Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 519 Help My Child

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At midnight, the village was desolate and the mountains were covered with cold wind.

In the glamour warehouse, which was abandoned in the north of the city, the light was as dim as ghost


Suddenly, the sound of the giant truck's engine came and broke the dead silence.

"Can they really let Dot go?" Essie jumped out of the car, trembling in extreme anxiety and panic.

"Keep calm and play it by my eyes." Said Zac in a low and deep voice.

There were several strange figures hiding in the dark. They were all paying close attention to the

situation in the warehouse.

Zac walked into the warehouse, and Essie followed closely behind him.

The messy cartons and stale smell of the warehouse came from the air.

"We are already here. Where is the child?" Said Zac in a low voice, his words echoing in the air.

A black shadow appeared in front of the fence on the second floor. He wore a black cloak and a skull

mask. "Have you taken the money?" He said in a low voice deliberately.

"It is in the container. Where's the kid?" There was a bloodthirsty murderous look in Zac' cold eyes.

A beam of light was projected from the black shadow and aimed at the darkest corner of the


The child's thin figure slowly appeared.

He was hanging in midair, eyes closed and motionless, as if in a coma.

"Dot --" Essie screamed in panic. She rushed madly over and tried to hold the child, but she couldn't

reach him. "What did you do to my child?"

"Don't worry. He just took a few sleeping pills, but..." There was a sinister laugh coming from the

second floor. Then the person went away, and the beam of light disappeared as well. Darkness

covered them again.

Essie turned on the flashlight of her cellphone and said, "Zac, put him down." Before she finished

speaking, she saw a red light flashed out of the child's body, and then there was the click sound, as if a

time had been activated.

Startled, Zac looked at the dazzling red light: 40, 39, 38...

"Damn it!" He grabbed Essie, "come on! It's a time bomb!"

In an instant, Essie's face turned deathly pale. "Save him! Save him!" She used up all her strength to

cry and shout, and her voice echoed around the warehouse.

"It's too late!" Zac picked her up and ran out. As she struggled, she cried, "save him. Please, save him!"

As soon as the two people rushed out of the warehouse, a loud explosion came from behind like a


Zac pulled her down to the ground right away and held her in his arms to protect her.

The warehouse was ablaze with fire, and half of the night was dyed red.

"Dot --" Essie pushed Zac away all of a sudden and turned around to rush into the fire. But she was

immediately grabbed by him. He pulled her to a safe place about ten meters away.

She raised her hand angrily and slapped him. "Why don't you save him? Why don't you save him?"

She roared hysterically, and then cried hysterically.

Zac held her in his arms sadly. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry..." He spoke incoherently.

Far away, there was a horrible shadow. Leila smiled wickedly and won. "How about my plan? Is it

perfect? If I wait for you to come up with some good ideas, I'm afraid that you will fail. "

Beside Leila, a man wearing an artificial mask laughed ferociously. He said, "you're doing great this


After watching the show, he left secretly in the cover of the night.

Tonight was the most restless night in Dragon City.

Essie passed out in great grief.

Zac forbade anyone to spread the news.

Sadness overwhelmed the villa.

Zac took Mili away for her safety and sent some men in black to protect her closely.

The next day, when Alice received a phone call from Lucy, she rushed over.

Before entering the ward, she just shed two drops of eye drops to pretend to be sad.

"How could this be? Who is so crazy that he even killed a three-year-old child?" Clenching her fists,

she gave an indignant look.

"I just know that we can't expose the children's identity. Those desperadoes have always been coveting

the Xu family. How can they let off easily?" Lucy said while crying bitterly.

"They will be struck by lightning." said Bob, pounding the table.

Alice pretended to cry. Then she sniffed and asked, "how is Essie now?"

"She cries as soon as she wakes up. She just falls asleep now." Lucy wiped her tears. As she spoke,

footsteps came from the stairway.

Alice turned around and saw that Essie walked slowly down with a pillow in her arms. Her eyes were

wide open. Her pupils were hollow and dull, as if she had been detached from the soul and left a body.

"Mom, Dot is hungry and wants something to eat. He just kept crying. You help me coax him and I'll

prepare milk for him." She muttered, walking in front of Lucy and handing her a pillow.

Lucy jumped up and hugged her. "What's wrong with you, Essie? Don't scare me!"

It seemed that Essie didn't hear her. She said to her mother, "Mom, Dot is still crying. Please coax him.

