Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 626 Resolve The Feud

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Mary changed her strategy this time. Since her son was determined to protect the little tramp, she

would turn to Luce, the old tramp. Her son would never protect his mother-in-law regardless of her


"Mommy, it's time to settle the grudge between you and my mother-in-law. How about you find a time to

apologize to her?"

"Apologize? I didn't do anything wrong. Why should I apologize to her? Don't believe her words. It was

Elizabeth who hurt her that year. It has nothing to do with me. I helped Elizabeth because I saw that the

three of them were pitiful. I didn't expect that Elizabeth would be so cruel to do so many things behind

my back. Otherwise, I wouldn't have interfered in these affairs. " Mary said with a heavy sigh

deliberately, "I have explained it to the two of them, but they don't believe me and insist on blaming me

for all the sins. What benefit can I get from hurting them like this? Because of this matter, your father

even brought Minny home to piss me off. I've become a wronged person. "

In fact, Zac didn't want to believe that his mother was the mastermind. After all, it was Elizabeth who

destroyed the marriage of Baron and Luce. He knew what kind of person Elizabeth was. She was very

likely to use others to kill someone. She must bewitch her mother, alienate her relationship with Luce,

use her power of the Rong family to deal with Luce, and then impute all the charges to her mother,

letting her take the blame.

However, many years had passed, and Elizabeth had done a lot of things in the name of her mother. It

was not easy to clear her grievance.

Seeing that Zac didn't say anything, Mary continued, "in fact, Essie is not a bad girl. I don't believe she

did hurt grandma on purpose. It was likely that Luce sow dissension among us and constantly

provoked her hatred for me that Essie was confused and took the risk."

"Mommy, let's put aside grandma for the time being. The most important thing now is to find a way to

cure grandma."

"If you let it go this time, can you guarantee that your mother-in-law won't cause any other trouble? I

heard that she always supported Hanson and didn't allow Essie to be with you. Since she hates me so

much, she must seize any opportunity to revenge on me. That's all. " Mary pouted.

Zac shrugged. If it was before, he was still a little worried. But last time, Mary's attitude towards him

had changed a lot and seemed to be ready to accept him.

"Mommy, I went to my mother-in-law's house for dinner two days ago. Our relationship has eased a


"She tried to win you over because she felt guilty. You are a smart man. Can't you see that? If she

really accepted you as her son-in-law, why didn't she allow you to enter the house? Why did she

change her attitude suddenly when your grandma had an accident? She is obviously hypocritical. She

doesn't want you to pursue your grandma's matter anymore. " Mary analyzed slowly.

Zac glanced at her and found that his mother-in-law changed her attitude all of a sudden. He was

indeed surprised. He guessed that there must be a reason.

"Mommy, I will deal with my relationship with my mother-in-law. Don't worry too much." He comforted


"Anyway, she is determined to take revenge on me. Her daughter is my daughter-in-law now. It's easy

to hurt me. I might be killed one day." Mary sighed.

"Mommy, you think too much. I know my mother-in-law well. Although she hates you, she can't do

anything vicious."

"I used to think that Elizabeth couldn't do anything out of line, but I didn't expect that she still did a lot of

little things behind my back." Mary pretended to be extremely nervous. She had made up her mind to

put all the previous things on Elizabeth. Anyway, it was a fact. Elizabeth was not innocent at all, and it

was impossible to prove her innocence. But she was different. She was not involved directly, and she

could still get rid of the blame.

"I'm here. You're my mommy. I'll protect you." Zac held her shoulder to relax her. It seemed that she

had suffered a lot from what happened to his grandma. As her son, he had to try his best to comfort


After returning home, Zac discussed with Essie and invited his mother-in-law and mother to have

dinner together. They put the past grudges on the table, and could figure out who was right and who

was wrong.

At the same time, he also told Essie that he thought Elizabeth was the one who started the whole thing

and that his mother was just used by her. Essie didn't deny it. According to Elizabeth's situation at that

time, she would definitely try her best to use Mary to deal with her mother.

She was good at disguising herself and sowing dissension. At that time, Albert did not completely

forget her mother. It was inevitable for Mary to be angry and willing to be her spear.

Although she didn't think it was easy to untie the knot, she couldn't object to Zac's attempt.

