Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 368 Damn It

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"There is no reason for you to like someone. I can't stop loving her. Even after knowing that she is

Zac's wife, I can't force myself not to love her. I'm not going to be in charge of the Rong family in the

future. My wife has nothing to do with anyone else. It has nothing to do with the Rong family. Please

don't stop me. Please! "

Walt was almost begging her. He had always been obedient since childhood and never disobeyed her.

But this time, he seemed not to compromise.

Mary sighed with profound resignation. She didn't want her son to blame her and their relationship had

become stiff. Her existence was just to drive a wedge between Essie and her two sons, in case that

Essie should not sabotage their mother son relationship.

"Let's talk about it later. If you two are destined to be together, I can't interfere." She temporized.

Anyway, it was not settled yet, and she would secretly find a way to stop them. She would not let this

tramp stay in the Rong family.

"Thank you, mommy." Walt was glad to hear that. He thought she had let it go.

In the downstairs, Essie had cooked black fish soup. As soon as Walt went downstairs, he was

attracted by the appetizing smell on the table.

"It smells good. I'm hungry," Said Walt obsequiously, licking his lips like a child.

This black fish that Essie bought was big enough for three of them. She filled three bowls of fish for

them, but Mary just glanced at it indifferently and didn't sit down. "I don't like eating black fish. You eat it


"Mommy, this soup is fresh and delicious than our home-made food. Do you really not want to drink a

little?" Said Walt.

"We have cordon bleu at home. How can she compare with them? The stink of fish is terrible." Mary

covered her nose with the handkerchief as she spoke.

"It's not fishy at all." Said Walt with a smile.

Mary wanted to break the bones with the egg, but just let her do it. Essie didn't want to waste time on

her. Essie picked up the bowl in front of her and poured the soup into the jars. Then she looked at Walt

with a smile. "After you drink up the soup, I'll put some noodles in it and then cook a pot of black fish

soup noodles."

"Okay, I haven't had the noodles with black fish soup." Walt smiled happily. He really hoped that he

could get along with Essie like this every day.

Mary could do nothing but sulk alone. She didn't want to see Essie live happily. Every time she saw her

smile, she felt heartbroken.

"Our family will hold the wedding ceremony very soon. These two days, I am discussing the wedding

date of Zac and Leila with your grandparents. After the wedding date is decided, we will begin to

prepare." Mary said this on purpose to make Essie feel frustrated. Moreover, she had succeeded.

Hearing that, Essie couldn't help but have a heartache.

Although she and Zac had registered, but they never held the wedding ceremony. Now, Zac was going

to walk into the church hand in hand with another woman. When she thought of that scene, her heart

ached as if it was tightly tied by a rope.

However, she did not show it. Her face was calm. She just drank the soup slowly, as if this matter had

nothing to do with her.

Seeing this, Mary was quite unhappy. Essie should be upset about her younger son's marrying. The

more upset she was, the happier Mary was. "Leila is so sensible and considerate. Grandpa and

grandma love her so much. Leila is really well-educated by her family. Their daughter is very well bred,

different from those who grow up in ordinary families. They are so rude and often contradict the elders,

even don't know the most basic etiquette. "

Essie knew that Mary was deliberately provoking her, but she didn't say anything. Whether Leila was

fine or not had nothing to do with her, the ex-daughter-in-law.

Walt certainly knew what his mommy meant. She had promised him well just now, but now she was

sitting here with sarcasm. It seemed that his mommy was really at the change of life. Being moody, she

needed to find a doctor.

"Mommy, the dinner time is almost up. You'd better go back if you don't want to stay. Don't miss the

dinner time." He gave the order to leave.

Mary's face turned pale. Walt, who got along well with her, even looked down upon her for the sake of

that tramp. Although she had pretended not to stop them from seeing each other, she was pissed off

when she saw the little tramp's face that was very similar to that of Luce. She could not control her

emotions. She just wanted to give her a head-on blow and let her know how awesome she was.

"Walt, let me put the noodles in it and then cook for a while." Said Essie.

"Let me take out the crockery for you. Don't get hot." Said Walt, standing up.

"No, don't push so hard, or the wound will crack again." Essie said with concern.

"Don't worry. It's not a big deal." Walt smiled and took the crockery into the kitchen. He wished his

wound hadn't healed so that he could see her often and didn't need to make an excuse.

Walt and Essie walked into the kitchen together. Mary was so angry that she almost couldn't keep her

mouth shut.

