Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 297 The Mad Woman Was Out

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Seeing her hesitation, Zac knew that the pajama was designed by herself. This muddle headed woman

had always been confident in her fashion taste and design level. Even if someone doubted her, she

didn't care. She just pretended that she didn't appreciate it. How could she be so depressed? Was it


He couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth unconsciously. "Do you care about my opinion very


"I... I don't. " She lowered her head in a hurry, as if his guess was right, and her long eyelashes covered

her sparkling eyes. She didn't understand why, but she cared about his thoughts very much. She didn't

care when others doubted her taste and disliked her design. She just hoped... He liked it.

Her evasive look convinced him of something. "I see. You put on your night robe deliberately, and the

trick is now covering up. You want me to see your gown inside."

Essie was almost pass out. If he was such a imaginative man, why not to be an screenwriter?

"Don't think too much. I don't care what you think. The nightgown I designed is for girls. It doesn't

matter as long as the girls like it."

Zac smiled coldly. "Pajamas can't be worn to go out. The reason why a woman locked up at home and

wore pajamas is just to show men, isn't it? The pajamas men don't like are the losers. "

"Anyway, I am not wearing pajamas for you to see." Essie murmured in a low voice, as if talking to

herself, but Zac heard it anyway. He frowned and pushed her down on the sofa, with his hands resting

on the back of the sofa. He imprisoned her in his arms. "Whom do you want to wear it for?" It sounded

like he was interrogating a criminal.

She shivered, and subconsciously stepped back as if she wanted to get into the sofa. He gripped her

chin with his big hand to prevent her from escaping. "It's none of your business." She said stubbornly.

He seemed to be irritated and looked extremely gloomy. "Tell me honestly, are you with Hanson in the

past three years?"

"So what? Didn't you stay with Leila? " Resentment and dissatisfaction gushed out of her chest, and

stimulated her to fight with him fearlessly.

He frowned and his chest thumped heavily. It seemed that there was too much anger in his chest to

burst out. He bit his teeth and slowly put down his hand, fearing that he would lose control and crumb

her chin in anger. "Aren't you a clean freak? I'm not allowed to touch other women. Are you clean now?


Such a question made her ashamed and angry. She pushed him away with brute force. "Hanson won't

be like you. He will never force me to do anything I don't want to do. We have always been like good

friends, and we have never had any extra relationship except friendship."

"Really?" His mood immediately changed from gloomy to warm. His usual frosty countenance suddenly

became mild. He just wanted her to belong to him, completely belong to him.

"Believe it or not." She gave him a fierce look and wondered whether she was out of her mind to

explain these things to him. Whether he misunderstood or not, it had nothing to do with her.

A charming smile appeared on Zac's face. He sat back on the sofa and turned on the PPT given by

him. "Okay, let's begin our lesson."

She was in a daze for a moment. The topic changed so fast that she couldn't respond in a short time.

"Do you still want to learn? If not, I will go back to sleep." Seeing that she was unmoved, he growled in

a gentle tone.

"Of course I do." She nodded, took the pen and notebook and sat beside him.

He didn't come back until it was over twelve o'clock. She had been in New York for more than three

years. She had been used to the night without him. Why could she feel her heart return to the origin

when she returned to Dragon City? Did she fall in love with him unconsciously but she never realized


No! No! No! It was impossible!

She shook her head in a hurry to deny such a terrible idea. The one she loved was Hanson, and that

was Hanson.

Icy guy. He didn't love her at all. In the past, he admitted that he was having a headache when he

looked at her. But now, he admitted that she was just a supporting dish. Leila was his main dish and the

one he loved.

She couldn't love him. Loving someone who didn't love her was like moth chasing into the fire, without

good results.

She grabbed a pillow next to her and covered her head to stop thinking.

The next day, the groundbreaking ceremony went on smoothly. After returning to Dragon City, Essie

kept her promise to cook minced pork porridge for Rabi, and she also cooked two dishes for him.

The little boy sat on his daddy's lap, his big eyes blinking and watching the porridge that was put on the

table by Essie. He was so surprised that he almost drooled.

"Mommy, Rabi wants to eat! Rabi wants to eat!" He shouted eagerly.

"Yes, it's too hot. Let me get you a bowl of soup to cool it down." Smiling, Essie stroked his head.

At that moment, someone came to visit. It was Leila. The smile on Essie's face disappeared when she

saw Leila. Of course, Leila didn't want to see her either.

"Aunt Leila." Rabi greeted her in a sweet voice.