She could only try to persuade her mother to attend the banquet.

Lucy didn't want to go, but after the persuasion of Essie, she reluctantly agreed.

Zac booked a private room in Fuji restaurant. Mary arrived first, and Lucy and Essie arrived soon.

"Nice to meet you again, Lucy." Mary greeted with a faint smile on her face.

Lucy knew at a glance that she was faking a smile. This woman was faking it from beginning to end.

Zac poured wine for the two.

"Mother-in-law, mom, I invite you two here this time because I hope you can untie the knot in your

hearts and let go of the past grudges."

Lucy glanced at Mary indifferently. If she was really Charlotte, she wouldn't be successful for long. As

long as the real Mary regained her memory, she would be beaten back to her original appearance.

As for the revenge she couldn't let go, it was equivalent to a disguised revenge. This woman was

injured in the car accident and could no longer have a child. Both Walt and Zac were born by Mary. She

was more miserable than herself. She didn't even have a daughter.

"Okay. As long as Mary drink three glasses of wine and apologize to me, I will let bygones be


The corners of Mary's mouth twitched. "Luce, whether you believe it or not, everything is done by

Elizabeth in my name. It has nothing to do with me. I have done nothing except giving her some

financial help. So I won't apologize to you. " An apology meant that she had done something wrong, but

she never thought that she had done wrong things.

"Mary, I didn't expect you to be so timid today." Lucy sneered.

"No one can frame me for something I haven't done. Elizabeth is your real enemy. If you want to take

revenge, you should go to her." Said Mary.

"You and Elizabeth are in collusion." Lucy snorted. This apology was owed by Mary. If she didn't say it,

she couldn't swallow her anger.

But Mary would never say it. In her heart, the one who really should apologize was the tramp. Luce

seduced her husband's heart, making her stay with a man who didn't love her for so many years. Luce

owed her, and she couldn't even repay one thousand or ten thousand apologies.

"You can think whatever you like. Anyway, I will never apologize to you."

"Mommy, since my mother-in-law has decided to let go of the past grudges, you'd better give up. It's

just an apology." Zac tried to comfort his mother. Anyway, without his mother, Elizabeth would never

meet Baron.

"Zac, if you are still my son, just stand on my side. I didn't do anything wrong. Her tragedy was caused

by Elizabeth. It has nothing to do with me. I can't apologize to her." Mary said firmly.

Sitting next to them, Essie didn't say anything. Mary did owe them an apology. Her mother's request

was not excessive, so they couldn't compromise.

Zac had no choice but to order.

The most famous dish in this seafood restaurant was called "good fortune of dragon and phoenix".

Many diners came here to taste it.

Mary liked this dish the most. She was a regular customer here and would come to eat it almost every

week. Because she was allergic to peanuts, she would ask the chef not to add peanuts in.

Lucy had been here several times. Bob's nephew worked as an assistant cook in this restaurant, but he

happened to have a rest today.

Lucy liked the scent of peanuts, especially the peanuts paste.

She and Mary seemed to be in a stalemate. They stared at each other and ordered two. One asked for

no peanuts, and the other asked for more peanuts.

Soon, the waiter brought the desserts. "The one with black sesame seeds put no peanut, while the one

with white sesame seeds are added more peanuts." She exhorted.

Mary picked up a piece of desert with black sesame seed and ate it slowly and elegantly.

Suddenly, she coughed and her face gradually flushed. Then she covered her chest, as if she could not


"Mommy!" Zac jumped up and held her, calling an ambulance.

Soon, the medical staff came over. They injected Mary with a Dexter and inserted a tube to prevent her

from suffocating. After telling a few words to the bodyguards outside, Zac got on the ambulance.

Essie and Lucy also went to the hospital.

"Zac, what's wrong with your mother? Does she have a heart attack? " Lucy asked.

"No, my mommy has always been healthy. She should be allergic." Said Zac thoughtfully. Mary had

eaten peanuts once and had the same symptoms. He had already asked the bodyguards to take her

unfinished dessert for inspection.

"Is it because of the dessert?" Lucy raised her eyebrows. She knew that both Mary and her sister were

allergic to peanuts.

Essie knew it too, because the chef in the house never put peanuts in the desserts. Just now, they also

asked the cook to cook the deserts separately.


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