Essie must be a coquette. She seduced one of her sons and then another. She asked them to obey

and leave their mommy behind, and even set themselves against her. Mary couldn't just stand by and

watch her scheme succeed. Never.

When they came out of the kitchen, they saw that Mary was still in the kitchen. Seeing this, Walt

frowned slightly, as if she was just a third wheel in their way.

"Mommy, anything else?"

Mary rolled her eyes at him. "I always thought you were my sweet son. I didn't expect you to be as

meek as Zac." Ever since Essie came, she had to make an appointment to see her younger son. Now

that this tramp came to make trouble in her eldest son's apartment, did she have to make an

appointment to see her eldest son too?

"Mommy, I'm worried that you may miss the time to have dinner. We can't eat noodles with your

accompany." Walt explained with a smile.

His words sounded reasonable. Although Mary's face softened a little, she still didn't want to leave. She

wanted to wait for Essie to leave with her. Then she would warn her.

Essie had already seen through the woman's intention, and it was clear that the woman who wanted to

pick a fight with her wouldn't be able to get away with it.

After she finished the noodles, she washed the soup can and bowls. Then she took the handkerchief

on the sofa and said, "Walt, I'm going home now. I'll come back to change the medicine for you


He wanted to stay here longer with her, but his mother insisted to be with them. "Did you bring any

bodyguards?" he asked helplessly. Now her safety was the most important thing.

"They are waiting for me downstairs. Don't worry." Essie smiled and walked out of the room.

Seeing this, Mary picked up her bag too.

What she had done was totally a lie. It was obvious that Mary did it on purpose. She lied to Walt by

saying that she would not stop their dates.

When Essie was waiting for the elevator, Mary came close to her and said, "you're really good at

seducing men. You have hooked up with my eldest son after getting divorced with my young son."

"You think too much. I only take Zac as my brother. He got hurt because of me. The servant has asked

for leave. It's my responsibility to take care of him." Essie replied coldly.

Mary was shocked. She couldn't believe that it was because of her that Walt's back was injured. Essie

was really a scourge! Not long ago, the youngest son was shot for her, and he almost lost his life. Now,

the eldest son was injured for her. What charm did she have to make them fight for her.

"You have divorced with Zac. Can't you stay away from the Rong family?" Mary almost roared. How

she wished she could slap the God of plague to death.

Essie sneered. "I'll repeat myself again. I only take Walt as my brother. If you insist on twisting the

facts, it only means that you're too filthy to stand pure relationship."

Pure? ha-ha!

Mary sneered. Walt had already told her frankly that he liked her and wanted to chase her. What kind of

pure relationship could there be between them? It was obvious that Essie was not happy being kicked

by Zac, so she came up with the idea of taking advantage of Walt to take revenge on Zac and alienate

their brotherhood, so that they could hurt each other.

She is a shameless bitch. There is nothing she can't do.

"No matter who you are, I don't allow you to keep in touch with Walt. You'd better stay away from him

and Zac. Don't harass them like a seductress. Tomorrow I will personally come and change medicine

for Walt. You are not allowed to come here again. Get out of here as far as you can. " She ferociously

said that since she was no longer her daughter-in-law, she had no need to be polite to her.

Hardly had her voice faded away, she heard an angry voice behind her, "you've gone too far!"

She jerked violently and turned around. It was Walt who stood behind her and heard clearly what she

and Essie said to each other.

With knitted brows, Walt stood out on his forehead, and his face was full of anger. He was worried that

Mary would say something bad to Essie, so he followed her quietly. And he was right.

"Walt..." Mary was dumbfounded for a moment when her tongue tied.

When the elevator opened, Essie took a glance at Walt and said, "I should go now, Walt." Then she

walked into the elevator, and without waiting for Mary. She directly pressed the close button.

"Is this what you have promised me? You really disappoint me! " He growled, turned around and

walked towards the door.

"Walt!" Mary followed her promptly, but the door slammed shut and shut her out. In a panic, Mary took

out the key and opened the door. Then she saw that Walt took out a can of frozen beer from the

refrigerator and drank it quickly to vent his anger.

"Walt, I did it for your own good. This woman is not suitable for you." Mary explained.

"The women with whom you are satisfied is suitable for me, is she?" Walt tightened his fingers, and the

cans of beer began to contort. It took him a lot of time to wait for this opportunity, but he had not even

started to date with Essie, yet Mary popped out to destroy it, which is so horrible!

"You are the eldest grandson of our family. That woman had married to Zac. What's more, she even

had two children with another man. How could she match you?" Mary could not control herself



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