Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 651 Go On A Blind Date

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"Sister in law, I find that you are a good husband tamer. Cousin is so obedient. Countless female

colleagues in the group adore him, but he never glances sideways at other women. You are the only

one beside him," Irene said in a playful tone with a faint smile.

With a gentle smile, Essie said, "A good man doesn't need to be tamed, but he will be loyal to you. A

bad man can't be controlled by any means, and he has to have an affair with another woman."

Zac realized that she was praising him. He stretched out his arms and held her in his arms. His eyes

behind the sunglasses were full of love. "I know you know me best."

With her thick eyelashes fluttering mischievously, Essie said, "The smartest thing I have done in my life

is to put magic power to you."

Zac pinched the tip of her chin gently. "You little fool. Even if you don't put magic power to me, I won't

have an affair." He had always been indifferent to women.

Hearing that, Essie curled her lips and said, "If I don't put magic power to you, how can you keep your

physical and mental purity at the age of twenty-six?"

"I got engaged when I was twelve. Before I got married, I would keep my integrity for my fiancee," Zac

said frankly and solemnly.

But Essie didn't agree with him. He was so excellent that even women wanted to fall in love with him. It

was strange that he could hold on. Men were all cavernous animals who thought with their lower

bodies. It was normal for them to vent their desire once their adrenaline surged in a short time.

Hearing their conversation, Irene was completely confused. The love between them made her very

envious. The better Zac treated Essie, the less hope she had. This was not a good sign.

"Cousin, sister in law, what do you mean? Isn't the magic power only found in magic novels? How

could it be in reality? "

"It's just a description, not a real magic," Essie said with a smile.

"Okay." Irene raised her eyebrows. Although she didn't understand much, she understood one thing.

"Cousin, have you only had one woman, sister in law?"

"We are both the first one for each other," Essie answered for Zac with a smile.

"It's also the only one," Zac added.

Irene was shocked. "Didn't you marry sister in law at the age of twenty-six? Don't you have a girlfriend

before? "

"No," Zac answered indifferently.

Irene was a little shocked and frustrated. Did it mean that Zac would not accept any other woman

except Essie? In France, many married men and women had lovers, which would not affect their

marriage, but only make them happier.

In the Dragon City, there were also many men and women who had an affair, but the nature had

changed a lot. Men in the Dragon City found a lover for their dignity, and women were for money and

power. In her eyes, love and romance should not be affected by marriage, but such people had

changed. They were blaspheming love and romance.

"Sister in law, I really envy you for marrying such a good man like cousin."

"Don't just admire her. You can do it. I'll arrange a blind date for you tomorrow." Lucy's voice came from

the side. She tried her best to keep calm so that Irene wouldn't notice anything wrong.

Irene was shocked. "Aunt, are you kidding?"

"No, no, no. I'm serious. You should get married at your age." Lucy waved her hand.

"I never thought about getting married. I'm an celibatarian." Irene shook her head like a rattle drum.

Now her wish was to be Zac's mistress for the rest of her life. It didn't matter whether she was married

or not.

"How can you do that? If you don't get married, how can your mother have a grandson? How can your

biological parents and grandparents rest in peace in another world?" Lucy warned her. She must nip

Irene's absurd idea of Zac in the bud. She must not let it be in danger of overflowing disaster.

Essie was a little confused about her mother's strange behavior. Since when did she become

interested in being a matchmaker? How could she be so enthusiastic!

Zac sat next to her expressionlessly. He had always been indifferent to other people's affairs.

Mrs. Rose came over and said, "Irene, let's go to see him. If you like him, you can develop. If you don't

like him, then forget it."

Irene curled her lips unhappily and said, "Mom, my standards of choosing a husband are the same as

that of my cousin. Unless the person introduced by aunt can be as handsome, excellent and perfect as

my cousin, that's impossible."

The corners of Lucy's mouth twitched slightly. Was the child going to be tied herself to Zac the rest of

her life?

"There are many excellent men in the world, and your cousin is not a perfect man. He has many

shortcomings, but you haven't discovered them. If it weren't for him and Essie married before informing

me, I wouldn't have let Essie marry him," Lucy pouted and said deliberately.

Zac was choked. He felt like he was shot. Although his mother-in-law hated him because of his mother,

she didn't need to demean him so hard.

Essie coughed to remind her mother to watch her language. An arrogant and arrogant man like Zac

could not be slandered casually.

"My cousin has no shortcomings. Auntie, you just vent your anger on him because of my aunt." Irene

hit the nail on the head.

"His mom is unreasonable. It's not only a weakness, but also the most fatal and intolerable one." Lucy

pretended to blame her. This child was a little stubborn and hopeless.

