose all the memories with him? She didn't take him seriously since she was

a child. Hateful, too hateful!

"I really don't remember. I was locked in the basement by Valery for three days and almost died.

Fortunately, my sister came back to find and saved me. I was so frightened that I not only got

claustrophobia, but also lost part of my memory." Essie pretended to be pitiful. Zac had been

complaining about Cathy for more than 10 years, but now he was 'cheated' by her again. He must be

furious. She can't add fuel to the fire, but can only be used as a fire extinguisher. Otherwise, she will be


"Then why all the memory you loss was all about me?" Zac was very entangled now, as if there was a

string entangled in his heart, constantly entangled, constantly entangled, no way to solve it.

"This is not my choice. Maybe the hippocampus in that place was injured," she murmured with her

head down.

Zac grabbed her shoulder. Even so, he couldn't easily forgive her for cheating him for such a long time.

"If Elizabeth hadn't exposed you, would you have kept it from me all the time?"

"I didn't want to be Cathy in the first place." She pouted, "Since I left the Xu family at the age of seven

and left Dragon City, I have been no longer Cathy. If not for the changes in the Xu family now, I would

never be Cathy again in my life. I am just Bob's daughter, Essie Yi."

Zac was still in a state of swelling with anger in his chest. When he saw Pana, he felt strange. She was

a cunning and weird little devil with evil ideas all over her mind in her childhood. How could she grow

into a righteous tomboy? It turned out that one was fake!

"You've become so confused, and you often have brain-fart, which was also a sequela of being

frightened at that time?"

"I think so." Essie stuck out her tongue.

"Okay!" He let go of his hand, changed his position, and put the other hand on her shoulder. "Since you

are Cathy, we will get the old and new grudges even together."

She trembled, and her face was slightly pale: "Didn't you promise not to get even with Cathy? How

could you go back on your word?"

"If Cathy grow up to be same as Pana, I'll settle it with her. But if it's you, I'll not only have to get even

with you, but also make a hard one."

Why? Did she have a face that deserves to be beaten?

Essie was very depressed. "Even if I am going to die, I should die to understand, shouldn't I? What kind

of deep hatred do I have with you that makes you think about it till now?"

A malicious cold light flashed through Zac's eyes. Up to now, he had a fresh memory of this matter, but

it was hard to tell. As soon as he drew back his arm slightly, she fell into his arms. "What you have

done is unforgivable. It will take you a lifetime to pay it back."

"What did I do? Make it clear, please." She pouted, with a bit of impatience on her face. It couldn't be a

restriction level, which could not be uttered, couldn't it? On second thought, that was impossible! At that

time, she was only seven years old and hadn't started to develop, so she couldn't do things of limited


"Think for yourself." Zac snorted.

Isn't that nonsense? Essie glared at him, "I have lost my memory. How can I think about it by myself?"

"Go to the hospital to see the doctors in the brain department and repair the hippocampus." He flicked

her forehead.

"I've seen it long time ago. The doctor said it was irreversible." She covered her forehead with an

expression of grievance.

"Go see again. It has been fifteen years, medicine has made great progress, and by the way, treat the

sequela of brain-fart and confusion all together." He was so overbearing and arrogant that he seemed

to regard himself as a big creditor and ask her for debt.

'But I don't know what the debt is. How can I pay it back?'

She was melancholy and distressed.

In the circle of celebrities, gossip was always spread the fastest, especially in the Internet age. Soon,

everyone knew that she was Xu family's third daughter, Cathy.

In the villa by the lakeside, Jim squinted at her, with a subtle and intriguing smile hanging from the

corner of his mouth. "You are Cathy. Interesting, so interesting."

Where was the fun? Why couldn't she see it? Being chased for debts, she even wanted to hang herself

on a piece of noodles.

Taking advantage of the chance that Zac went to the cellar to get the wine. She decided to start with

Jim and find out what deep hatred she had with Zac.

"That icy guy, he always said that he wanted to get even with me, but I lost my memory. I can't

remember what old grudges I had with him. You and he have been playing with each other since

childhood. You should know that, right?"

"Do you really want to know?" Jim raised his thick eyebrows slightly.

"Yes." Essie nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

Jim took a sip of wine and sighed heavily, "Your resentment is really deep."

Essie's heart thumped, "I know, if it is not deep, how can he hate me for more than 10 years?"

Jim looked out of the window and made sure that Zac didn't come in. He lowered his voice and said,

"Because of you, he has a terrible hidden disease."

"I injected him with the virus?" Essie covered her mouth and exclaimed. Her eyes were bigger than

bells. When she was a child, she was really naughty and mischievous. But it should not be so bad, and

she couldn't get the virus. "Is it serious? I... Why didn't I see him have a fit?"

"It's not a virus. It should be considered a mental illness," Jim explained.

Essie breathed a sigh of relief. It was good that it was not a terrible virus, or she'll really be responsible

for it all her life.

"He is coming back soon. You can tell me directly. What's wrong with him?"

"Woman phobia," Jim said word by word in a low and clear voice.

Essie choked hard, covered her mouth and coughed for a few times before she calmed down. "I'm

serious with you. Don't make fun of me, okay?"

"I'm serious." Jim closed his mouth and pretended to be serious. "If a woman touches his body directly,

he will feel sick and want to vomit, unless he is separated from his clothes."

"How is that possible? Am I not a woman?" Essie glared at him. It was ridiculous. She couldn't count

how many times she had been treated by that guy. How could he feel sick and want to vomit?

"Haven't you heard a saying that 'the person who tied the bell must untie it'? You are the culprit of the

bell, and this bell, only you can solve," Jim said in a very mysterious way.

Essie was confused. "What do you mean?"

"Only you can touch him," Jim said in a very low voice.

Essie seemed to be surprised and confused by the fantasy.

"What about him and Leila? Don't tell me they never had sex."


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