"Rabi, I have bought your favorite cheese cake. Would you like to have it?" Leila said with a smile,

trying to ignore Essie.

"Mommy cooked delicious minced pork congee for me. I want to eat porridge first. I'll have cake later,"

Rabi said in a childish voice.


Leila was shocked by his words. His mother was Valery, but why did he call Essie mommy?

She took a glance at Zac in confusion. It was obvious that he didn't care about this call. Is he planning

to get back together with Essie?

Seeing that the porridge was a little cold, Essie began feeding Rabi. After he finished a mouthful of

porridge, she picked up a small cabbage to hid plate. "Rabi, let's have more vegetables, okay?"

Rabi shook his head hastily. "I don't like vegetables. I only like meat."

"Mom's cooking is as delicious as meat. Do you want to have a try?" Essie said with a smile.

"All right." Rabi nodded obediently, opened his mouth, and let Essie feed the vegetables into it.

"Does it taste good?" Essie asked with a smile.

"Yes." Rabi nodded vigorously. "I want more."

"Okay, let's have porridge and some vegetables."

Zac looked at them, with a charming smile on his face. Leila felt uncomfortable in her heart. He was not

the kind of person who likes to laugh. Before, he seldom laughed. He always wore an expressionless

poker face. But since he knew Essie, he often wore a smile on his face, as if she was the sunshine,

melting his iceberg. After she left, his smile was taken away. No matter what she tried, she could not

make him happy. Now, she was back, and his smile was back on his face. Was he only happy for her?

After Rabi finished eating the porridge, Essie was about to leave. She didn't want to be a third wheel.

She was just a supporting dish. Of course, she had to leave as the main dishes were placed on the


"Mommy, where are you going? Aren't you going to play with Rabi? " The little boy grabbed her arm.

"I have something else to do, so I'll go back first. Let dad and aunt Leila play with you, okay?" She said,

patting his head.

"No! Rabi wants mommy to be with me! Rabi wants mommy!" The little guy pouted and grabbed her

sleeve tightly. His eyes were watery and was about to cry.

Essie picked him up and didn't want to make him sad because he was such a loveless boy. "Okay,

Mommy won't go. Later, Mommy will take you to the Children's Park to play on the slide, okay?"

"Okay." Hearing that, Rabi smiled through tears. Turning his head to look at Zac, he said, "Daddy will

go with me."

"Little devil." Zac pinched his little face dotingly.

Leila was very unhappy to be neglected. She was the one who was in charge now, how could she act

like an outsider.

What pissed her off most was that Zac didn't plan to let her go with them. He wanted her to go back

first, as if he was afraid that she would disturb the sweet time of the family.

As soon as she got into the car, she immediately sent a message to Valery, which read, "Essie is back

and she stole your son. Are you going to continue to pretend to be mad at home?"

She never believed that Valery was mad. Her mental quality was so strong that it was beyond the reach

of ordinary people.

In the Children's Park, Essie took Rabi to the children's slide and feed koi fish. The little boy was very


Not far away, a pair of eyes were looking at them secretly. Her eyes were fuming with anger, and her

fists were clenched tightly. While Zac went away and washed the apple for Rabi, Valery rushed over

and hugged Rabi, who was sitting on the seesaw board.

Seeing that, Essie was frightened for a moment. When she saw clearly who the girl was, she ran to

take Rabi back. "Valery, why are you here? Let go of Rabi!"

Rabi was scared of strangers. As soon as he found that somebody was hugging him, he burst into

tears. He wrapped his little hands around the neck of Essie tightly and said, "Mommy, help me!

Mommy, help me!"

"You're my son. I'm your mother. She's my enemy as well as yours. Don't call her mom." Valery roared.

Rabi didn't understand what she meant at all. As a result, he became more afraid by her roar and cried

very loudly.

Seeing that Valery didn't want to let go of Rabi, and that Essie was afraid of hurting her children, she

shouted out to Zac.

Zac was washing apples at the edge of the sink and rushed over like hurricane when hearing Essie's

voice. He grabbed Valery's collar from behind and lifted her up together with the baby. "Let go of him, or

I'll cut your hand."

When Valery heard his cold voice, she kept silent and loosened Rabi's hand in great fear.

Seeing that, Essie hastily took the little boy aside to comfort him.

Zac wanted to slap her several times, but he didn't want to do that when the child was beside him,

because he didn't want to scare him. "Valery, if you can't control yourself and want to do harm to others

again, I will kill you without hesitation."


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