"Mommy, you are talking about Irene. Don't hurt us by accident," seeing that Zac looked a little gloomy,

Essie said in a hurry.

"I just want Irene to know that she can't just judge a man by his appearance. Some men are poppy. You

can't touch them, especially married men. Just stay away from them as far as you can. Otherwise, you

will hurt yourself. " There was a hint of sharpness in Lucy's tone.

Irene felt a little guilty as her thought was seen through.

"Auntie, don't worry about me. I'm French. I have different thought with you. And I have a deep

generation gap with you."

"Irene, your aunt did this for your own good. Don't be willful," Mrs. Rose said.

"You are so annoying." Irene shook her head and walked towards the cabin. She didn't want to talk to

them anymore. She just liked Zac and fell in love with him at first sight. No one could change that.

Looking at her back, Lucy's eyes darkened. She was hesitating if she should tell this to Essie, but she

was afraid of ruining her relationship with Mrs. Rose, so she finally stopped.

After Lucy and Mrs. Rose left, Zac sighed, "Your mother hasn't accepted me yet."

Feeling sympathy for him, Essie patted him on the shoulder and comforted him in a playful tone, "We

haven't succeeded yet. Comrades still need to work hard."

"The person who tied the bell is required to untie it. It seems that as long as my mommy doesn't bow

her head for an apology, my mother-in-law's knot in her heart can't be untied." Zac frowned slightly.

Essie sneered. If a seriously ill with empress dowager disease woman like Mary would admit her

mistake and bow to others, a sow could even climb the tree.

"In fact, it doesn't matter whether she lower her head or not. My mother is worried that the relationship

between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will affect our marriage. As long as your mother doesn't

cause any trouble again and let us live a peaceful life, she can still accept you."

"I hope so." There were two meanings in Zac's words. One was that he hoped that his mother-in-law

could really accept him, and the other was that he hoped that his mother would stop torturing him.

In the western region, during these days in the United States, Vinton had been with Eva. He didn't

leave until she finished shooting and set off to Iceland, the northernmost country on the earth.

Sitting on the plane, Jim looked at Eva with mockery, "Why are you so silent? Are you still missing your

little Vinton?"

"It's none of your business." Eva glared at him angrily, with a subtle expression on her face, "Scum Jim,

haven't you always taken a private plane when you went outdoor shooting? Why do you condescend to

take the flight with us today?"

A tinge of angry flashed through Jim's eyes. These days, Vinton had been with her all the time, leaving

him no time and opportunity to punish her. He was very unhappy, as if there was a sullen swelling in his

heart. If he didn't release it, he would definitely die of anger.

"If I can be predicted what I want to do. Isn't it boring?" Jim snorted.

Eva shook her head. Such a treacherous and weird person was the most difficult to deal with, and the

most terrible. No wonder he was called the number one evil young master of Dragon City. He was

really evil. Even the Evil Pill Refiner was willing to admit defeat in front of him.

"It must be bad luck to be your assistant."

Before she finished her words, Jim turned to Avis, who was sitting on the other side, and asked, "Are

you out of luck?"

Avis shook her head like a rattle drum, "Boss, everyone who can work for you is the luckiest and most

honorable person on the planet."

Jim turned his head back to Eva and shrugged proudly.

Eva stuck out his tongue at him and said, "She doesn't dare to tell the truth because of your

oppression." Everyone in the entertainment circle knew that if they offended Jim, they would not be

able to work in this industry in the future.

Fearing that she would misunderstand the boss and make him unhappy, Avis explained in a hurry, "Sis

Eva, I'm telling the truth. Every woman will fall in love with our boss."

Eva felt awkward when she heard this, as if she was blaming her for not being a woman.

"Your boss is invincible in the East. He has ruled the world of martial arts for thousands of generations."

"No, he can kill all living beings in an instant and topple the earth," Avis corrected her seriously.

Eva was speechless. This woman must have been brainwashed by Jim. 'Isn't he just a little more

handsome? What's the big deal?'

"Oh, Avis, fortunately, we have left Yellowstone National Park so that this active volcano is not

obsessed by your boss, otherwise, humans will suffer," she said sarcastically.

Jim glanced at her coldly, and his sneering eyes were like a sharp knife, cutting her into pieces from

beginning to end. "I find that Vinton must have too much fun with women, so he likes a third category of

human like you."

Eva was so angry that her face turned black.

"Why don't I look like a woman?"

"You are not gentle, not cute. You eat like a hungry wolf. You fight like a wild leopard, and your figure is

flat. Where do you look like a woman at all?" Jim's mocking laughter echoed in the cabin.


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