Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 314 Admit Mistakes

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A spasm ran over Zac's handsome face. At this moment, in addition to extreme depression, his heart

was full of despair, which almost devoured him. Her eyes, expression and tone told him without any

disguise that she didn't believe him at all. She believed that he had an affair with Leila and sentenced

him to death!

He couldn't clean the dirty water. The more he washed it, the dirtier it became.

He held his head, breathed heavily and sighed heavily, "tell me, how can I prove it so that you can

believe me?"

Essie sneered and said, "do you know why I haven't deleted these photos and kept them completely?

Because I have to take them out every day to have a look and remind myself not to have any hope for

you anymore."

The blood on Zac's face instantly faded, as white as a piece of paper. You can think as you like. I have

a clear conscience. " He stood up and walked out slowly. His back was depressed and bleak, like an

injured beast, trying to find a place to heal quietly.

Essie swallowed a touch of extreme bitterness in her throat. It might be the best ending to end like this.

As soon as Zac returned to the villa, he shut himself in the room. His heart was very painful, and the

pain was about to burst and break. He urgently needed alcohol anesthesia.

He didn't know how much he had drunk, but the heartache wasn't relieved, it was more acute.

What kind of wine was this?

He angrily grabbed the bottle and smashed it against the wall. With a loud bang, the bottle was

smashed, and brown liquid splashed everywhere, causing the room to smell of wine.

"Drink to drown your sorrows and you may be more sad." A low voice came from the door.

Zac turned around and saw the evil face. He frowned slightly and said, "how did you get in?"

"Of course I walked in." Jim shrugged. He was one of the guests that Ann could open the door and

invite in without informing.

"When did you come back to Dragon City?" Zac asked in a low voice, a little drunk in his eyes.

"Morning." Jim raised the corner of his mouth and said, "I was looking for you to drink, but I didn't

expect you to drink by yourself."

"I'm not drunk. I can still drink." Zac snorted.

"If you want to drink, you can also drink downstairs. There is no way to stay here." Jim said, turned

around and walked out, followed by Zac.

After sitting at the bar counter, he poured a glass of ice water to Zac, "judging from your situation, you

are likely to have a quarrel with beauty Essie. She has been back for so long, and you haven't made


"You are right. Women's hearts are hard to know." Zac smiled bitterly.

"Aren't you watching with your heart? How could you not understand it until today? " Jim smiled. Zac's

black eyes narrowed and his face was full of anger. "Are you satirizing me?"

"I dare not." Jim spread out his hands. He came to drink, not to touch the tiger's butt.

Zac snorted, picked up the glass and took a sip of ice water. He was very upset now. He didn't mind if

Jim wanted to be a target.

Jim put his arm around Zac's shoulder and said, "a shallow woman is just a cup of drink. You can know

what the taste is at the first sip; a woman with connotation is a cup of good tea. You should drink slowly

and taste slowly to know her real taste."

"Have you made too many literary films recently?" Zac glanced at him, gave him the whisky in the wine

cabinet and asked him to pour it himself.

He poured half a glass, added a few ice cubes, shook it and took a sip. "I hate to shoot literature

movies the most. It's so boring."

"If you don't take a kissing scene and bed scenes, it's really not suitable for you." Zac joked and poured

some wine and ice to drink with him. Jim narrowed his enchanting peach blossom eyes and said, "by

the way, has beauty Essie cured your hidden disease?"

Zac took a sip of wine and remained silent. It didn't matter whether she could cure him or not. Anyway,

he only wanted her to be his woman and was only interested in her.

"If it's not good, get her back. If it's good, try..." Before he finished his words, he was interrupted by Zac.

He understood what he meant, but it was impossible. "I don't know who impatiently splashed my dirty

water and couldn't argue in front of that muddled fool. Please give me some more useful suggestions."

"Then tell me what kind of dirty water you were poured and let me see if I can wash it off." Jim touched

his chin.

Zac told him about the photos. Jim shook his head and sighed, "it's over. You can't clean it up. There's

no way you can do it."

A bit of rage passed through the cold face of Zac. "Jim, if you want to hit a rock in the hole again, get

out of here and leave me alone."

"All right. Let's get down to business." Jim quickly closed his mouth and stopped teasing, in case

someone couldn't help but take him as a sandbag. He took a sip of the wine and said slowly, "I haven't

really stimulated you. The dirty water is really hard to wash away."