I'm going to make the milk for him."

Then she turned around, walked to the table, took the feeding bottle which was Mili's toy, and then took

the pillow in Lucy's hand. "Good boy. Don't cry. Mommy is feeding you now." She put the bottle back on

the pillow.

At the sight of that, Alice was struck dumb. Tugging at Lucy's sleeve, she asked, "Mom, has Essie lost

her mind because of the excessive stimulation?"

Hearing that, Lucy burst into tears. "My poor child, what should I do?"

Afraid of provoking his daughter again, Bob stood up and patted on Essie's shoulder, "Essie, you go to

sleep now. Your mom and I will take care of Dot."

Essie shook her head and said, "no, dad. He is already full. I coaxed him and then he fell asleep." She

patted the pillow gently and began to hum a lullaby.

At the same time, a faint sneer crossed the corners of Alice's mouth. 'It is great that Essie is mad.

Perhaps I can take this opportunity to get the Xu Group back.' Alice thought excitedly.

After another week's rest, Essie went to the office.

As soon as Leila heard of it, she took the opportunity to run over. Although Dot had died, she could

take a relief. However, she didn't want to let Essie off so easily. She also wanted to add insult to injury

and add salt to her wound.

"How are you doing, Essie? I really feel sorry for you. It took you so much effort to get your son back to

his family. However, before you could help him get the position of the great grandson, you saw him

being bombed into pieces. " Every word of hers was like a sharp knife, piercing into the deepest corner

of Essie's heart.

However, Essie didn't show the expression that she wanted to see. Instead, she smiled and said,

"Leila, what are you talking about? My Dot have been saved." As she spoke, she walked to the

bookshelf and opened it. Then she waved to the people inside and said, "get out of the room. Don't

hide yourself. Say hello to aunt Leila."

Leila's eyes were as big as two bells. She could not help jumping up and rushed to the bookshelf. She

was afraid that there was really a boy coming out. When she found there was nothing but darkness

inside the bookshelf, she was finally relieved and asked, "Essie, are you out of your mind because of

sadness? Your son has already died, with no bones left. "

"Your son died, in your tummy." Essie replied coldly, "my Dot is right next to you. Can't you see him?"

Hearing that, Leila laughed and said, "it seems that you are crazy. You'd better find a psychiatrist and

get yourself treated as soon as possible. "

"You are crazy! Your whole family are crazy!" With her eyes round like two apricots, Essie gave her a

ferocious look.

"Your son has died, he is not here, nor in this office. He is never in this world. Just accept the reality.

Only I can have a son for Zac, and only I have the qualification to give birth to a successor for the Rong

family. " Leila laughed savagely and viciously like an absolute winner.

Then, all of a sudden, Essie stretched out her hands and strangled Leila by the throat. "Leila, if you

dare to curse my son again, I will kill you. I tell you, if something happens to my son, your child won't be

able to be born safely either. "

She was so strong that Leila felt that her neck was almost cut off by her. She couldn't scream for help

and could only kick her with her feet.

It seemed that Essie had expected it. She dodged the attack swiftly and kicked her back. However, the

kick didn't hit her belly, but on her knees.

She used all her strength kick Leila, so Leila had to kneel in front of Essie.

She hastily covered her belly with her hands, fearing that Essie would kick her again.

However, Essie didn't do any following action. Instead, she walked to the sofa and touched something

tenderly. "Baby, don't be afraid. Nobody dares to bully you when mommy is here."

Leila stood up with difficulty and rushed to the door as quickly as a mouse, getting ready to run away at

any time. "You are crazy, Essie."

Essie turned around and walked towards Leila step by step. Her chest heaved hard as she yelled at

her with rage in her eyes, "Leila, I know you have my antidote preparation in your hand, but don't try to

threaten me. The road to the hell is so cold. How can I go there alone? I must take you with me. The

moment I close my eyes will be the moment you close yours. I will never let you live one more second

longer than me. "

It was so scary that Leila couldn't help but shudder.

Before she came here, she heard about that it was said that Essie was badly stimulated and suffered

from a loss of mind. It seemed to be true.

If she went crazy, she would do anything. From now on, she'd better stay away from her, in case the

baby in her stomach was hurt by her.

With that thought, Leila opened the door and ran out dejectedly.

Watching her back, Essie sneered and turned back to the sofa. She sat down, raised her hand to hug

something, and said, "Dot, don't be afraid. I won't leave you again. No one can hurt you."


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