Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 489 Bite The Lip

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"My mother suffered from Alzheimer's disease. When my father was alive, he would send a bunch of

forget me not every day, only hoping that she would recover. Don't forget what happened in the past.

Since my father passed away the year before last, I sent flowers to my mother every day on his behalf.

Although she doesn't recognize me now, she smiles every time she sees flowers," Lady Rose said

slowly and clearly.

"That means she hasn't forgotten you. She still remembers you unconsciously," Essie tried to comfort


"I hope so." Lady Rose looked at an unknown corner in the garden and said, "Human's brain is really a

marvelous thing. It will make many dreams and take you to somewhere you have never been in your

memory, making you feel as if you have been there."

"Maybe it's just a dream. Sometimes, it is the reflection of the reality. Although we seem to forget

something, we can show it through the dream," Essie said casually.

"I hope my mother can often dream about us like you said," Lady Rose said with a smile.

As she spoke, she saw a tall, beautiful hybrid beauty coming over. "Mom, do you have any guests?"

She spoke French.

Mrs. Rose smiled and introduced her to them, "Her name is Irene. She is my daughter." Then, she

introduced her guest to her daughter.

"Nice to meet you, miss Irene," Zac said in French.

With a glint of happiness flashing in her eyes, Irene replied, "I'm glad to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Rong."

She changed to talk in Chinese. She had been learning Chinese from Lady Rose since she was a

child. She was very good at Chinese.

Mrs. Rose took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "Irene, let me tell you a surprising thing. Mr. Rong's

mother looks like me very much, as if we were the same person. When I saw her photo, I was really

taken aback."

"Really?" Irene's eyes widened in surprise. "No wonder Mr. Rong resembles you so much. I almost

thought he was your illegitimate child." she said with a smile, covering her mouth with her hand. The

look in her eyes was full of tease.

"You are getting more and more naughty." Lady Rose pretended to give her a look, knowing she was


Irene sat on an empty chair and ate a piece of cake. Her eyes swept over Zac's face intentionally or

unintentionally. Zac was so perfect and handsome. She had never seen such a handsome man so she

couldn't help but want to take a few more glances at him.

"Mr. and Mrs. Rong, what do you do?" She was more interested in what Zac did. As for his wife, she

just wanted to know it by the way.

"I am a fashion designer. My husband is an architectural engineer," Essie easily replied.

"Wow, you are both high-end and professional!" There was a trace of envy in Irene's eyes. "I used to

want to be a fashion designer. I wanted to go to Paris. But grandfather wants me to stay and take care

of the chateau with mother, so I have to give up my dream and stay here. " There was a regretful look

on her face.

Mrs. Rose patted her hand and said, "I'm old now. You'll take over the chateau sooner or later."

Irene shrugged and said nothing. She had no interest in managing a chateau.

Mili blinked her beautiful eyes and gave her a thumbs up. "Aunt Irene, your Chinese is so good. You

can even speak the idiom of Chinese."

"I often visited the forum in Chinese. I learned these words from it."

"If you have time, come to Dragon City. It's as beautiful and fashionable as Paris," Mili said.

"Great! I've always wanted to visit Dragon City." Irene nodded with a smile.

Lady Rose sighed in her heart. She knew very well that her daughter's mind was not in the wine

chateau, but when she thought of going out and looked for a new life, she did not want to tie her. But

before her father died, he asked her granddaughter to take over the wine chateau and the family

business. She had to obey his will and keep Irene around.

Essie looked at Mrs. Rose. Although she was nearly fifty years old, she looked well preserved, and the

most beautiful face was still attractive. However, the fine lines at the corners of her eyes would

inadvertently reveal a kind of vicissitudes of life, as if something important was lost in her life.

She had a pair of bright eyes, which looked like two black pearls. When she smiled, the eyes would

show an incomprehensible deep color, as if there was an irreparable defect hidden there that made her

unable to fully open her eyes.

"Have you been to Dragon City, Mrs. Rose?" she asked.

"No, I have never left France." Mrs. Rose smiled. Manor and wine chateau were her whole world.

"My mother is introverted and conservative. She doesn't like to wander around." Irene pursed her lips.

She didn't agree with her mother's way of life. She didn't want to stay in this manor the same all her life.

"I have to deal with a lot of things in the chateau. I can't get out of here." Lady Rose waved her hand.

Essie took a glance at them and found that the generation gap between the mother and the daughter

was obvious. But as the only daughter of Mrs. Rose, Irene must take the responsibility of inheriting the

family business, so she had no choice.

Later, they changed the topic to Provence. They chatted for a while and then they stood up to say

goodbye. Before leaving, Mrs. Rose had given them two bottles of good rose wine and invited them to

come over when they were free.

On the way back, Zac stared out of the window, deep in thought.

Patting him on the shoulder, Essie teased, "Do you think there are really two people looking exactly the

same with blood connection in the world?"