"I just take Leila as a friend. She was injured because of saving Rabi. I want her to get better soon.

That's all." Zac took a sip of wine in distress.

"You only treat Leila as a friend now, but does Leila treat you as a friend?" Jim asked.

"She is also very clear that we have no result and can only be friends for the rest of our lives." Zac said


"I don't think so. She is obviously unforgettable to you. Everyone can see that Essie is no exception. In

the past three years since she left, you have had a lot of contact with Leila. You should say that you are

just simple friends. Not only Essie doesn't believe it, but also many people don't believe it. " Jim raised

his eyebrows.

"Damn it!" Zac hit the bar counter with a depressed fist. He always did what he wanted and never cared

about what others thought. But now, he cared about what Essie thought. He had always hated to

explain and never explained to anyone. Now he was tired of explaining to her again and again. It was

hateful that she didn't believe him at all.

Jim patted him on the shoulder and said, "don't be discouraged. It's useless to explain. You can show


"How?" Zac's dark eyes lit up slightly.

"Cut off the relationship with Leila. As long as you don't contact her in the future, Essie will be relieved."

Jim said.

"Nonsense." Zac frowned, and his eyes returned to the dark color.

"Are you still in love with Leila?" Jim was slightly surprised.

"These are two different things. In a word, I won't cut the relationship with Leila." Zac's voice became

extremely low. The relationship between him and Leila was not as simple as Jim thought. There were

some things that no one knew except them, including Jim.

"Take it as if I didn't say anything. You can figure it out yourself." Jim sighed, "but I have to remind you

that women are emotional animals and will do impulsive things when they are angry. Don't delay the

misunderstanding for too long, and then you will regret it."

The corner of Zac's mouth twitched violently, and he felt a little uneasy. Muddled fool is indeed an

impulsive woman. At that time, Hanson hurt her, and when she was drunk, she married him. Now,

would she repeat the history?

Leila could finally accept eye surgery. Zac felt as if he had relieved a heavy burden. Tonight was the

new product launch of Summer 100 Degree. He decided to admit "mistakes" to Essie in public and ask

for her forgiveness.

Essie specially designed a new series for the new product launch, which could be regarded as her

return work when she was back home.

Tonight, she was wearing a floral dress, curly shawl, long hair and charming little smoke, shining all

over the place, very beautiful.

Zac, who was watching the models and clothes on the stage, kept his eyes on her not far away, but she

didn't look at him or take a glance at him. Her attention was all on the T stage and Hanson beside her,

and Zac seemed to be just a mass of invisible air, or an insignificant stranger.

The end of the press conference was the return work of Essie. After the model showed, she came out

from the backstage.

There was a big round of applause.

She began to make a speech. At this time, Zac stood up and quietly went around the backstage. He

was going to go out to apologize to her after her speech. However, he didn't expect that he was a little

late. Someone had walked into the T stage from the other side of the backstage.

This person was Hanson, who also planned a surprise program for Essie.

Holding the roses, he walked to Essie and knelt down on one leg. "Essie, I love you. Marry me!" This

should be the third time that he asked Essie to marry him. For the first time, Essie refused. For the

second time, she agreed, but was destroyed by Zac. This time, he must hold the beauty back.

"Hanson!" Essie was surprised. She didn't expect that he would propose to her formally.

The crowd below the stage began to cheer, "get married, get married..."

These sounds were heard by Zac and they were like firecrackers which made his eardrum hurt. This

was the second time that he was late. The first time was three years ago, when he arrived at the

hospital with the paternity test and wanted to retrieve their marriage, she had left. This time, he fell

behind Hanson, but he could not watch her being taken away.

Just as her lips moved and were about to speak, he rushed out and recklessly held her in his arms.

"Don't marry him. It's my fault to be muddled. This time it's all my fault. I should keep a distance from

Leila and avoid suspicion. I was confused and did a very stupid thing. But Leila and I really have

nothing to do with each other except friends. I will pay attention to it in the future and never make such

a mistake again. Please forgive me once, OK? "

It was the first time for the arrogant and unruly young master to bow to others and admit his fault in

public. Unfortunately, the resentment in Essie's heart was not relieved at all.

She broke his hand and got out of his arms. "Young master Rong, we are over." Her expression was as

cold as ice, as if the person standing in front of her was just a passer-by.

"Why don't you believe me once?" Zac grabbed her shoulder. He had put down his dignity and

admitted his mistake to her. What else could he do?


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