Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 612 The Secret Between The Two Sisters

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"When we grow up, we will probably be like this." With her hands on the back of her head, Dot looked

at the ceiling.

"I don't want to be like them. They always turn a simple thing into complicated one." Mili blinked her

beautiful big eyes helplessly.

"Go to bed early. Lady Rose and aunt Irene will came here tomorrow. We have to pick them up." Then

Dot closed her eyes.

The second morning, after picking up Lady Rose and Irene at the airport, Zac took them to Rong


Irene was very happy to see Zac again.

Lady Rose had already told her about her identity, but she didn't have much reaction. Even if she was

not her biological daughter, in her eyes, Lady Rose was the only family she loved in the world.

In the house of Rong family, Mary didn't want to see Lady Rose again, but she couldn't show it too

obviously. She had to pretend to be good.

Seeing Leila, Irene smiled and said, "I've only been away for a few months, but this family has changed

a lot. My eldest cousin is married, and my second sister-in-law is pregnant. Is this the so-called double


"What a sweet girl!" Mary smiled faintly. She didn't dislike Irene either. After all, she was not her sister's

biological daughter.

Albert looked at his watch and said, "I invited a guest and she will arrive soon." There was a mysterious

expression in his tone.

Mary was slightly stunned, "Albert, you have an appointment with a friend?"

"You'll know later." Taking a drag on his cigar, Albert smiled.

After a while, uncle Li came in and told them that the old lady had arrived.

Mary was shocked. Didn't Abel and Alena come back at the end of the month? Why didn't they inform

her in advance?

When she saw the old woman who was pushed in by the nurse, her heart twitched violently and she

was extremely frightened.

It turned out that the old lady uncle Li referred to was not Alena, but her mother, Suzan.

"Albert, why did you bring mom here?" Mary's voice was trembling, perhaps because she was too

excited, or something else.

"I just want to give you and your sister a surprise." Albert smiled. Last time, when his parents-in-law

came from the United States, they went to the nursing center to visit Suzan. But they didn't expect that

she had been in a coma and hadn't really met her, so he specially picked her up from the nursing

center this time.

"You are so considerate." Mary forced a smile from her stiff lips. She was indeed shocked, but she was

not happy at all.

"I've thought about it. My mother-in-law is old and always lives in the nursing center alone. She is very

lonely. Let her stay in the house and live with us these days. We should also be filial to her." Said


"But mom is always talking nonsense. She always goes crazy. I'm afraid..."

Mary didn't want her mother to be with her at all. It was her idea to send her to the nursing center. But

before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Zac. "Mommy, it's okay. There are so many

servants in our family. It's impossible that we can't even take care of an old woman."

Lady rose looked at her mother, tears welling up in her eyes. She walked over and held her hands.

"Mom, I'm Charlotte. Do you remember me?"

Trembling, Suzan reached out her hand and stroked her head. "Mary, my child. They all said that you

were dead. I knew you wouldn't die. You would definitely come back to see me."

Before she finished her words, Mary's voice came, "Mom, you're wrong. She's Charlotte, and I'm Mary."

"No. I am not wrong. Both of you are my children. How can I make a mistake? You are Charlotte, and

she is Mary." Suzan waved her hand.

Mary shook her head and sighed, "Mom's Alzheimer's disease is getting worse and worse."

Zac walked up to Suzan, squatted down and smiled at her. "Grandma, do you remember me?"

"Yes, I do. I'm not an old fool. You are my son-in-law, Albert." Suzan smiled and moved her wheelchair

to the front of Dot. "My dear grandson, Zac, I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you so much."

Zac sighed slightly. Grandma's Alzheimer's disease was indeed getting worse. She couldn't recognize

her family at all.

After a long conversation, Zac pushed Suzan around the mansion and make her get familiar with the


"Grandma, I'm your grandson, Zac. I've grown up."

"Weren't you still a child yesterday? Why did you grow up today? I even married a wife and gave birth

to a little great grandson for you. " Suzan was confused.

"I'm too busy to see you these days. I'll take the children to see you often in the future." Zac smiled and

pushed her into the pavilion.

Suzan looked at the protruding belly of Essie and asked, "is my granddaughter-in-law pregnant again?"

"Yes, you are going to have a fourth great grandson." Zac smiled.

"Come here. Let me touch your belly." Suzan waved at Essie.