"Aren't Lady Rose and my mommy the same?" Zac said in a low and deep voice.

"I'm afraid the result is that your grandma gave birth to triplets, not twins," Essie said, pouting.

"You must have been overthinking." Zac tenderly flicked her forehead. "There are so many people all

over the world. It's not surprising that they have one or two happens to look alike occasionally."

"Although Mrs. Rose looks like your mother, she is totally different from your mother in character,"

Essie said softly. Lady Rose's gentleness was emitted from her heart, which made people feel warm

from inside out. On the contrary, Mary was tough and cold in her heart, her gentle was on shown on her


"Therefore, in order to distinguish a person, one should not only look at his face, but also his heart. A

leopard cannot change its spots. Although the face can be changed, but its personality cannot change,"

Zac said in a meaningful way.

His words reminded her of Alice. Even personality could be changed, if a person lost her memory and

forgot what had happened in the past, his or her personality would change as well. Just like her sister,

she was totally different now.

"You can see a woman's heart, but you can't see a man's heart. Men's heart is the most changeable

thing in the world, or how can there be a word playboy to describe men?" she teased him.

A hint of evil and attractive look flashed through his deep black eyes, and he said, "I only heard

women's hearts are usually difficult to read. Don't you think that all women have a different self in their


The thick eyelashes of Essie lowered to hide her flickering eyes, in case they would expose their

minds. "It has nothing to do with me. I've corrected my bad habit," she said.

"When have you changed? Why didn't I see at all? " Zac said in a sarcastic tone.

Mili giggled and covered her mouth with her hand. "Daddy, Mommy, I found a word that suits you very


"What expression?" It seemed that Essie and Zac had spoken with one voice at the same time.

"Quarrelsome lovers," Mili said with a grin.

"I don't see love in it. But quarrelsome is quite true," Essie muttered in a low voice, as if she was talking

to herself. However, it was a sharp prick in Zac's ears. He frowned and said, "There really can't be love.

I can't be more happy to get along with people like you who are only dumb and childish."

"Then we'd better keep a distance from each other, and avoid each other as much as possible." She

gave a disdainful look and took the opportunity to speak.

A shadow covered Zac's handsome face. His eyes were like the lightning that split the dark clouds. He

suddenly leaned to make sure that his face was close to hers. The air around him immediately dropped

below the standard. "Don't forget, it's you who are begging me now."

Upon hearing this, Essie couldn't help but shiver. He was right. Her Achilles' heel was struck by him.

She had to rely on him to keep the position of president of the Xu family in the future. Otherwise, if he

would be pissed off. He quickly snapped his fingers and made Mr. Gu change his favor to Alice. As a

result, she had no choice but to back down the stage obediently. She must endure it and accept his

endless snatches without any complaint.

"Well... I just say it casually. I don't take it seriously. " She quickly changed to a pleasing tone.

"Don't say that again." Zac pinched her chin and kissed her rudely as a small punishment.

Mili looked at them with a smirk. "Daddy, I found you liked to bite mommy's mouth very much."

Zac moved. It was not until then that he noticed her existence. Every time he met with Essie, he would

forget himself. He could ignore the things around him and only see her in his heart.

Essie felt so embarrassed that she wanted to dig a hole on the ground to hide herself. She gave a

black look to Zac. Then she turned her face to the window and ignored him.

Mili was oblivious of the awkward look on her mom's face. She continued to ask, "The hero and heroine

of the TV series often bit their mouths. Does that mean you like each other? You will bite the lips of

whoever you like. Is that right?"

Zac choked and coughed. "Not always."

"So you bit mommy's mouth just because you like her just now?" Mili asked, trying to get to the bottom

of the matter.

Zac stole a glance at Essie and said, "No, I'm punishing mommy. Whenever she says something wrong

and does something wrong, I will punish her in this way."

Mili big eyes widened at that moment as if she was in great shock. "Will you bite off mommy's mouth?"

"No, I won't bit if off. I won't find a place to punish her next time if I do so," Zac answered slowly.

Mili heaved a long sigh of relief and patted her chest. "I was so scared. Daddy, you are so violent. This

is called physical punishment, right?" No wonder Mommy calls daddy 'devil'. Daddy always treated her

in such a cruel way.

Zac stole a glance at Essie and said, "No, I'm punishing mommy. Whenever she says something wrong

and does something wrong, | will punish her in this way."

Mili big eyes widened at that moment as if she was in great shock. "Will you bite off mommy's mouth?"

"No, | won't bit if off. | won't find a place to punish her next time if | do so," Zac answered slowly.

Mili heaved a long sigh of relief and patted her chest. "| was so scared. Daddy, you are so violent. This

is called physical punishment, right?" No wonder Mommy calls daddy 'devil'. Daddy always treated her

In such a cruel way.


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