As Essie got closer to her, she reached out her hand and gently touched Essie's belly. "Have you done

B Ultrasound examination? Is there one or two in your belly?"

"Grandma, there is only one this time." Said Essie with a smile.

"You have to let the doctor see it clearly. Last time when Mary was pregnant, I accompanied her to do a

B Ultrasound. The doctor said that there was only one, but when the child was born, there were two."

Suzan said seriously.

Zac didn't take her words seriously. After all, she had Alzheimer's disease and her memory was

completely disordered. "Grandma, now medical science has developed. It was easy to tell one or two."

"That's good." Suzan nodded with relief and looked around. "Where are my great grandchildren?"

"The nanny sent them to the kindergarten." As Essie spoke, she saw Lady Rose and Mary walking

towards them on a gravel path not far away.

Essie couldn't help but think of what Lucy had said. It was also a good thing that Lady Rose lost her

memory. Otherwise, the two sisters would still be enemies till now. Just like her and Valery, they would

never be reconciled in their lives.

Suzan looked at her daughter and still made mistakes. She waved at Lady Rose and let her sit beside

her. "Mary, you have left for so long. Won't it affect your relationship with Albert?"

"Mom, I'm Charlotte." Lady Rose sighed slightly. She was very worried about her mother's illness.

"Well, don't play this kind of game with me anymore. When you were children, you often pretended to

be the other party to let me guess. Did I make it wrong? You are my children. If others can't tell who

you are, I can tell at a glance. " Suzan glared at her and seemed a little angry.

"Forget it. You will say whatever you want to say. She is not only suffering from Alzheimer's disease,

but also in a bad mental condition. Don't make her unhappy, or she will go crazy again." Mary waved

her hand.

"Will mom get better?" Lady Rose said sadly. It was not easy for her to meet her mother, but she did

not expect that she could not recognize her at all.

"Not really. The current medical technology can't cure Alzheimer's disease, so we can only use

medicine to control it." Mary sighed helplessly.

Hearing her words, Suzan was a little annoyed. "Do you all think that I'm confused? I'm not confused.

I'm sober. " She looked at Zac and Essie and said, "this is my dear grandson, Zac. Now he has grown

up. This is my granddaughter-in-law, Essie. She is pregnant with my fourth great grandson. I can tell. "

"Grandma, you are right. You are awesome." Zac quickly took her words, fearing that she would be

unhappy. As an old woman, she would lose her temper like a child and need someone to coax her.

Essie looked at Suzan. It seemed that her illness was not as serious as she thought. Sometimes she

was quite sober. But why did she always mistake her two daughters?

The servant had prepared the lunch. Mary asked them to have lunch in the dining room.

Suzan was an elder. She sat at the head of the table. Albert and Mary sat at her left hand, and Lady

Rose sat at her right hand.

Suzan frowned and put down the chopsticks on the table. Obviously, she was losing her temper.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Mary asked.

"Charlotte, why are you sitting next to your brother-in-law? This is your sister's position. Don't take it."

Suzan's voice was mixed with anger.

Mary looked calm. It seemed that she didn't take her mother's words seriously at all. She just thought

she was crazy.

"Well, mom, let's change here." As she spoke, she winked at Lady Rose. Lady Rose was a little

embarrassed, but she didn't want to piss her mother off, so she had to change her position with Mary.

Suzan's face softened a little. She turned to her son-in-law and said, "Albert, you have to remember

that Mary is your wife and Charlotte is your sister-in-law. Don't make a mistake."

Albert coughed and quickly picked up a chicken leg for her. "I know, mom. Please eat more."

The table became unusually quiet.

Zac was so considerate that he kept picking up food for Essie. Looking at this, Irene was extremely

envious. In her eyes, Essie was the happiest and luckiest woman in the world. How she wished she

could become her.

Jealousy was hidden in Leila's eyes, but she was not in a hurry. When the bastard in Essie's belly was

born, her good life would come to an end.

Walt didn't know what to do. What Suzan said about "taking over another man's place" stabbed him in

the most painful spot. But he didn't think that he had taken Zac's lair. Instead, he thought that Zac had

taken his lair and robbed his wife and child.

After lunch, Zac took his wife for a walk in the garden. Three months later, Essie needed to do some

exercise, which was good for natural birth.

Walt followed them quietly.


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